Monday, December 17, 2007

Christmas Tour of Homes!

Welcome to Boomama's Christmas Tour of Homes! The kettle is on and there are cookies in the oven, so make yourself at home!

Ice Skates
These ice skates are from my childhood. I tucked in some greenery and pinecones and hung them on my front door.'s cold out here, let me show you around inside.

My entryway wreath banner spells out "snow" in glittery letters. Tiny snowflakes are tucked into the greenery on the table.

There are even sparkly snowflakes hanging from the ceiling!

This is the view while sitting on my living room couch. Candlelight makes it nice and cozy.

Christmas Tree
We have a real tree this year with white lights, gold ribbon, special ornaments and candy canes. A fun train goes around and around.

The stockings are hung by the chimney with care.

A small Christmas tree sits by the woodpile and two velveteen rabbits relax in the rocker.

Let's make our way into the kitchen...

A poinsettia and candy canes cheer up my baking corner.

My kitchen hutch is also decorated for Christmas.

Candles, bells and even a tiny Christmas tree in a teacup.

Oranges, nuts and homemade Christmas jam.

Are you hungry yet?

How do soft peanut butter cookies with chocolaty centers sound? Help yourself and here is the recipe, so you can make some for your family:

Peanut Butter Blossoms
48 Hershey's Kisses
1/2 cup butter
3/4 cup creamy peanut butter
1/3 cup granulated sugar
1/3 cup packed light brown sugar
1 egg
2 tablespoons milk
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
1-1/2 cups all-purpose flour
1 teaspoon baking soda
1/2 teaspoon salt
Granulated sugar

1. Heat oven to 375°F. Remove wrappers from chocolates.
2. Beat butter and peanut butter in large bowl until well blended. Add 1/3 cup granulated sugar and brown sugar; beat until fluffy. Add egg, milk and vanilla; beat well. Stir together flour, baking soda and salt; gradually beat into peanut butter mixture.
3. Shape dough into 1-inch balls. Roll in granulated sugar; place on ungreased cookie sheet.
4. Bake 8 to 10 minutes or until lightly browned. Immediately press a chocolate into center of each cookie; cookie will crack around edges. Remove from cookie sheet to wire rack. Cool completely.

Cookies and Milk
I will be sharing more Christmas recipes this week, so be sure to come back for another visit!

A big thank you to Boomama for hosting this fun event. She has all the details if you would like to participate and see the other homes. Have fun and thank you for coming over!


Anonymous said...

Beautiful Kelli. I love the view from your couch. Absolutely inspiring. Your tree is incredible.

And ... have I told you this before ... I think we have the same china cabinet. Mine is in my dining room but I am certain it is the same as yours in your kitchen.

And those peanut butter kiss cookies are our ALL TIME TRADITION in this house. We would never think of having Christmas without them on Christmas Eve.

Santa has always been partial to them as well.

Thanks for the visit and the treat. Have a wonderful week.

dot said...

Kelli, things are looking good at your house! Oh those cookies!! Yum Yum.

Quinne said...

Hi Kelli :) What lovely pictures! I love the "celebration of snow" with your banner and the snowflakes, and your tree is so pretty. Love, Q

Btw - I can smell the peanut butter in those cookies from here! Yum and double yum ;)

blessedmomof3 said...

Hi Kelli! I always love visiting your blog. I enjoy seeing all your gorgeous Christmas decorations. I can tell you really put all your heart into your decorating. I'd love to be able to make my house look all Christmasy like that.


Disney for Boys said...

Your home is just breathtakingly beautiful as always!! You have such a gift!!! Thanks you for sharing your home with us everyday!!!

May you have a blessed and Merry Christmas!

Joyful Days said...

Everything is so very lovely, but I think the skates stole my heart. How sweet.

Anonymous said...

Merry Christmas! You have some awesome decorations-snowflakes hanging from the ceiling-well that is too cool!

Southern Heart said...

Kelli, your home is so warm and inviting, and all of your decorations are wonderful. I especially loved those skates...and appreciate the recipe! Yum!

Merry Christmas,


JoAnn said...

The view from your living room couch looks like a magazine photo! Absolutely gorgeous, amazing, and CLEAN! Wow!

