Wasn't I just talking about spring?! We had a surprise snowfall last night, and it was beautiful!
Big fluffy flakes that covered everything.
It's a good thing pansies don't mind the cold! It snowed for about 30 minutes and was melted by morning, but it was still fun.
We took advantage of the cold weather and heated up the oven for some of Heather's Chewy Oatmeal Cookies.
This is my favorite oatmeal cookie recipe. Today, I left off the powdered sugar and snuck in butterscotch chips.
We also had a special dessert for our family night dinner. Pea had just shared her recipe for Snow Tunnel Cake and I knew it would be a fun treat.
It's an angle food cake, filled with chocolate pudding and covered with cool whip. Grace made it all by herself!
Thank you for reading about our surprise snow celebration!
Yummy! That cake looks fabulous and so do the cookies! Wow, snow in March! That is amazing...it sure is pretty though!
Hugs, Sharon
Hi Kelli :) Oh, I am so glad that you got to see the pretty snowfall! We've had one this year, and while we are so thankful for that, we really hoped for more! Maybe next year...
Thanks for the recipes and for sharing about your day. I love the idea of butterscotch morsels in the oatmeal cookies. And Miss M will be thrilled to have the snow tunnel cake recipe. She iced her first cake this week, and is so ready for more :)
Love to you! Q
Hi there. I just recently started reading your blog and I love it. I also recently joined in your Show and Tell and I love it.
Your cookies and cake look delicious.
Living in Ontario, Canada, we are still buried in snow. In fact we're getting dumped on again right now.
I was tagged to do a meme and asked to tag 3 people. I pick you! The meme is...list 8 things you have tucked away in a back closet and tag 3 people. Hope you will participate. I'd be interested in your answer. Thanks.
wow the snow looks great on your flowers.
have fun to the fullest.
That cake looks yummy.
Oh my snow. So I guess Arlington got some too huh? How cool for y'all. I know what a special treat it is when it snows in Texas.
The deserts look delish!
We had more snow. I posted more pictures today. I'm thinking spring may be quite far around the corner. Sigh. I'm so glad you enjoyed it though. It is lovely and such fun. I know I missed it when we used to live in Texas.
The cookies look yummy!
Those sweet pansies look beautiful with snow. And the celebration cake looks great!
I saw this cake on Pea's too and made note of it. Thanks for the link to the Oatmeal cookies going to bake some of those this morning.
Our snow is about 1/2 melted. All the streets are clearbut my back yard is still pretty and undisturbed white!!!
My favorite pic is of the pansies. Lovely! And I like the snow cake too. Sounds yummy - Jen
Oh I'm very glad it fell for you and not me! We had more than our share of snow this winter, and I'm enjoying spring... well as much as I can while having the flu! Of course melting by morning it was probably a lot of fun.
Have a beautiful week!
OH, wow, that's amazing! And you know what, we had the same thing happen up here, the snow fell for a few hours and dissapeared as quickly next day! Crazy, eh?
OH JOY! Sorry you got the snow...I am sick of it myself...but that is what i get for being in Montana...I will be remembering this when it is July and REALLY hot there!
We are about to take a bite of the truly yummy Carrot Cake from the magazine...I will let you know how it went!
I featured you on my blog today with 6 others. Check it out.
Yum! I am going to have to try those oatmeal cookies! We also received some snow this past weekend. It was so gorgeous and tshirt weather. Then it snowed and brought back the cold weather! I am ready for Spring and sunshine days!!!
That cake looks delicious! Give my eye compliments to the chef!
Hey, if I got snow, then it's only right YOU get snow also!!! lol We still have tons of it here. Awwww, I'm so glad that you did try my cake recipe...tell Grace that she did a fabulous job with it:-) xox
Last year I think it was, we got snowfall in March which is rare for us, and even enough that it stuck. :)
Those cookies look yummy...and I saw that same recipe at Pea's and decided I wanted to try making it soon, too!
I'm off to check out your spring issue of S.D.! :)
14 more days until Spring! We got snow yesterday, too. And those treats you made look fantastic. We made a giant peanut butter cookie today for my oldest's birthday. :-)
Yum ...what wonderful goodies! Baking is a pleasant way to spend the day when it's cold outside.
I awoke to a thundersttorm this morning. It made me smile!
Hats off to the chef! I LOVE the photo of the snow covered pansys!
A wonderful way to celebrate the falling snow. Oatmeal cookies sound so good.
Cookies and cake yummy. The pansys look like they have frosting on them, so pretty. Linda
Well, it is definitely springtime here--tulip trees in bloom, daffodils, and even some azalias are blooming early!! And we got pouring rain yesterday--wonderful!
Oh my, the cookies and cake look delicious!
Hi, the flowers look so pretty with the dusting of snow! The cookies look yummy. Your blog is very enjoyable. Thanks.
Those cookies looks so delicious and that cake, wow, I wish I was there for the cutting. It looks so yummy. Grace did a great job !!!
We are in for it tonight. I'm glad you got to see the snow though...it is so pretty tow watch. Your cookies and cake look wonderful.
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