Thursday, June 01, 2006

Joyful Simplicities for June

What are some of your favorite things about June?

Originally uploaded by pwinn.
~Take a trip down memory lane by catching lighting bugs or fireflies on the lawn at twilight. Prepare a comfy hotel for them in a clear mayonnaise jar with holes punched in the lid and layered with grass (remember?). Be sure to let them fly away home after a brief visit.

~Be on the lookout for a strawberry festival or hold your own. The Victorians called thses homegrown events "Strawberry Regales," and the menu included every strawberry confection imaginable. Turn this into a potluck dessert party and invite friends to bring their favorite strawberry sensation. Indulge!

~Hang a hammock. Lie in it.

~One June weekend, buy a whole watermelon and keep it in the refrigerator for at least a day so that it gets ice-cold. Cut it in large pieces and sit on the porch, back deck or front step eating watermelon with family or friends, spitting out the seeds. Have a contest to see who can shoot the farthest!

~Celebrate the Summer Solstice on June 21 by camping out in the backyard. PItch a tent, bring out the sleeping bags, build a campfire in the grill. Serve hot dogs and S'more's for dessert!

~Treat yourself to the most fetching straw hat you can find.

~Paint your toenails red.

-Ideas taken from Sarah Ban Breathnach's "Simple Abundance"

Originally uploaded by pwinn.

There are lots of excuses to have fun this June! Some that I will be sharing with you are:

~Victorian Ice Cream Social. I have a recipe for making ice cream in a ziplock bag with cream, sugar, favorings, and lots of ice that really does work!

~Strawberry Regale. We can share our favorite strawberry recipes.

~Father's Day. Ideas to celebrate the special Father(s) in your life.

Originally uploaded by pwinn.

What are some of your favorite things about June?


Magistra Mommy said...

One of my favorite things about June is sleeping with the windows open. It's such a wonderful sound to hear the wind as you drift off to sleep. :o)

Anonymous said...

Is that your herb garden? It's pretty.
I can't wait for the ice cream recipe, Jacob would love that. I'm going to go paint my toenails red now... I'm in a very 'June' mood, reading this and sitting next to the open window and the fresh spring rain.

Anonymous said...

Wish I had some red polish too! LOL
I can remember catching lightening bugs when I was a child.
June is my birth month!

Patty said...

the ice cream recipe in a plastic bag sounds interesting. No more children around here to crank the ice cream maker

Kelli said...

Mrs. Wilt,
That is a very nice thing to be able to do! I will have to get my windows open tonight!

Melissa, send some of that rain here. The weatherman promised 3 days of it and we only got some sprinkles. Those are some herbs at the farmer's market. Mine are more messy looking. ;0)

Dot, I will have to find out the exact date so I can send you a card. :0)