Tuesday, June 26, 2007

~Scenes From My Day~

Good morning! Thank you *so* much for your notes of congratulations and blessings for our 13th wedding anniversary! Reading through them made my day extra special and I am very thankful for the friends I have made here in blogland!

The girls and Benjamin were at Vacation Bible School in the morning so I got to do some of my favorite things around the house....

I brought in some herbs and flowers from the garden and had a cup of Bigelow's Caramel Vanilla tea.

Lemon balm, Asparagus Fern and "Purple Pom-Poms." (We can't remember the actually name!)

Writing a letter to a friend...

Sometimes it pays not to weed! This Sunflower grew from winter birdseed that didn't get cleaned up.

Freshly washed bedsheets...

Banana Crumb Muffins hot from the oven.

Thank you for looking at the scenes from my day!


Cheryl said...

Ok missy...hand over that muffin and no one gets hurt~

Susie said...

Thanks for sharing the parts of your day. I so enjoy posts like this.
Our birds "gifted" us with sunflowers too. I don't mind a bit..

Just Mom said...

I like your days. Very peaceful. Can we switch just for a couple of hours?

Anonymous said...

After VBS is over your day won't be so calm, enjoy every moment you can. Take care!!

Carole Burant said...

We have sunflowers growing all over the place due to the squirrel or birds dropping them everywhere:-) Ours don't bloom until late July though! I so enjoyed looking at all your photos...those banana muffins made me realize I haven't eaten yet today!! lol xoxo

Christine said...

Your muffins look scrumptious. I am glad that you have some time in the morning (this week) to enjoy by yourself.Your sunflowers are gorgeous. Blessings!

Creative Life Studio said...

Oh, I love the dollies on the bed!

It looks like you had a peaceful, wonderful morning. :)

Anonymous said...

What a great way to spend a few hours. Your home just cries coziness in all you do. I love it here.

Amber said...

Looks like you had a very productive day. The muffins look great!

Jennifer said...

yummm... that muffin looks so delicious!

oh I love the sunflower, beautiful! and what a wonderful surprise. I never get that kind of surprise from my weeds :o)

Anita said...

Kelli, I especially like the dolls on the bed. They are looking like antikes ones....


Lulu said...

oh what lovely things..Muffins look delich!I liked reading about your day..

Sharon said...

You had a very good what I call ME DAY...A day just for you to do all your favorite things and we all need one now and then.

Susan said...

Thanks for showing us. As always feast for the eyes.

Jodi said...

Oh, I enjoy these everyday posts. Caramel Vanilla tea and a banana crumb muffin - yummy! And don't you just love the optimism of a sunflower? :o)

Gena said...

It looks like you had a beautiful and calm day. Thank you for sharing. I needed that!

Tracy said...

What a perfect day! I'm going to try those muffins!

Jenn4Him said...

What a lovely day!

CONNIE W said...

A lovely & peaceful place...can I visit?

Mary L. Briggs said...

I enjoyed your day, Kelli! Happy late anniversary! Those muffins look especially delicious.

Don't you love it when sunflowers come up like that? This is the first year I havent' had any:(

Sharon said...

Sounds like a wonderful day! The muffin looks good. ;-)

Unknown said...

Oh I looked alright! Girlie, You made me so hungry what with those banana crunch muffins! I enjoy these types of posts!~It's like a little window into the world of my new found friends!

Anonymous said...

Ahh, you took me away with you...beautiful and I could almost smell the tea and muffins!

Naturegirl said...

Kelly wishing you a belated ~Happy Anniversary!~
mmmm..those muffins!!
I love herbs and what a great idea to just pop them into a vase to admire indoors!! hugs NG

Heather Anne said...

You had such a lovely and productive morning - good for you!

You are much smarter than I my friend ... why didn't I send the kids to VBS instead of going each day with them? Humph!
Maybe I can find another area VBS ... just kidding!
I printed out your muffin recipe - but just tonight I made banana bread with some really ripe bananas, so I'll have to wait for the next time my kids get sick of bananas before the supply is exausted!

Myrna said...

So peaceful! Moms everywhere look forward to VBS!

dot said...

Kelli, so glad you enjoyed your day. I love the sunflower!

Disney for Boys said...

Beautful pics! The muffins look amazing and I have those same notecards from Target :-) He he we have very similar taste!

I am so happy to hear you had such a wonderful Anniversary with your hubby! May you have many many more blessed years of happiness and fun!!!


Marci said...

I usually have a lot of volunteer sunflowers. I have not noticed any so far this year. I love your little bouquet. I bet it smelled good with the herbs in there.

Janice said...

Love the scenes from your day. The tea setting and vase of herbs is beautiful! I have a huge bush of lemon balm here and I love brushing up against it when I walk by...the air is filled with lemon scent. That muffin sure looks good! :o)

Anonymous said...

aahhh!!! sounds like it was a wonderful day...I loved the pictures.

Anonymous said...

Looks like you had a lovely day!
Hope the rest of your week is just as good!
God bless :)

RPIA said...

Thank you for sharing these photos! A baking day with your daughter is a very special "Golden Moment." Making memories is a good thing...I can smell the warm muffins. lol
Best wishes,
Karen (Jenn4Him's Mom)

Deb said...

Happy 13th Anniversary.
Your "everyday post" is wonderful!

LBP said...

Sounds like my kind of day!

YUM! Muffins!

****** said...

Pretty pictures! I love lemon balm,I don't have any at my new house. I will have to plant some next spring.

Lila Rostenberg said...

Love your sunflower! "Miss Potter" was truly a treat!
Oh, that reminds me...I have clean sheets in the dryer!

Autumn said...

The sunflowers are so pretty, and I can smell the muffins!

Betty said...

Kelli, Happy Belated Anniversary! I haven't been on the computer the last couple of days very much....we've been cleaning carpet and our home has been upside down.....Hope to catch up on blog reading.....thanks for visiting with us and seeing our home...Betty

Lena said...

It looks like you've had a perfectly lovely day today.
My belated congratulations on your wedding anniversary!
Your wedding looks like it was a special day. I love your dress and the invitations were lovely.
I think you've found the key to happiness Kelli.

Lori said...

It looks like you got a lot accomplished while the kids were at VBS. It is also nice just to sit down with a cup of tea and relax.
The muffins looks delicious.

Henny Penny said...

Great scenes AND scents coming from your place! :o)

Sonya said...

Mmmm, the muffins look wonderful! I love all of the things in this post. The flowers from the garden are beautiful and I'll be right over for a cup of that tea!

One Lily said...

I love all your pictures!
So pretty~and those muffins look so good!

Ruth said...

WOW!! What a day to have!! I love the sunflower!!