"Wash on Monday,
Iron on Tuesday,
Mend on Wednesday,
Churn on Thursday,
Clean on Friday,
Bake on Saturday,
Rest on Sunday."
It's the beginning of a new week! The girls and Benjamin are busy with their math and handwriting, then they are having a friend over over for a visit. I started organizing our books yesterday, so I'm hoping to make some more progress this afternoon.
It's going to be 104F degrees today! I thought I would bring some flowers inside to enjoy.
Here is one way we are keeping cool. Drinking lots of Celestial Seasonings Raspberry Zinger Iced Tea.
This delightful blend of sweet raspberries and tangy hibiscus captures the taste of warm sumer mornings and bring back memories of berry-picking adventures that produced bushels of fruit and red-stained little fingers.
Found on the side of tea box.
Is it going to be hot at your house today?
It was actually a beautiful weekend, after some heat and heavy rain. Today it seems muggy. That Raspberry Zinger tea looks yummy. My favorite is Red Zinger! Although...I haven't had it in a long time. I wonder if they still make it?
yes it is a scorcher! I am off to make some sun tea!!
Yes out here in Arizona the mercury is rising high. In my town it is suppose to get to 115. God Bless.
It is hot! hot! hot! We are experiencing almost records highs her in Tennessee. We will be iced sweet tea today!
another hot one here in colorado, but not as hot as there. i'm thinking i'm ready to be done with the hot stuff. bring on the cooler air and the leaves turning colors.
101....and 104 here on Thursday. It is sooooo hot. I had to finish painting Madison's dresser this morning and I broke a sweat right away. We are staying inside this week. I loved the Laura Ingel's quote...I loved those books.
Yes, hot here too - although not 104!!! Still, a good day to work on projects inside! (and drink iced tea)
Hey, there! I'm a Texas girl. I'm a designer/blogger for a newspaper in Tennessee now, but I grew up a Texan in Beaumont -- near Houston.
Glad I found you!
Finally, we are getting a bit of a BREAK here! The last week or so has been 95 with 100% humidity...so that is the WORST. But now it is just as hot with NO humidity and we are loving it!
As for the plans for this week...my only plan involves several bottles of Aloe Vera and the game "Don't let anything touch your back". 'Nough said.
Stay cool!
Only in the 80's. We here in north central WV are blessed with pleasant temperatures most of the summer.
Yes it is hot hot hot here and we are spending most of the day inside... we go out early in the morning to get done what needs to be done then under the air conditioning with a nice glass of tea the rest of the day
Oh is it hot...although cooler than it has been. Living in the south a person comes to realize that hot is truly hot when you mix in some humidity.
That tea sounds delicious!
Yes, very very hot. Since moving to a tropical climate, I'm amazed at how much hotter it is. At 7am it's as warm as it is at 10 or later anywhere else I've ever lived. Which have all been hot places.
Oh my Kelli, I very much enjoyed the photos of your trip on Saturday. I wish I had been with you at that antique shop! Can't wait to admire your new treasures!
But most of all, I absolutely ADORE Grace's prairie girl outfit! She lookes absolutely gorgeous, I especially admire that little head cloth! She reminds me a lot of the girls staring at "Little House on the Prairie"! I loved that series when I was younger (well, and I am sure I will love it even more nowadays!) Give my special regards to her today!
104 °F??? Oh my, poor you! Over here, it was raining on Saturday morning and the rest of the week-end was like today with temperatures around 70 °F.
COOL wishes from Germany, Anita
Hot, hot, hot, and it just won't stop!
My grandmother used to follow a pattern very similar to this one, except I think she must have baked everyday (something sweet for my grandpa).
I've tried the Raspberry Zinger hot, but not iced. Hmmmm, I wonder why I didn't think of that! Thank you, Kelli!
Stay cool ;0)
It is near 100 degrees here, too, with plenty of humidity to add to the temps. A great day for some sweet iced tea! :)
Yes, it is very hot here in the midwest--99 degrees today and supposed to be hot all week. I see lemonade in our near future!!
Hi Kellie, I had one last chance to pop over here to say hello to you before we leave for vacation.
The weather here in Southwestern PA is rather pleasant today...love 80's. We had been experiencing 90's with a lot of humidity...thankfully that is gone.
The tea sounds great...I love those boxes and their delightful sayings!
BTW, I did one last post on my blog before our trip...you can see the picture I wanted to post for Show and Tell Friday but couldn't because of my internet problems.
Take care and God bless you and your lovely family!
~* Kim *!
Oh Kelli, I'm sorry...I added and "e" to your name!!!
Way too many typos in my post...I think I really do need a vacation!
I meant "low" 80's though I do love the 80's.
We're having a break from the heat today which is so welcome. I can actually turn my oven on!
I learned the "Wash on Monday" saying from my grandmother. That's exactly how she organized her weekly work.
Very close to 100 here today. I'm looking forward to fall weather.
Hee hee... when I pulled up your blog and started to scroll down, I must have done it too fast. This line from your blog... "I'm hoping to make some more progress this afternoon." Was repeated like 10 times with spaces in between. I thought maybe you had to write it 100 times on the board. =)
We're not at 104, but we're hot and muggy. *sigh*
Autumn won't be here for us until October, but I'm already longing for those cooler days (which for us means back down to the 80's)!
Hello from across our very hot city!! We have our pitcher full of Raspberry tea as well. We walked home from the birthday party today - about a 5 minute walk and we all thought we would melt. How are you organizing your books?
