According to my Mary Engelbreit calendar, March is Umbrella month. I'm not exactly sure what that means. Maybe we can expect lots of rain!
I shared some unique and sometimes silly holidays for the month of February, so here are the ones for March...
March 5~Unique Name Day
March 15~Absolutely Incredible Kid Day
March 20~First Day of Spring!
March 26~Make Up Your Own Holiday Day. This one is my favorite!
Have you heard of this saying?
If March comes in like a lion, it goes out like a lamb,
and if March comes in like a lamb, it goes out like a lion.
The March wind roars
Like a lion in the sky,
And makes us shiver
As he passes by.
When winds are soft,
And the days are warm and clear,
Just like a gentle lamb,
Then spring is here.
-Author Unknown
We have been having some very warm days here in Texas, but the next few nights will get down into the 30's.
Is March coming in like a lion or lamb at your house?
March is definitely coming in like a lion here in southern Indiana. We have very strong, possibly damaging, storms forecast for today between 11-4 in the afternoon. I can't stay here at home, I am taking DH to medical appointment in next town. :( But I'm taking some handsewing and quilt magazines along to help pass the time. Did you know that March 17 is National Quilt Day? I read it on my calendar yesterday.
Have a wonderful day. :)
Hi Kelli,
It's coming in like a lamb here. I hope we're not in for something, since I've decided it should be Spring! LOL
Lion-we have Tornado Watches out this morning (Southern Illinois).
A huge storm just came through and dumped...snow! on our lower peaks.
Can you believe that for this part of CA?? No snow in our town however!
I don't know what the rest of the day will bring, but I know we need the rain.
Spring is on its way though...
March is arriving like a roaring lion here. We've had so much wind in the past week and today they're predicting severe thunderstorms. We've already had several downpours of rain this morning, with tornado watches expected this afternoon.
Like a lamb baby! :) We have a bright beautiful sunny day with an expected high of 85 degrees, but there are thunderstorms forcasted or we would go to the Strawberry Festival here in central Florida. :)
Rabbit, Rabbit, Rabbit! Happy March! We are having a breezy and mellow day here. We're supposed to get T-storms later, but currently it's quite lovely.
Happy March to you too, Kelli! Ut's definitely coming in like a lion here in Ontario, Canada. I just looked out the 8th floor window here at work and I can hardly see anything. Freezing rain and ice pellets mixed with snow, back to rain overnight, then snow again tomorrow!
I'm supposed to be meeting a friend after work tonight. I think I'll reschedule so I can drive home before it gets dark.
March is definitely an umbrella month here in Mississippi! In fact we are supposed to get a lot of rain later today, oh well, happy March!
Definitely a LION! We're supposed to have strong thunderstorms tonight in SW Virginia. I'm a new blogger and really enjoy reading yours.
Hi Kelli:) Happy March to you too:) I just love decorating in green for some reason, it is such a happy color. I am in the process of changing all my calendars for March. I am not sure if March is coming in like a Lion around here--California Weather is not too exciting..(LOL)
Have a wonderful Thursday My friend:)
In like a feisty lamb here. We really and truly need a LOT more rain in our valley and snow in our mountains before the weather warms up, though, so I'm all far March becoming more lionish!
This is my first year to experience a Texas spring, I have been really surprised by the wacky (cold, then hot, then cold) weather. Is it always like this?
A "lion" here in Memphis - Very overcast skies, rain, and occasional high winds...along with a tornado watch. I can't wait for Spring to get here so I can air out this house! :-)
Hiya! Love the incredible kid day and make up your own holiday day in your calendar! Thats pretty neat!! :)
My latest post talks about Holly Hobbie!!!
I blogged about holly hobbie in my latest post!!
A sweet gentle little lamb here. Had sunny skies and 65 beautiful degrees:)
March is coming in like..... a lion. Because we expect snow this evening and ice tomorrow morning. Yishhhhh...
Snow yesterday, beautiful sunshine today...there's no telling what will happen in Colorado!
BTW-My mom refers to Hobby Lobby as Hollie Hobby all the time. Does that count? ;)
We are welcoming March in a downpour!!! An all day kind of down pour! A flash floods and washed out roads kind of down pour!
We're considering pulling the canoe into the driveway .... my husband is going to need some form of transport to work!
Here in sunny Florida it is always a lamb however next week is my last here and I think I am heading for a lion!hugs NG
Hi Kelli,
I just asked the same question on my blog a while Well, March came in like a lion here. I see many signs of spring, though, as things are getting ready to burst open!
I really like that "make your own holiday day"! lol We're supposed to get quite a severe snowstorm coming in overnight so I don't know what I'll wake up to in the morning!! I guess that means March is roaring like a lion...sigh! xox
love this post Kelli!
I'm so sorry I've not been by. For some reason you're posts are not showing up in bloglines. Argh. I love reading your blog and am sorry I've missed a few days! Happy March to you!
Yes Kelli I have heard that saying and it really does seem to ring true!
This weekend we are going to have beautiful weather may get to 80 degrees! I can't wait! I love the feel of the sun on my face and shoulders!
Oh, to be honest, I had a quite busy start into March. And on top of this, our fast internet connection is cut off until the middle of the month. I am currently online with a very very very slow modem! Surfing takes ages!
You are right, we are getting closer to spring now, yippy!!!!
By the way, will you change your blog design and create something more fresh and springlike? (Don't understand me wrong, I admire your winter layout, I just wonder if it would be time for a new look?)
Yep, I would say umbrella month, means a lot of rain! We had a lot of that here in the last couple of days, it freezes at night, too...YUK!
March came here to Scotland like a breath of Spring with daffodils in bloom and snow drops too.
Although yesterday a wee drop of snow and a cold wind and today a gloomy (stay at home) day.
You have a wonderful blog - always entertaining and a joy to read.
Thank you
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