Monday, June 25, 2007

Wedding Anniversary

On June 25, 1994 Phillip and I said "I do" inside a sunken garden in Sioux Falls, South Dakota.

I dug through some boxes last night and found a few things from that special time...

Here is what my wedding dress looked like. I tried on 3 dresses and liked this one the best. A few months later I found this picture in a magazine. It's much easier to show you this way rather than getting the dress down from my closet. Then I would have to admit that I never got it cleaned or preserved and I wouldn't want to do that. ;0)

Our invitation...

I still have our guest book. We had a small (around 40 guests) reception at our future home.

Here we are 13 years ago. We aren't as skinny now but Phillip does have shorter hair. ;0)

We actually celebrated our anniversary this past Friday night. Nana and Papa babysat while Phillip took me to a John Mayer concert. We left the house at 6:00pm and got home at 1:30am. It was worth it though!

Happy Anniversary, Phillip!! I'm looking forward to the next 13 (and many more!) years together!!


One Lily said...

What a beautiful bride and a handsome couple you are!
May you have many, many more years together!

rohanknitter said...


Amanda said...

Happy Anniversary to you two!

... said...

happy anniversary. thanks for sharing part of that day with us.

Anonymous said...

Happy Anniversary you two kids! Isn't it fun to dig around and find the older pictures and momentos? Everything brings back memories.

Have a great day!

Laurie said...

Happy Anniversary ~ may the two of you be blessed with many more!!

Corin said...

Happy anniversary!!! Thank you for sharing! What a cute couple!

Trella said...

Congratulations!! You had a gorgeous dress!! Isn't it fun going through all those things.

Reviekat said...

Congratulations on 13 years of marriage! We hope you have many more happy years together. :)

Christine said...

Congratulations, Kelli! What lovely pictures.

Heather Anne said...

Happy Anniversary Kelli & Phillip! 13 years is quite a milestone - doesn't it feel like just yesterday, though? I pray that the Lord will bless you with many more happy years together!

Anonymous said...

Happy anniversary!!!!!

Open Roads Mama said...

Happy Anniversary!

Dani said...

Happy anniversary! I enjoyed the pictures from your wedding, may there be many more!

Cris said...

Happy anniversary! Just sent out an e-card to you from Dayspring.

Anonymous said...

Happy Anniversary

LadySnow said...

Happy Anniversary!!!! Congratulations...

Kelly said...

Happy Anniversary!

Phillip Winn said...

Wow, how sweet!

Um, it was a Ben Folds / John Mayer concert, thankyouverymuch. :-)

Emily said...

So sweet! Happy Anniversary!


thamily said...

You'd think I'd remember, being as I was there!

Happy Anniversary!

Lori said...

Happy Anniversary.

It was so much fun to see your wedding photos. They were beautiful.

So glad you could get out for a date night with your husband.

Adrienne said...

Happy Anniversary. You were a beautiful bride in a gorgeous dress. May you have many more years together -- it gets better all the time!

charish said...

Oh, how wonderful. Congrates best of luck.

Creative Life Studio said...

Happy Anniversary, Kelli & Phillip. You both look so "dashing" in your photo there! :)

Susie said...

Happy Anniversary!
Your pictures are beautiful :)
May you be blessed with a lifetime of happiness together!

Just Mom said...

Happy Anniversary.

It's funny that your anniversary falls on the 25th of June. Mine is on the 25th of July. (It will be 15 years this year.)

Wishing you all the best in upcoming years.

Cherish the Home said...

:::HAPPY ANNIVERSARY::: to you both!! I wish you many more wonderful years together! (o:


Tracy said...

A very happy anniversary to the Winns!

Amber said...

Happy Anniversary. Sounds like you had a wonderful time at the concert.

RPIA said...

Congratulations to you and Phillip! May the next 37 years be filled with blessings.
Best Wishes,
Karen (aka: Jenn4Him's mom)

Anonymous said...

Blessings on your Anniversary.

Momma Roar said...

Happy Happy Happy Anniversary!!

Carole Burant said...

Happy Anniversary to you and your hubby, dear Kelli!! Such a beautiful bride and groom you two made! Wishing you many, many, many more years of happiness:-) xoxo

Anonymous said...

Happy,happy, happy anniversary to the two of you!!! I'm glad you had such a wonderful outing to celebrate on Friday!

Anonymous said...

hello, first time at your blog...wonderful....happy anniversary. I was reading your archives and will have to continue, say the least.

where in ontario are you from, i'm in northern ont, was in North Bay and now in sault ste marie....

Celina in Canada

Kelley said...

.::HaPpY AnNiVeRsArY ::.
Thank you for sharing your sweet pictures!

Lynne said...

Happy Anniversary Kelli and Phillip-what a hamdsome couple the two of you are!
Ooooh John Mayer-I wish I could have been there.

Gena said...


Happy, happy anniversary! Your wedding pictures are just beautiful.


dot said...

Happy Anniversary Kelli & Phillip!

Janice said...

Happy Anniversary!! What wonderful memories you shared along with the photos. What an adorable couple you are! Blessings for many many more happy years together!

Autumn said...

Happy Anniversary! I think that your dress is very pretty, and you haven't changed a bit!

Jodi said...

Happy Anniversary ~ may the Lord bless you with many more happy years! :o)

smilnsigh said...

Happy Anniversary!

I'm so glad I came here to read, this evening. :-)


Sharon said...

Happy Anniversary to you Kelli & Phillip! May you have many more years together!

Cheryl said...

Newlyweds compared to me & mine~

theups said...

Happy, happy anniversary!!! Both of you looked soo happy and handsome!!!!

Thank you for allowing us to share in your special day!

Mrs. U

HsKubes said...

Happy Anniversary!

~ Christina

Susan said...

Beautiful dress and bride and an outdoor wedding. Neat.

CONNIE W said...

Many Happy Wishes for your anniversary!

Unknown said...

Oh Kelli, the dress is beautiful! and those invitations are gorgeous as well!

Happy Anniversary (even tho I'm a tad late!)

Kelli said...

Celina, thank you for stopping by! I grew up about 4 hours east of Toronto, in Trenton and Kingston. Very small towns. :0)


Julieann said...

Oh Kelli!!! Thank you for sharing such a special day with all of us. Happy Anniversary my friend:)


Anita said...

Oh, how sweet! Congratulations on your wedding anniversary and all my best wishes for many many happy years that will follow!

XoX, Anita

Henny Penny said...

LOVELY! Happy Anniversary! :o)

Sheri said...

Happy Anniversary Kelli!!!

Sonya said...

Love the pictures! You look so young in your wedding photo. Happy Anniversary and I hope the next 13 years are as happy as the first 13!

Marci said...

Happy Anniversary Kelli and Phillip. May the Lord bless you with many more years!!!

Amy said...

Happy anniversary, y'all!
I've always wanted a garden wedding just like yours.

Jenn4Him said...

Happy Anniversary, Kelli and Phillip! I am in the same boat. I didn't preserve my gown either. It's in a space bag, you know the as seen on TV ones! We'll see how it turns out.

Myrna said...

Happy Anniversary!

Your dress is beautiful and the garden setting is lovely--and what a nice-looking couple.

We will celebrate thirty-eight years this Thursday! Seems like yesterday--sometimes!

Becky said...

Thank you for sharing your photos with us. Congratulations to both of you, and may you be blessed with many more years together.