Happy Monday Kelli!!! I loved your daughters bonnet from previous post. My daughter loves wearing hers and her prairie clothes too!!! Hmmm Just too sweet!!
It's 90º here at 2:30. It will get a bit warmer. Feels nice though...
Love that flavor ice tea.
I have a set of tea towels with those same sayings on them (wash on Monday, etc) They were my Grandma's when she was a bride :)
NO! Today we are having a cool spell. It's only 92!!! well, that's cooler than 104!
Sweet tea, lemonade, ice water, all help us make it through this heat. I've never tried raspberry zinger, I'll pick some up next trip to the grocery.
We are having beautiful days in the upper 70's, low 80's so it's perfect:-) I don't know how you guys can stand it with the 100+ heat all the time...ugh! I so enjoyed seeing all the photos on yesterday's post...what a lovely way to spend a Saturday:-) xox
Yes! The children have actually taken to swimming first thing in the morning because the water is so warm it feels like a giant bathtub after about noon. Your Raspberry Zinger Tea sounds refreshing!
Hi Kelli,
I've passed along the 'Nice Matters' blog award to you. Come to my blog for details.
It sure is hot here...it keeps popping up to 104 degrees! I sure would love a cup of that scrumptious looking tea!
VERY hot. But we have air conditioning and we are thankful.
Also, I wrote your name in buttons on my site. If you're interested you may want to play too.
We're still hitting in the upper 90s. It's so hot and that raspberry tea sounds wonderful. I need to get some of that.
Stay cool! That weather just left us and now on the news they said it is headed back our way! UGH!
It sure has been hot here in KY, too. Right around 100 every day. The iced tea sounds fabulous!
You make everything look refreshing, though. I love the posies in the pitcher!
I so hope you didn't melt today!
It's been really hot here too, today was 113 here in Arizona. Scorcher indeed.
That iced tea looks delicious, will have to try it :)
Kelli--this is too funny--I posted something about Laura Ingalls too.
Stay cool my friend!!
We had a comfortable 76 here. Haven't really had much of a summer here, far as heat and sun. I wish that we could combine a little of here with a little bit of there. Now, that would be perfect. Am I picky or what!?
Stay cool and enjoy your yummy zinger!
That tea sure looks good! :o) Our fall weather has started already, as in very crisp cool mornings and nights, with hot afternoons. A few leaves are drying and drifting off the trees to the ground. Very early stages of autumn....LOVE IT!
It's raining at our house today and a touch of autumn in the air already. Your jug of flowers is so pretty and that Raspberry Zinger tea looks good - might bring some back from my US visit next month:) I always leave UK with a half empty suitcase and come back with it brimming with good things that I can't get over here.
That iced tea looks really good.
Not as hot as it has been! Phew! Raspberry Zinger is my favorite! :o)
There's a MeMe thing on my site for ya! Please don't feel obligated to participate. Just know that you were thought of.
Kelli - I just found your blog through Chrissy's wonderful "Mother Moments" site, and I'm having a wonderful time here! Seeing your header with the word "relax" on it instantly made me a fan, LOL! I can use that reminder all the time, haha! What a scorcher you guys had yesterday, yikes! We're up here in PA and it's not too bad out today (yet).
P.S. Also a fan of Celestial Seasonings. ;) Raspberry Zinger is one of my husband's favorites (we make homemade sweet tea with it instead of regular tea bags) and I love the cherry!
It is SO hot here. Still. Also, no rain.
Your tea looks delicious.
Thanks for the comments. I dont usually get to comment a whole lot lately but I do read evryones blogs, especially yours :)
Come to my blog later to see what I did with everyones names. Not quite ready yet but will post very soon :)
Oh, you're poor momma! How do you like living in Texas?
I just posted "30 things about SouthernBell." You may find some of them funny. http://blogs.knoxnews.com/knx/southern/
Hey, Kelli! I've left you an award at my blog! Do stop over an pick it up. :)
That is awful heat...so glad you can stay cool inside!! Here in MA it is 75 degrees mid-august, definitely not normal, but like a wonderful gift. However, 104 is just unbearale, you poor folks in TX!!
Today's a cooler day, with a high of 90 ~~ it feels like we've hit winter since we've been having the 105 degree days as well!
Yum, that tea looks delicious. I'll have to go check it out sometime.
upper 70's here in the Northwest. Youch!!! You guy's are cookin' over there. keep cool and drink lots. I just love your blog. It is creative and sweet!!!
its over 100 degrees in Atlanta..new to your blog and I love it!
Oh my, I do hope your heat breaks soon. Here, we've been very lucky in that we've not even had as much heat/humidity as is usual.
And now, it's very like late Summer...Early Autumn. And I wrote about this, today...
Good luck with your new school year. WE will be starting school here in about 1 week.
Your raspberry iced tea looks so yummy. It makes me want to go and make myself soe tea. MMNNN
I love your china in the the background. It looks as if it is displayed on some sort of stand. If so, may I ask where you got them? I have been looking for something to display my cups and saucers, but to no avail.
Oh, I am with you there, Kelli. We went to the beach this past weekend and had to leave earlier than planned due to the heat. Hopefully one of these days I'll get to drop by and have some of that yummy looking tea with you!
Shame on me Kelli! I am a week late! I have that tea!!! My hubby got me 3 boxes of Celestial Seasonings tea in the US for me!!! One of them is called Fruit Sampler, 5 herb teas!
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