P.S. Can you come over and decorate my house? On your dime? : )

Lisa said...

Your living room looks so beautiful, and I love the snowflakes hanging from the ceiling!

Kelly said...

Your house looks so pretty! Love all the natural elements, like fruit and nuts!
merry Christmas!

wanderlustandpixiedust said...

You have a beautiful home! I'm supposed to be in bed already but you made me hungry. Now I'm going to be week, wake up the dogs and fix me a snack. Thanks for sharing your lovely home!

Kim said...

Your home is lovely. Thanks for letting me stop by!

Celly B said...

I love the ice skates on your front door! What a creative idea!

Dawn-Enigma Artist said...

Beautiful home! I love the little tree in the teacup, but everything is decorated so nice!

Unknown said...

Beautiful -- thanks for sharing!

Unknown said...

What a beautiful and welcoming home. The ice skates are perfect, and I can smell those cookies from here in N Ireland.

Merry Christmas to you and yours.

Reginas Cottage said...

Hello Kelli,your home looks so festive and all your decorationen are
so beautiful,and thanks for the recipe.Your tags in another post are
so wonderful,it's a graet idea.
Have a wonderful week

Jodi said...

Very festive!! Merry Christmas!

Hootin Anni said...

So festive!!!

I have to versions for my tour. A short version of just a few thumbnails and the other a slide show.

Thumbnail version

Slide show

Carole Burant said...

Kelli, your home is always so beautifully decorated, no matter what season or holiday:-) I just love all the little touches you add!! xox

Amy Jo said...

what a beautiful home you have! Thank you for sharing!

Tammy said...

Everything looks so beautiful!

Jennie said...

Merry Christmas! I love your entry way!!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for sharing. Everything looks so pretty and magical!


Julie said...

WOW - your home is stunning, Kelli. Absolutely beautiful!

And your cookies look perfect.

Thanks so much for having me over!

Merry Christmas!

Praise and Coffee said...

Absolutely beautiful!!

Thanks for the recipe!


Musings of a Housewife said...

Those cookies look divine. I copied the recipe. Everything is beautiful. You have a real knack for decorating.

Mycrazylife said...


Your home is just beautiful! I love all the little details, especially the little tree in the teacup.


Anonymous said...

As ever, your decorations and home are beautiful. I hope you have a very blessed Christmas. Oh and your cookies look delicious.

Unknown said...

I can't believe you have your ice skates from your childhood. I wish so much I had kept mine. I am sure they are full of lovely memories. Your tree looks stunning and thank you for the recipe. Karen

Heather said...


Your home is very beautiful! I love those cookies! My favorite thing to do is replace the kiss with a miniature Reeces peanut butter cup. Yum!

Love, Heather

Stef said...

very pretty. thanks!

jennwa said...

Your home is beautiful. It looks like it could be in a Magazine.

Anonymous said...

I love your hanging snowflakes. I just may "steal" that idea and make it a project with my kids. I'm a homeschooling mom in texas too. Thanks.

Anonymous said...

Your house is lovely! I'm going to clear some of the clutter off my counter and copy your baking corner. Thanks for showing me around.

Bev Brandon @ The Fray said...

Your house and heart say "WELCOME>"

Monica said...

Very Beautiful! Thank You

Queen Mother said...

Great decorating and thanks for the yummy cookie recipe.

Miss G said...

We both have ice skates hanging! How fun! Mine are tinier but easier to store in my one bedroom apt.! I REALLY like your wreath hanging over top of your white framed mirror with the snow letters. That is so peaceful and yet festive! What a great layering! Thanks so much for sharing! Merry Christmas! Kelly

windycorner said...

Yum! Thanks for the wonderful cookies and visit. Love the ice skates! Merry Christmas.

Anonymous said...

The ice skates are a great idea. Even better that they were yours. Everything looks very festive!

Anonymous said...

Your house is so beautifully decorated. Thanks for sharing.

Creative Life Studio said...

Everything looks so pretty, Kelli. I should have known that you'd have so many wonderful treats sitting out!

I like how you've got your tree right by the entry; such a beautiful welcome!

