Thursday, December 06, 2007

"Show and Tell Friday!"

Welcome to “Show and Tell Friday!” Do you have something special to share with us? It could be a trinket from grade school, a piece of jewelry, or a treasured collection. Look around your home for something to share; dig through those boxes in your closet if you have to! Share photos and the story that goes with your special item.

Today I'm going to show you my fireplace. Exciting isn't it? ;0) It has had a bit of a makeover recently.

It also got a good cleaning and I removed the black frame around the hearth.

I love a real wood fire, but thought I would try something new this winter. I already had the black candle holder and found these jar candles for $1.00 each.

And instead of the black frame I put up a fireplace screen.

The makeover took place back in October and we have really enjoyed the cozy candlelight!

Now it is decorated for Christmas. Stockings hung and a mini Christmas tree on the hearth. I also switched out the vanilla candles for red cranberry ones.

Thank you for looking at my new fireplace!

Show and Tell Guidelines

What is Show and Tell Friday?
Show and Tell involves showing something to an audience, and then telling them about it. Your show and tell must be something that you own, and is in your home or garden.

What items work well for Show and Tell Friday?
Here are a few ideas to get you started:
-Family heirlooms
-A collection you may have
-A piece of jewelry
-A special gift
-Gardening pictures

What doesn't work well for Show and Tell Friday?
-Posts with no photos have no "Show." Please don't use them.
-Photos of events (trips, vacations, celebrations, etc.)
-Photos of things you are selling or planning to sell.
-Photos found on the internet, graphics or screenshots. Please use photos you take yourself.
-Old photos of just people instead of things.

There is no place like home is the original home of Show and Tell Friday. Please do not host your own.

How can I participate?
Once you've got your photo(s) and your story, it's easy as 1-2-3!

1 - Publish your "Show and Tell" on your blog, including a link back to There is No place like Home.

2 - Copy the link (or "permalink") from your post.

3 - Add it to Mr. Linky, along with your first name only. I usually put Mr. Linky up on Friday at 12:00am Eastern time.


ellen b. said...

your fireplace looks wonderful and cozy! Enjoy...

Rose of Sharon said...

That is such a clever idea! It looks very pretty and you don't have the mess!

Merry Christmas!


Anonymous said...

Love it! Looks very inviting.

Unknown said...

It looks so lovely how you re-did it all. It looks magical with candle lights aglow.. and the sweet stockings !!! It is delightful Kelli !!!

I have a wood burning stove.. can't seem to make it pretty and hang stockings on it :(


Britta said...

Hi Kelli, your fireplace looks really amazing. What a great idea with the candles. I would love to sit in front of it, nipping on my tea, eating some christmas cookies and enjoy my time.
Thanks for the nice comment about my coasters!

Have a wonderful day, hugs Britta

Tammy said...

It looks so festive now! :)

Anita said...

I very much like your fireplace and the stockings, too, of course!

We are having a day off today and I am so excited! This afternoon, we will go to a wonderful Christmas market in a nearby castle!

Have a great Friday, Kelli!

Hugs, Anita

Hootin Anni said...

Simple and oh so elegant Kelli!!! I love the transformation.

I have a couple of Christmas Fairy Santas lurking around for my Show N Tell.

Tina Leigh said...

Kelli I did that during the summer & loved it but I cant do without my fire in the winter! Danny & I have said that if we ever come into a big pile of money & we build another house....we'll have a fireplace in our bedroom instead of a TV!! LOL bAs usual your house is soooo pretty. I love how you do things. I wish I could come see you!

nannykim said...

wow, it looks way better with the new screen and candles. (and stockings!). I have been thinking of doing that in one of our fireplace--the gas log people couldn't get to our central fireplace because of the old additions to our house (under the house) had somehow blocked access to it. The house had a house fire back in the 60's (before we lived here)when it was struck by lightening and in the reconstructing they had placed boards to close to the chimney wall to meet regulations soooooo we are not supposed to burn wood fires (but have at times anyways!!)

Steve Eimers said...

That is so pretty!

Melissa E.

Diane Shiffer said...

I love what you've done with your fireplace! You ladies are all such an inspiration to me:-)

Susan said...

What a delightful use of the fireplace. It looks so lovely and festive.

Anonymous said...

It's lovely -- warm, cozy, and inviting. And you don't have to clean out ashes!!

Barbara H. @ Stray Thoughts

Tracy said...

Very pretty!

Anonymous said...

VERY NICE!!! I love it!

Anonymous said...

I lover your fireplace re-do. The best part is that you get the wonderful ambience and no clean up.

