The first bloom of columbine.
A fern pushing its way up.
There are a few tiny lily pads in my watergarden, but they haven't turned green yet.
The beginnings of a wisteria bloom.
I can't help but share another picture of my bleeding hearts. :0)
Since the weather is warming up, the pansies won't last much longer. I picked the best ones to press.
I also pressed fern, columbine and ivy leaves.
The easiest way is to put them between napkins or paper towel and place in the pages of a phone book for a few weeks.
Thank you for looking at my spring flowers! I hope you all have a wonderful Monday. It's the last day of March, is it coming in like a lion or lamb at your house?
We're getting a roaring wind here to bring in April.
Hi Kelli :) They are pretty! I am so glad you had some garden time this wknd.
Sending hugs for a lovely new week! Love, Q
Your garden pics are lovely. I thought about your bleeding heart pic Thursday as I strolled though the garden center. *smile* It is beautiful!
Hi, Kelli, Don't you just love seeing everything coming up. Your flowers are very pretty. It is very cold here right now, but not freezing I hope.
Kelli, Your pictures make me excited to get started in my garden. It's still under 5 feet of snow though :o I guess March will be going out like a lion here, we are expecting some rain/snow storms. Have a wonderful day. Kerri
The weather here is just not warm warm yet. Maybe next weekend......Madison has one more week before spring break. We are not going anywhere so I'm trying to think of fun things to do around town.
WOW! Your spring has really sprung!
Just a tip for other readers after looking at your photos: if they use an embossed napkin such as you have with a flower such as a pansy, the dried flower will have that design. It's better to use a plain napkin or paper towel.
We are expecting 4-8 inches of snow today! Ugh... I love your pics... I can't wait to get dirty!
Your flowers are so pretty. Spring has sprung it seems! At least in the south.
Well, it is definitely lamb-like around here. We have had incredibly beautiful weather in this area for a week. Just lovely!
SOOOO pretty! Such a welcome sight! I really can't wait until the weather outside is warm enough to have flowers growing. We haven't even seen any daffodils yet! Meanwhile, I can live vicariously through you! :-)
Hi Kelli! I think it's like a lamb here altho it does look like it might rain.
Your flowers are so pretty!!
I can never get tired of bleeding hearts Kelli! Your garden is lovely, it must feel so much peace walking through it and taking care of those beautiful flowers. I love gardening and can't wait to move to a place where I can just take time to enjoy these wonderful gifts from God to us!
Oh so pretty, Kelli! I miss my wisteria bush. We cut it down when we moved 11 years ago, and I wish we still had it. It always smelled so good!
Beautiful!! I've added you to my favorites so I can stop back in. Thanks for blessing my day.
Hi Kelli!
I've been catching up with you here. I love the pictures of your garden and seeing your wonderful yard sale find that you shared for Show N Tell. I do miss joining in, but know you that you understand how difficult the last few months have been.
Hope to have something to share in a couple of weeks.
I'm so glad that you had a wonderful Easter celebration. Your posts are always so delightful to read.
love and hugs!
What beautiful photos! I bet it is so nice to have such an early Spring! It snowed all last night and has covered our world with a blanket of white. I am ready for Spring and green - and planting my own garden! Again, lovely photos!!! :) Have a beautiful day today!
You have me drooling now. Such beauty sprouting. What a gorgeous garden.
I love the columbine. All of the flowers look so bright and pretty. It's a great idea to press and save them.
Our March is going out like a lamb - warm and sunny. It doesn't sound like that for the rest of the country.
What a pretty garden! This weekend I also posted some pics of the beautiful things blooming out in our yard.
We are having a lovely *lamb* day here. I'm so glad April is practically here!
Lovely flowers !!! I especially love the pansies and the lemon coloured columbine, thanks so much for sharing !!!
Thanks for showing your flowers, they are simply beautiful. I love it in the Spring when everything starts to bloom and grow!