CONNIE W said...

Very lovely! Enjoyed the tour. Merry Christmas.

Melissa Markham said...

Everything looks beautiful! Merry Christmas!

Kim said...

What a lovely home. And how sweet to have jams ready to give away.
Blessings, Kim

Kelly said...

Beautiful- I love it all! Your home is so cozy and inviting, it makes you want to come visit.

I especially love the ice skates, what an original and sentimental way to decorate your door.

Mandy said...

Your living room is gorgeous!!! That tree is amazing! And I love what you did with your ice skates. Merry Christmas!

Anonymous said...

My favorite is the oranges, nuts & jam. Beautiful!

Jenni said...

So cozy! I love the little tree in the teacup!

Susanne said...

Just beautiful! Thanks for the tour!

Anonymous said...

I'm not on the blog tour...just stopping by everyone elses to peek in their front door.

You have a lovely home. It is so warm and welcoming.

Thanks for sharing.

Kris said...

Can I just say "wow"? Your decorations are gorgeous! Want to come by my house and spruce it up a bit? ;)

Thanks for sharing!

Anonymous said...

You have a beautiful home...It looks so warm and cozy decorated for the holidays! Merry Christmas!

~~Deby said...


Lana G! said...

Love it all! Just beautiful!

Lana G!

bj said...

beautiful and the cookies look delicious

Sincerely Anna said...

Very beautiful and nice pictures! Yep, now I'm hungry!!

SimpleFolk said...

Everything looks so cozy and beautiful. Thank you for the tour! (I wonder if I have time to enter this myself..hmmm)

Have a very Merry Christmas!


kari and kijsa said...

So sweet...we love those skates from your childhood...what wonderful memories...

Merry Christmas blessings,

kari and kijsa

Jennifer said...

Your home is so warm! You ave such unique and beautiful touches which make everything so personal. I really like the ice skates from your childhood. Can't wait to try the cookie recipe!

Casa De Galletti said...

beautiful tree!

Diane Shiffer said...

I especially love your baking corner!

nancy said...

Your home is beautiful. The tiny tree in the teacup is so precious. It's that kind of detail that characterizes the things you do. I love it.

Anonymous said...

Those hanging snowflakes are just adorable!!


Anonymous said...

How beautiful!!! I enjoyed visiting your home!

Merry Christmas!

Pedaling said...

so cozy - very pretty - love the tree and the hanging snowflakes, oh and the train - you have a train - love it!

Sabrena said...

your house is so beautifully decorated, and you take such good pictures!!

Queen B said...

I love the skates and the snowflakes!! It is beautiful. Thanks for sharing!!

Lori said...

Your home is beautifully decorated.
I really love everything.
You are very creative in your decorting.
Thanks for giving us a tour.

ellen b. said...

Everything looks wonderful Kelli! What a great tour. Blessings...

Mercy's Maid said...

My mom made a ton of those cookies last Christmas. I'm pretty sure I ate at least half of them when I was visiting. :)

Susie said...

Thanks for the cookie recipe. I'm going to a cookie swap tomorrow, and I needed one more recipe. Thanks! Your home is beautiful and so inviting.

Anonymous said...

Beautiful! Love the skates and think I'm going to have to try those cookies :)

Robin said...

Wow Kelli - your home is absolutely beautiful and so warm and cozy! Your tree is so pretty. And those cookies are favorites at our house too!

I hung snowflakes too this year - they really add to the atmosphere I think.

And those ice skates on the front door are just charming! Thanks for sharing your lovely, lovely home.

The Garners said...

Wow--this is all so neat! The cookies look delicious. Thanks for the tour. I love all the kitchen stuff!

His Doorkeeper said...

Your home is warm and inviting..I love your little jars of jam. did you make the lid topping? Beautiful warm inviting home. Blessings to your family!

Open Roads Mama said...

wow, your home is beautifully decorated for the holidays! :-) how fun!!! and those cookies with milk, yummmm!

Michelle said...

Kelli.everything looks so lovely.Thanks for sharing and also for the cookies :)

mama2drama said...

My first thought: this looks like it should be in a magazine! How beautiful!

Kristy said...

