Hello everyone! St. Patrick's Day is less that 2 weeks away, so last night I made a few notecards to send my friends. The design is a four leaf clover made from tiny hearts.
You will need 5 different patterns of scrapbook paper, solid cardstock and blank notecards.
Cut out a large oval from cardstock.
Place on the front of your notecard.
Cut out four tiny hearts from scrapbook paper.
Glue onto oval.
I also added a decorative border with a black pen, around each heart.
Add a stem.
Cut out a tiny circle from scrapbook paper.
Glue in center of hearts. Hot glue a small bow on the stem.
I wrote "I'm lucky..." on the front.
And "to have a friend like you!" on the inside.
There are a lot of possible variations, so have fun and use your imagination!
I hope you all have a wonderful Thursday. After our schoolwork is done, I'm going to clean and oil the kitchen cabinets, mop the kitchen floor, and somewhere in there, Grace would like to go get a hair cut. I'll talk to you soon!
Those cards are so pretty. The receivers are very lucky people !!!
Lots of luck with the cleaning !!!
too cute!!
These are so darling! You have inspired me to get busy making them too. Thank you for sharing your good idea!
Those are so cute! We don't usually do much for St. Patrick's Day, but this is inspiring me to!
Lovely cards.
We don't do much for St Patricks Day either, and we live in Ireland!!
However I am having a St Patricks Day giveaway on my blog this year :)
Those are so cute.
Precious! You have the best ideas, Kelli!
Darling cards! You are so creative. Thanks for sharing them with us. I always think I'll make cards but I do well to mail purchased cards on time these days. ~Adrienne~
Ok Kelli, those are so sweet. I hope to improve my correspondence habits - it's one of my goals this year. You are my example.
Yes, that ws our water garden you saw in the photo. The fish is spouting and there are at least 3 great big goldfish still swimming around. That pond was nearly frozen solid a couple of times this winter.
Ok I'll take Grace to get a hair cut & you come over here & clean my cabinets & kitchen up!
I'm picking up limbs, washing & hanging out clothes, & at some point today I have to make a carrot cake for my neighbor's birthday. Oh & guess what.....Danny is bringing The Little Package home this afternoon!! She gets to stay with us this weekend...of course I have to work but it will be nice seeing her in the mornings & evenings. Danny gets all the fun! The cards are beautiful!
Again, these are the cutest! I love this idea! I hope to run to the scrapbook store this afternoon to crab some green paper. You always have such great ideas! I love it! :) Have a beautiful day!
Those are adorable!!! Great job! :)
Those seem quite simple and beautiful as well! Jennifer
very sweet cards!
I love them. Nd the color of green you chose is brilliant.
CUTE! CUTE! CUTE! I love them, Kelly. I'm going to town today so I'm gonna find me some scrap booking paper in nice shades of green! Thanks for the lovely idea!
~Kelly in MN
I love these!!
What a cute idea:-). Thanks for sharing and your friends are lucky to get such wonderful cards coming to them:-).
Have a great day!!
Very pretty cards, and so easy to make! Thank you for sharing.
Hugs, Pat
how cute!! I love these!!
LOVE LOVE LOVE this!!!!!!!!
This is such a cute idea. Thanks so much for sharing it with us all.
These are so cute! It's too late now, but would you like to sell these next year in our Shop? Contact us via our site if you are interested ... http://www.stpatricksdayshop.com
I love the card design, the hearts are so neat!
there's another chic st. patrick's day card here that i really like as well:
Those cards are adorable!
Your cards are so beautiful and since I have been busy elsewhere, you have done so many things while I was gone...you are having just to much fun! Big Hugs, Mary
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