Oh it promises to be such a pretty garden. It was pretty chilly here all weekend. But I did manage to find potato vine I was looking for for that front porch diaster. I looks promising now. Hopefully I'll be able to post a new and improved porch soon. Keep sharing your lovely home and garden with the rest of us that are still needing some help. Blessed Monday.
These are just beautiful Kelli! I love Columbines, and hope that some of mine have survived the BigDumbDog.
It's a lion here. After beautiful spring weather, we were hit with snow and record cold temps. We are expected to warm up by week's end. Glad you are enjoying the warm weather.
It is calm now but supposed to be very windy and stormy tonight. Loved seeing your garden pictures. We have lots of wisteia across the street and they are so pretty. I am just working on getting flowers planted. Billy planted some new azalea bushes and they are so pretty. have a blessed week. Stopping by your blog is like taking a refreshing break.
Humm - I used to press flowers but became frustrated when they would lose their color after about a year.
Love the flowers - especially the pansies. I still have some tupperware pieces full of silica gel (I think that was what it was called. It's been so long since I dried flowers I can't recall for sure.) Anyway, when I lived in California I dried a lot of roses that way. It has been stored in our garage for the last 18 years. My husband asks me periodically if I want to get rid of it (when he cleans up the garage.) I always say "No. I might use it again some day." It was a fun thing to do.
ha! it's coming in like a WET lion right now :o)
I love your flowers! I spent the later part of the week in my flower garden as well. It just makes spring all the more desirable.
So lovely Kelli. We still have snow and cold. I keep sneaking peaks but no green yet.
God bless.
I wish my bleeding hearts were coming up! Actually, they are coming up but no flowers yet. The snow is keeping them away for now:(
Thanks for sharing the pics, they are very pretty!
Hi Kelly. I haven't been around much due to all the loss in our family. I want to thank you for your thoughts and prayers to our recent loss of our beloved Scampy. Thank you so much for that. It is and will be a healing process for the kids indeed. I wrote a story on Blurb and had my little child's book published through them about Spring Forgotten. we still have snow here in Washington !!!! Come by and check it out if you have a moment. Blessings. Mica
Everything is so beautiful Kelli :)
lovely garden! thanks for sharing. my husband loves bleeding hearts....they are his grandmother's favorite. she's in her mid nineties :)
The flowers are so pretty. I have started some garden work also.
Lovely! I like your idea of pressing them in a phonebook, easy peasy! I may have to try that. March is going out like a lion, which makes sense since it came in like a little lamb. It is very cold and it snowed today, still is.
Beautiful! We had some gorgeous bleeding hearts at our former home. I should plant some here huh? I just love them. Thanks for the inspiration.
Your flowers are beautiful. We are having several days of rain here in the Carolinas. Our pansies are very pretty at this time but our Bermuda grass is still quite dormant.
Beautiful, Kelli. We still have some snow on the ground after our snow storm Monday. Can't wait for Spring to really begin.
Oooh! I hope we will start getting spring weather soon so I can go out and look for signs of growth! We still have snow!
When I was a child, someone showed me how you can pull off a bleeding heart bloom, turn it upside down, and pull the two petals a little apart from each other. It looks like a lady in a tub! I thought that was neat!
I love ALL of the flowers. We won't see these type of blooms here for quite a while. However, my tulips are about 3 inches high and should bloom sometime in April.
Thanks so much for sharing. Bleeding heart is one of my favorites.
Kelli- your lovely garden pictures give me hope - we are about a month behind you, but things are coming up slowly! We hit the 50's today temp wise and the children we delighted! I went out for a bit to weed - yes, they dandelions are coming along just beautifully! It was so fun to be playing in the dirt, but I'm so stuffed up that I couldn't enjoy that wonderful earthly smell ... maybe by the weekend I'll have my sense of smell back - I hope so!
Thank you for sharing your pretties - I would love to spend an afternoon in your garden with you!
Ohhhh, your columbines and your bleeding heart are already in bloom, I can hardly believe it! Mother Nature seems to be at least one step ahead in Texas! The weather has been so cold and rainy over here since Easter, what a pity!
Take care!
XoX, Anita
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