Saturday night, I did some cooking and baking in preparation for Sunday. I cooked some ground beef and made cookies. Sunday morning, I put the meat, along with spaghetti sauce into the crockpot and set it on low.
We had a special musical guest visit our church today. His name is Nathan Tasker and he was the 2006 Christian Artist of the year in Australia. He and his wife just moved to Nashville Tennessee this January. I haven't listened to CCM (Christian contemporary music) in a few years (I do listen to older stuff, like Stephen Curtis Chapman, Out of the Grey, Caedman's Call, etc. ) but I will definitely be listening to Nathan's music!
They came over to our house for lunch today, along with our pastor, his four children and a married couple and their 15 month old. This particular couple just moved into a new apartment and their main water pipe broke over the weekend, so no hot water! My friend is 9 months pregnant so I talked her into coming over for a hot shower, I can't imagine having to have a cold one!
There is nothing like rushing home from church to clean the ring around the bathtub (blush!), but luckily we had a 1/2 hour head start before anyone arrived.
I quickly set the table...
...and set out the drinks. I usually make lemonade, iced tea and put out soda, if we have any.
We also had spinach salad, french bread and these No-Bake Chocolate Cookies (which were delicious, Clarice!!)
After dinner mess...
Thank you for looking at my Sunday pictures!
This coming week I'm going to take you on a tour of my spring gardens. I hope you like looking at flowers! :0)
EDITED TO ADD: I don't want to give the impression that *everything* went smoothly yesterday! I overcooked the noodles so they stuck together. I suggested using scissors to cut them apart! (I have actually had to do this before!) Also, I ruined the other dessert I baked, so Phillip ran to the store for ice cream and cones. Of course, the kids didn't mind that. :0) Oh, and that ring around the bathtub...I couldn't get all of it. I have been learning a lot about hospitality from Copperswife. She is doing a wonderful series on the subject right now so be sure to go visit her!
Kelli, you are such a beautiful example of extending hospitality to others in your home. Your guests are certainly very blessed to visit you:)
Kelli, it sounds so inviting, so warm and welcoming. I am sure your guests were very appreciative of your kindness. How nice of you to be so thoughtful of others' needs. :D
Great pictures. Cant wait for the spring tour :)
You've had a busy weekend! Sounds like lots of fun too. Liked your Easter decorations especially the springtime M&Ms - those haven't crossed the Atlantic yet, we just have the ordinary ones. Pity!
Your caring hand of friendship to all - can only inspire others to follow your example.
A wonderful blog with photo's of what can only be described as a paradise in waiting - luv of food you understand.
Thank you for sharing.
Hi Kelli! You are such a great example of hospitality! I cannot wait to see your flowers.Have a blessed day!
Sounds like you had a wonderful weekend...and a wonderful Sunday lunch! I can't wait to see all your beautiful flowers!
What a wonderful gift of hospitality you possess! I know your guests were as blessed to be there as you were to have them! I admire you so very much. You inspire me to do better in this area.
Have a great week!
Kelli you are amazing, you always have visitors and from your pictures you can tell that you're the perfect hostess :)
Hi Clarice! I used butter. We are going to have the rest of the cookies after lunch. :0)
Even though things didn't go as smoothly I am sure they appreciated the hospitality and warmth of your home.
Those no bake cookies look wonderful. Definitely on my list to make next!
I think "real" hospitality never goes off without a hitch. It keeps us on our toes. Did you use another table as well as the one you showed?
Kelli, I am always inspired by your hospitality. Debbie
Heeheehee...your editing at the end made me giggle. It looks like you had a wonderful Sunday to me!
I am looking forward to seeing your gardens over the course of this week. Things around here are just starting to leaf out and I can hardly wait until the roses bloom.
Great post! You expressed perfect gracious hospitality! Your table was beautiful, BTW.
Hi Marci, the 4 children ate out on the patio table. I squeezed 8 adults around the table and then the other couple came a little later and we played musical chairs. LOL
Kelli, I appreciate that you shared the "real life parts" too. LOL. All joking aside, though, you exemplify (sp?) what we should all be. I love your heart. It's evident in all you do. :-)
Kelli, how wonderful that you got to open up your home. I hope you enjoy the rain, my DH and I were so happy when we heard the drops staring to fall.
That's wonderful that you opened your home up to others even when you weren't prepared. That is one that I'm really trying to work on. I have a "the home needs to be perfect before we allow anyone to come over" mentality.
Well, it still sounded wonderful to me Kelli ~ I think you are a wonderful hostess and lovely person to open your home and show such hospitality!
Kelli, you've always impressed me with your hospitality! and I love copper's wife -- such wisdom! :o)
[note: if I was 9 mos. pregnant and getting to take a hot shower instead of cold one -- trust me -- I would not see a ring in the tub! Besides, when I'm 9 mos. pregnant I can't even see my toes!:o)]
What? You're normal just like the rest of us? Well I'll be!!!! teehee! Even with the overcooked noodles and ruined dessert, it does sound like a wonderful meal was had...loved your table sitting too:-) xox
But, all told, the days seems to have been a great success. Sounds like you know a whole lot about hospitality all by your own self! Good for you!
oh kelli, everything looked so beautiful! did i see a printed doiley under your cookies?? where in the world did you find that? i have never seen that before. you sure have an eye for the cutest things. can't wait to see more.
oh kelli, everything looked so beautiful! did i see a printed doiley under your cookies?? where in the world did you find that? i have never seen that before. you sure have an eye for the cutest things. can't wait to see more.
Your table looks wonderful, and I'm certain your guests were quite appreciative of your hospitatlity!
No bake chocolate cookies? You're singing my tune... =)
Kelli - You are a very generous, VERY hospitable lady! I'm sure that your friend appreciated her hot shower very much without noticing anything about a ring in the tub! You set a very good example for others to follow in practicing hospitality! Keeping it "real" is important and makes everyone instantly at ease and comfortable. Sounds as though everyone had a wonderful day!
What a kind and loving heart you show!
Extending the hospitality of your home seems to come quite comfortably for you. Even when everything doesn't turn out perfectly, a good hostess knows how to work around that. You obviously have that gift!
Kelli--Bless your heart about the ring around the tub:) You are just too precious!
P.S. I would have raced home too, to scrub (LOL)
I'll definitely be going to Copperwife to check it out! Thanks for sharing. You are such a wonderful hostess and it sounds like it was wonderful!
By the way, I love the new banner!
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