Not to mention that Santa will not get his feet in ashes :)

Anonymous said...

You have a beautiful fireplace, and the stockings just add to it.

Mary said...

The fireplace is beautiful either way. I do like the firescreen rather than the black frame. Great job! Thank you for sharing.


Dianna said...

Your fireplace looks lovely and warm!

(Sorry by the way about messing up the link . . . I should read closer next time!)

Mommy said...

I always thought candles in the fireplace like that was very beatiful and romantic. :) We don't have a fireplace but I would do something like if I did.

The stockings hung above it is beautful. :)

Short Stop said...

It's cozy!!

nancy said...

Here I m again. show and tell is fun. God bless you.

Anonymous said...

Kelli, Your fireplace wasn't showing when I first went in. What a transformation. Ours need one, too. You have such good taste in your decorating.

Irene said...

Beautiful fireplace! Once again, well done. Thank you for hosting. Have a lovely week end.

Anonymous said...

That's a great idea. Lovely, safe, good smelling, and not messy.

I missed joining for a couple weeks. Have one this week and ideas for more to come.

Have a great weekend!

Anonymous said...

I love your fireplace, makes me miss sitting in front of one with my grandparents. The candles are a lovely touch.


Sara at Come Away With Me said...

I love your fireplace makeover!

Sandra said...

Looks wonderful Kelli :)

Anonymous said...

Very pretty. I miss my real fireplace.

Amanda said...

I wish we had a fireplace! It's lovely. :) You're so good at decorating!

Susan P. said...

I love the fact that you will have a beautiful glow in your fireplace all year! It looks so cozy and warm, too. I wish I could do that with ours but we have gas logs:o)

Julie said...

Just wanted to say Thank you! I so enjoy all that you do on your blog and with your internet publication!

Carole Burant said...

Oh Kelli, it looks wonderful and I can well imagine how cozy it is to sit by the fireplace:-) Love the way you've decorated it for Christmas also! xox

Blessings from Chestnut Hollow said...

Hi Kelli, your fireplace looks nice and cozy! I like the look of the candles.
I'd also like to thank you for hosting Show & Tell every week - it is so interesting looking at everyones treasures!
Have a good weekend,

Jen said...

Was it really hard to do this? I painted my gold around the opening black like yours looked and I really like it....but we cannot burn wood due to Miller's until I get gas logs...I thought of doing this with candles. Your fireplace is just beautiful.

Anonymous said...

I think candles in a fireplace instead of a fire give a home a different kind of focal point. I love how you have decorated it, and the candles look gorgeous.

Martha said...

Wow. I can't believe how different it looks just with a few changes. Looks wonderful

Thanks for hosting,


Sharon said...

Your fireplace looks so festive with the candles burning. Your home is decorated so pretty for the Christmas season. We have a gas fireplace and I do not miss the logs at all.........Have a good and blessed weekend.

Amydeanne said...

what a neat idea! i don't think i've seen the show and tell friday before! I love the fire place it looks exceptionally nice!

Myrna said...

Your firepalce looks lovely. A nice idea!

AdventurerMom said...

looks niceish and cozy...

Jenn4Him said...

What a difference! I love candles in a fireplace. Great job!

Jen said...

I love your fireplace, it looks so beautiful!!!! Great job!

J-ME said...

The fireplace looks wonderful ~ welcoming, delightful, romantic, cosy, etc. I wish I had one.

Gena said...

Your fireplace looks beautiful. I keep candles in mine in the summertime (we seem to have a lot of power outages!) and regular wood in the wintertime.

Anonymous said...

I am so glad to see how your fire place turned out. I can't wait to copy the idea in mine. As I have been thinking candles would be such a nice added touch.

Karen H. said...

Good Evening Kelli,
I have added my name to join in the "Show & Tell Friday". I did a Show & Tell Friday a while back, and I thought I had put my name on your list. I looked just a minute ago and didn't see it. I am number 50 now on the list. I have no idea about the Mr. Linky. That is way beyond me. The Friday I did the Friday Show & Tell, I did put a link to your blog. If you don't mind, I'm going to do one for tomorrow. I have seen alot of my blogging friends doing this and I gave it a try once and really enjoyed it. I hope my name stays on that list now. I am sorry that my name hasn't been on there, but I sure thought it was. Well, take care my friend and have a great evening. May God Bless You and Yours. I love your Fireplace and the candles and love how the stockings hang from it. I have always wanted a Fireplace, but I guess it's not meant to be, so I am happy with what I do have.

Karen H.