I love the wreath with the SNOW letters - what a great idea!

Jenna said...

Your home and decorations are lovely and inviting!

Cris said...

Beautiful Kelli, your home is so cozy... the love for your home can be seen here so well. Blessings!

Jennifer said...

Gorgeous decorations. Thanks for sharing! Merry Christmas to you & yours!

Jennifer :-)

Anonymous said...

Beautiful! I'd love to curl up with a good book in your living room.

Unknown said...

your house looks beautiful! thanks for sharing!

Unknown said...

Love the ice skates and wreath on the mirror. I did that in my house too! You entire house is beautiful! Thanks for letting me take a peek!

CortneyTree said...

absolutely gorgeous, I love your style!

It's a Mom Thing said...

So homey and cozy! I love your hutch with homemade jams. Yum!

Adrienne said...

Kelli -
As always, I love visiting your home. Your decorations are wonderful and you've made everything so cozy and welcoming. Wish I lived to close enough to visit you over a cup of tea or hot chocolate.

Amy Martin said...

Wow! You have a beautiful home. Thanks for sharing.

My Trendy Tykes said...

I love all of your decorations. My favorite would have to be the ice skates though! HOW CREATIVE


boysmum2 said...

Beautiful, I love everything you have done, it is my type of decorating. Thank you for inviting us in. Merry Christmas.

Jen said...

I loved this. As always you out did yourself. Still loving your ice skates. Great idea. And I'm making those cookies this week. Scott is off work and he and I are baking one Come by and see me when you get a chance. I love the holidays!

Anonymous said...

Your tour was just lovely. I love the cookies. I lost my recipe a few years ago so I am really glad you posted yours for us to share.

Traci said...

Thanks for showing me your house! It is some homey and cozy! Makes you just want to sit and stay awhile! I hope you have a Merry Christmas!

Crystal said...

Beautiful! :) I'm not in the 'tour' but I'm loving looking at everyone who is! I might just blog about my decorations.. although yours are much more creative than mine!

Megan said...

I want to come visit -or at least steal some of your ideas for my own home -everything is beautiful!

Melody said...

Your home is so beautiful. I just want to sit on your couch in front of a fire and drink some cocoa.

Shelley said...

Your home is beautiful! I love the tiny tree tucked in the tea cup! And those cookies...YUM!

Lisa said...

Beautiful home--so cozy!

Anonymous said...

Your tree is beautiful, and I love the ice skates on the front door! How creative!

Anonymous said...

Thank you so much for the tour of your lovely home - I'm a Souther Girl too!!!!

Ruth said...

Your home is beautiful - so warm and cozy!

Lady Why said...

Those cookies look divine!! I think I'll have to make a few of those for Mrs. Claus... if you know what I mean!!

I also love, love, LOVE the ice skates! What a great idea!!

KC said...

Those are some of my favorite cookies. Your home looks beautiful
Thank you for the tour.

Holly said...

What a lovely home to homeschool in! I know that your family enjoys its coziness. It is just beautiful, Kelli!
Many blessings on your family!!

~*Jennifer*~ said...

Love the look of your blog! Your living room looks so comfy & warm! Love your fireplace, the skates, your little bakery nook, etc it all actually! LOL Thanks for sharing!

Sunny said...

Very beautiful! Thanks for sharing!!

Just Mom said...

Everything was as I expected it would be: simply FABULOUS!

Kristyn said...

those cookies are my absolute favorite!!!!

Mama C said...

So love your home! It is so classic looking. I wish I had more space to really decorate. I also cannot wait to make those cookies. I'm not much of a baker, but I think I can handle these. Thanks for the recipe!

Stephanie Wilson she/her @babysteph said...

I love the ice skates, as do everyone here, probably! What a nice idea. And the Velveteen Rabbits made me smile- my Mom has those, too, and I played the Velveteen Rabbit in a children's play once. : ) Have a wonderful Christmas,


Julie said...

Wow Kelli! Your home is so beautiful...and your photography skills are excellent!!

Julie said...

Opps - I almost forgot..I posted a story on my blog that even yours kids would find quite funny. Yes - it is true.

Big Mama said...

