Welcome to “Show and Tell Friday!” Do you have something special to share with us? It could be a trinket from grade school, a piece of jewelry, or a treasured collection. Look around your home for something to share; dig through those boxes in your closet if you have to! Share photos and the story that goes with your special item.
Hello everyone! A few weeks ago when Grace and I were on our way to get some groceries, we saw a yard sale sign. Of course, we did the right thing and stopped. :0)
We found eight of these Magnolia teacup luncheon sets!
I love the little bud inside the cups.
They are in perfect condition and we got all eight for $10.00.
I also found this huge tablecloth, just lying on the driveway. I will have to put in my extra table leaf for it to fit properly. It is covered with embroidery, cutwork and crocheted lace, all hand done!
Here is a close-up of the back. As you can see the stitches are very neat.
Beautiful roses and cutwork.
Even the sides have embroidered roses.
The lady who was selling it said a relative made it sometime in the 50's, but she wasn't too eager to share any more information. She actually seemed embarrassed to be getting rid of it, but I happily gave her $5.00 and will be sure to treasure it!
Thank you for looking at my show and tell!
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The china is very pretty, and a great price! The tablecloth is beautiful! I can't imagine why anyone would want to get rid of that! Lucky you that she sold it though, what a bargain!
You alwyas find the best stuff!
love the china, I am a real sucker for dishes! It would be great to know the story behind the tablecloth.
Oh my goodness girl, you scored! Those plates are absolutely gorgeous! I am so happy that you found them because you will put them to good use! I also really love the tablecloth! It is hard to believe that someone would want to give that away with all that handwork. I am sure you will enjoy both items very much!
Hugs, Sharon
My goodness, you do find some wonderful bargains! I never do!
I love it all. What a treasure to find. It is so amazing what you can get at yard sales that others think is junk.
I really like tag sales and garage
sales. You never know what kind of
treasures you will find. You found
such great things. The table linen
and dishes are beautiful. I know
you left that sale with a gigantic
smile, I know I would! Have a great
day, Kelli!
WHAT GREAT DEALS!! You must be SO excited! I can't get over that tablecloth on the ground??! What in the world?? Congrats!
what a beautiful china....I like the tablecloth...
KIsses from Germany Barbara
Good morning Kelli, You always find amazing stuff.. great deals on the lovely tea cups and plates..I need to go shopping with you...I am showing blue and white items given to me by my neighbor...
the tea set is great ans d the tablecloth is really something.
What gorgeous finds!!! Why and how could anyone part with those things! What a treat for you. Thanks for sharing.
Those are just beautiful! I love Magnolias.
I hope to get a S&T up, but with needing to pack the trailer, and dishes to do...we'll see.
Have a wonderful weekend!
You really have a touch for finding great items.
Wow, that magnolia set is incredible and a great bargain.
Kelli, you amaze me every Friday with all those pretty things! Why do we not have those kind of yard sales over here in Germany??? That Magnolia teacup is very pretty!
And oh my, the women was happy to get rid of that tablecloth made by one of her relatives? Just for 5 $?? Unbelievable, what a bargain! The women must have spent ages to make it in the 50ies!!!
Have a great Friday! We are supposed to get some warm weather today, cross your fingers! I am really fed up with all that snow!
XoX, Anita
You seem to hit the best sales!
You've inspired me to start going to sales again to look for these types of wonderful treasures! Thank you for letting me participate in Show and Tell Friday.
*Sigh* I wish I could find such great things when I go yard saleing!!
Hi Kelli, what lovely finds. The china is so pretty and what a wonderful tablecloth. How could someone part with a family piece? I'm happy you found it...Linda
Those chinawares are gorgeous! my entry is up too... Have a nice weekend!
What pretty china, and a real bargain. I know you will use it and enjoy it. As for that beautiful tablecloth - was she mad to get rid of it? It is SO beautiful and I am envious! Still, her loss was your gain.
Very pretty Kelli, you have such nice stuff!
Nice stuff you found there !
Pretty china set!!! I would like that for myself. :::giggles:::
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What great finds! Thanks for sharing.
You always find the most amazing things at garage sales! I especially love the china - that is one thing I would love to begin collecting.
oh wow! i am so envious of that magnolia set! being a southerner, those are just about one of my favorite flowers :)
Imagine selling that tablecloth! Nice to know that you will treasure it. As an embroiderer, I have some idea of the hours that went into it. Enjoy! Eleanor at Thatchwick
I LOVE the luncheon set! The little flower buds inside are so delicate and dainty! Makes you want to have a bunch of friends over for finger sandwiches doesn't it? What an unbelivebale bargain on both the set and the beautiful tablecloth!
I love the tablecloth. You always find great things.
WoW! Great finds at the garage sale! The china is gorgeous!
Kelli ~ Wow, you found such beautiful treasures! Isn't it fun to go searching at garage sales?! Hope you have a wonderful weekend!
The dishes are great but I really love the table cloth! Always amazes me when people get rid of family items.
I love yard sales. You can find all sorts of treasures there! What a lovely tablecloth. Your china is precious too.