I love the ice skates and the candles. Everything is just gorgeous.

Christie's Corner said...

Love the view from the couch...very cozy!

Jill said...

wvWhat a great idea to use your skates. Beautiful home. Merry Christmas!

Lena said...

This is a beautiful post Kelli. I've enjoyed the tour of your lovingly decorated home very much.
Thank you!

Mariah said...

I love the style of your home and decorations. Looks like it's out of a magazine! And the cookies sound great. I'll be making them as soon as I can find some kind of chocolate candy to top them with...I live in Spain and can't get Hershey's kisses! :-( I'm sure I can find something, though. :-) Merry Christmas!

Patty said...

Your home is beautiful! The cookies looked yummy and I loved your tree!!!

Merry Christmas!


Gena said...


Your house looks beautiful! I also love those cookies!

Nan said...

Very welcoming and festive. Thank you so much for sharing your decor and cookies!

twinkle said...

I think I'll have another cookie!
Everything is beautiful and thanks so much for inviting me over...
God Bless You,

Monkey Kisses said...

My favorite thing is the ice skates hanging.. what a cute idea!!!! I also love those cookies.. making them on saturday!

Anonymous said...

Just beautiful, really thanks for sharing your home. And I love the ice skates!

Unknown said...

Oh I adore the ice skate idea!! very creative, fun, and christmasy!!!

Linda said...

What a lovely home you have, I loved all your Christmas decoration. Your kitchen is so warm and cozy and your hutch looks so pretty. Thank you for the yummy cookie recipe. Linda

Shari said...

it's all so beautiful!

Anonymous said...

What a wonderful, inviting, warm and cozy home you have!!!

Cherdecor said...

Ooooh love the skates! I made some of those Peanut Blossom Cookies today too. YUM! Lovely pictures!

Yellow Rose Arbor said...

I enjoyed touring your home, it's very cozy and warm, I would feel very comfortable there!

Our home is on tour as well, come on over! I'm featuring a lot of my Nativity collection


Unknown said...

YOU are the neighbor I want and the person I aspire to be! Your home is inviting and just says, "ahhh!"

randi said...

It looks so lovely and Christmas-y here! Thank you for the wonderful recipe too!

Kelly @ The Barefoot Mama said...


Your home is exquisite. Such warmth, such hospitality and such style! I adore it!

Gretchen said...

Hopping in from BooMama's. Wow!!! If you don't already work for a decorating magazine, you should!

Merry Christmas!

Karla Meachem said...

Snagged your recipe - thank!

My kids will love making these (and eating them, of course!)

Merry CHRISTmas from our house to yours!

Anonymous said...

Girl it all beautiful. You have a special touch with that kitchen area.

Missy said...

your home is so lovely! it's warm and inviting. i'd love to stop by for some coffee :) wouldn't that be nice. we'll be in texas on sunday.....carrollton and then off to galveston.

Merry Christmas!


Rowan said...

Your decorations are wonderful as always, I especially love the ice skates on the door. It all looks very festive.

a woman who is said...

Your home is so warm and inviting. The ice skates stole my heart right away!

Shannon @ Gabi's World said...

Wow! Looks like it was right out of the pages of Better Homes and Gardens. Can you come do my house?

gail@more than a song said...

It's all so pretty and inviting! I love all the little touches and things you have set around...those hanging snowflakes are fun. What a knack you have for decorating, and yummy cookies! Thanks for showing us around.

Nise' said...

You have a gift for decorating. Thank you for inviting me in to your home. Peanut Butter Blossoms are my favorite.

boomama said...

So festive! Also, I could make myself sick eating those peanut butter cookies. And I just added Hershey's Kisses to my grocery list so that I can do just that.

Thanks for doing this!

Anonymous said...

Great pictures, beautiful decorations! And those peanut butter blossom cookies are one of my favorites. I could eat them all day long.
I just got my pictures posted today, a day late. Oops!
God bless :)

Waitingonyou2 said...

Thanks for sharing! I love skates on the front door, too! I'm from Maine so I grew up ice skating on a lake in the woods. I miss those days now that I am in Hotlanta! :D

Merry Christmas,


Five Bees in the Triangle said...