How beautiful! I also love yard sales, you were blessed with a rare treasure. Love it!
I LOVE yardsale season. It is still a bit early for them here.... too bad, I am feeling the itch already!
In fact, I made a trip to the thrift store on Wednesday to satiate my bargain appetite and found a beautiful afgan-new looking- for 2.00 Now that I know how to crochet, I know JUST how much TIME it takes to make those things and it makes me feel so bad for the maker. Imagine how awful they would feel if they saw all the hours they worked and all the money they spent on yarn being sold for a song. I snatch them up ALWAYS-even if I don't need them. I figure I can give them to those who DO need them, save them for MY children when they grow up, etc.
That tablecloth is beautiful. STUNNING, actually. I can't believe it could be sold for so little, and tossed on a DRIVEWAY no less. Sounds like maybe a divorce and that was a wedding present? Or maybe-a gift from an ex-mother-in-law or grandma. That would be the ONLY sane reason to get rid of it! Ha! :-)
Wish I could find things like that at yard sales. :D
What a wonderful find and what a deal. I need to go grocery shopping with you and Grace! I put up a show and tell too. Come see me. I am going to read about the snake now!
another great find. you are so great at finding the cool stuff. i guess the first step is STOPPING at those yard sales, which i don't usually do.
have a great weekend.
What beautiful finds. The luncheon sets are so much fun to have and these are just beautiful. But....the tablecloth is spectacular. Think of all the hours that went into creating it. Amazing.
How beautiful! I need to start stopping at yard sales . . .
It is Beautiful!!!!!!!
Oh, Kelli, what wonderful deals you found! I love the dishes and the tablecloth.
Hey Kelli,
Good job on the find!
You always seem to have good luck at garage sales. I seem to find mostly junk. Somtimes I have found nice things, but not much.
I love the table cloth! Very sweet and pretty. It looks like it was made just for you Kelli. :)
I love the music eggs! I am going to make some with some red and white toile wrapping paper- PERFECT! Thanks for the inspiration!
I simply cannot believe the table cloth. You will see that my S&T today is all about trying to do that kind of work. That has to be years' worth of needlework. If I could, I'd sneak and follow you around. You DO find the best stuff! I did pret-ty well yesterday myself, but it's a secret!
Oh, Kelli, what lovely finds at such great prices!! How come I never find yard sales like that, LOL!! It is sad that the tablecloth was sold rather than kept by the family, but I know you will appreciate and treasure it.
This is my first time to do this.. I am not very good with the camera but I gave it a shot............. Enjoy
I have those luncheon plates and cups in a different pattern. I had them for sale for Friday Flea Market last week. Yours is very pretty with the magnolias.
Thanks for sharing your beautiful finds and also for hosting Show & Tell Friday.
You found some beautiful things at that yard sale. You must have gotten there early to get those deals.
Mine is up for today. I'm showing a necklace another blogger made for me.
I love being able to find such wonderful things at garage sales!! They are so fun!! I love flea markets too and always find such fun things! The tea cups are lovely and so is the tablecloth! *hugs*
What a great find and bargain in the dishes. Very pretty.
I'm new to blogging and I've enjoyed looking at your blog and getting ideas.
I love your china, I have been after some lately, theres certain pieces I like too!!
Thanks for sharing with us today :)
Very pretty. I especially like the tablecloth. What an amazing deal you got on it.
Have a great weekend.
The magnolia china was an amazing find and the tablecloth, all hand-done, is an absolute treasure!
I wish we had those kind of garage sales nearby :o)
Hi Kelli! Super find. The luncheon sets are beautiful. Magnolia trees are one of my favorite. You have a knack at finding fabulous deals.
What wonderful finds! You were so fortunate to get such beautiful things. We should have a tea party! ~Adrienne~
You always find the best stuff, how do you do that? What is your secret LOL
Love the china, it's beautiful and I LOVE tablecloths too, yours is stunning.
Visit my site because I have an award for you. :)
Be sure to check out my blog for today. I passed on a blogger award to you.
Hope you're having a great weekend.
Kelly, you made out like a bandit with your yard sale finds. I have found that sometimes my best yard sale treasures have been from "drive bys"! Really, your luncheon set and tablecloth are so, so lovely.
How beautiful. The tablecloth is gorgeous. Thanks for sharing your bargain finding with us! I can't wait for our yard sales around here. But we haven't had warm enough weather yet.
What a beautiful table cloth! And oh my, the back is even so perfect looking!
(hahaha about the coke! A girl has got to get her caffeine somehow!)
I'm simply in awe over the luncheon sets and tablecloth. What great finds!
I am a yard sale person, I love to go on Friday morning. You scored as my Daughter would say.
I signed in, you cought me on the Bean soup! I think it could become a family favorite.
Hugs, Mary
what an interesting idea Show and tell... Love your finds!
Hello Kelly catching up here..great treasures you found!!
sunkissed in Arizona NG xo
Great finds, those cups and saucers are so beautiful and what a beautiful tabe cloth !!!!
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