So beautiful, I felt like I was walking through your front door. The skates are a very creative idea, loved it. Merry Christmas!

Kim said...

So beautiful - thank you for sharing.

Jackie Sue said...

Wow! Those photos look like they came straight out of a magazine. Just beautiful. I love the skates!

TJ said...

WOW Kelli. I love how your beautiful decorations turn a house into a home. It looks so cozy and inviting. I can't remember your children's ages, but they must be old enough to let it all alone? Thanks for the inspiration, as I have to finish decorating before our big family get together.

I never thought of the peanut butter cookies for Christmas. When I worked as a barista those cookies always sold out.

Anonymous said...

Everything looks lovely, Kelli! I love the ice skates on the door.

Barbara H. @ Stray Thoughts

Jada said...


Your home is so warm, cozy, and inviting! I love how you decorate!

Merry Christmas!


Anonymous said...

Beautiful! I love the view from your couch, and those cookies look delicious!


Anonymous said...

As beautiful as I expected it to be.
Maybe next time I see ice skates at a yard sale I will pick them up.

Unknown said...

Your home is just beautiful. So warm and cozy.

Anonymous said...

wow! it's utterly beautiful! come decorate my home?? hehe

Heather said...

I LOVE the snowflakes!

freetobeme said...

Very beautiful home. The tiny tree in the teacup was my favorite picture.

Paula said...

Absolutely beautiful Kelli!!

Kerri said...

What a beautiful home and what beautiful decorations. So elegant! Thanks for sharing

Sharijoy said...

Love the skates on the door...every thing is so lovely!!

Kelly said...

Breathtaking! You make me feel as if I am there! Cozy and comfortable and welcoming!

Winter Blessings!

Myrna said...

Lovely--as always! I do enjoy visiting your home. Your talent for making a beautiful, inviting, and comfortable home is always evident.

I know those cookies are yummy!

Tami said...

Your house is beautiful. Thanks for the tour.

Birdydownunder said...

lovely Seasons Greetings

Bev Brandon @ The Fray said...

from your childhood ice skates to ceiling snowflakes, it was pure delight!

Carol said...

I loved everything on your tour. Hope to check back often..Carol

Anonymous said...

You have beautiful home. Now I have to go make some cookies though, as my mouth is watering. Thanks for sharing.

Mrs. Ramos said...

Made the cookies last night and took them to our neighbor's Santa Party for the kids! They were so yummy! Thanks for sharing your home and your recipe. (My first real batch of cookies).

Anonymous said...

Thank you for sharing. I love the snowflakes hanging from the ceiling!! Your home is beautiful.

Anonymous said...

I enjoyed the tour of your Christmas home! My favorite touch is the tiny tree in a teacup sitting on the kitchen hutch ~ wonderful wonderful blog. Wishing you and your family a very Merry Christmas.

Totallyscrappy said...

Oh, are there any cookies left? I've been taking my time going through everyone's home and yours is a delight! I love the SNOW wreath.

Anonymous said...

I love it! Thanks for sharing!

Anonymous said...

Beautiful; apricot iced tea, ummmmm

Anonymous said...

I know Christmas is over but I just discovered Boo Mamas house tour and your decorations are so lovely.. I love the ice skates and I think I'll try that next Christmas! Thanks for sharing!

Darla said...

very festive and classic, very nice!

Anonymous said...

Kelli, I happened by your blog when searching the net for pumpkin/chocolate recipes. Thanks for your recipe for the bars - it came out great! Your photography is very good. You have an eye for it. I love the whole look of your blog and the peace it gives when I read it and take in the beauty of your pictures. Is the picture of the outside of a house near a fall tree your home? It's so beautiful. Thanks for sharing your world. Blessings, Pat in Delaware.

Julie said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Unknown said...

well hello Kelli! It has been a looong time since I've stopped by your blog! I used to visit you on an almost daily basis, but then I deleted my blogroll, then I moved, then I, yadda yadda yadda! Anyhoose, I know I'm late seeing this Christmas tour, but in hopes of getting back into consistent blogging, I'm making my rounds and found you vie Boomama's Christmas tour!! I'll join your site and won't lose you again!