Some of you may remember this "before" picture of my back patio. We got to work by putting everything away, organizing the gardening tools and moving the furniture out onto the lawn.
We even pulled up the old carpet!
Phillip spent Saturday morning putting down the new carpet.
It's always a big job because of the odd shape of our patio.
When it was finished, we moved the furniture back.
This shelf used to be black, but I gave it a quick coat of cream spray paint. It holds various baskets, a seed cupboard and candles.
I also made new cases for all of the pillows.
I had a square of fabric leftover, so I hemmed it up for a small tablecloth.
Now all I have to do is put my feet up and enjoy the spring weather! Thank you for looking at my patio makeover!
What a sweet, cozy place!
It looks so pretty! For some reason I always envisioned your back patio to be enclosed.
Great job! It looks very homey and inviting now!
It looks beautiful....
Such a restful spot.
Looks like it was very much worth the effort! I love outdoor spaces.
God Bless!
Brenda :)
i'll be over tomorrow for some sweet tea :)
looks great!
Looks great Sugar. Looks like you have a lot of cozy evenings ahead.
It's storming in my part of Texas tonight.
Kelli, this looks fantastic, you really did a great job with that. I wish I could sit there with you and have a cup of tea.
All looks lovely - can you fly over to Ireland and tidy up for me please?
Very nice. The new fabric make your furniture look new.
Looks very comfy Kelli!!
Wow! What a serene sanctuary you've created- so calm, beautiful, and welcoming!
Looks like a place where I would like to relax! It looks nice and freshened up. Ready to be enjoyed!
Beautiful Kelli! It is amazing what a quick sprucing up can do.
Looks great, enjoy your porch!
mama to 6
one homemade and 5 adopted
I just love coming here, especially when you show us your place with such wonderful ideas. xoxox
It looks great! You have been a busy bee.
Fantastic! A lot of work but it paid off; didn't it?!!
The porch looks so inviting! Now for the hard part--keeping it tidy. :)
Mrs. C
Your patio looks so inviting! You've given me inspiration to work on mine. When it stops raining for awhile! ~Adrienne~
Very pretty! Great job!
God bless :)
You will spend many hours out on that delightful porch. You did a wonderful, creative job on everything.
I love the porch makeover! It's beautiful. The new linens are gorgeous too!! What a great way to get ready to sit outside and enjoy the Spring weather!! Have a lovely day!
Wow Kelli, you got a lot accomplished, and it's so inviting! Great job!
you've done a great job. it looks very inviting and comfortable. enjoy!
Look's great, Kelli! It's nice to have the patio all spruced up and ready to go for cool spring evenings. :)
looking Good Chicky!, We have been busy with the living room this week.
Your back patio looks so pretty!!
Love, heather
That is so pretty! It is truly an outdoor living room. You did a great job.
Lovely and cozy. Are there lights hanging?
Kelli, I could just sit there with you and drink some nice cool mint iced tea and munch on some cookies too! I am thinking that you probably don't have a lot of time to just sit if you are mom. Do you have to adhere the carpet to the floor in some way?
Ooh, lovely! There's nothing like a refreshing spring clean up to get one excited about yardwork! I'm much more inspired to get out and clean up the yard when I have a cozy place to sit and enjoy it. I don't really have a porch in my yard. Hmmm, I'll have to start getting creative! I'd like to be prepared if we have another great summer here in North Texas. I wish I had your great knack for cozying things up! I'll have to start looking through some magazines to get ideas! Thanks for the inspiration! =)
Theresa in TX
Now where did I put that garden magazine.......
Very, very nice.....Hey, can you come over and do that to MY backyard? LOL
That looks like such an inviting place to sit and enjoy some piece:)!!!!
Love your patio, it looks so relaxing and homey...can I come for a visit? :o)
How nice! And you have a beautiful pond too. I know that's a really relaxing sound.
it's amazing what a spruce up can do! It looks so welcoming, I wish I could sit out there WITH you and visit! :)
It turned out very pretty! I sure wish we would get some spring weather here in Chicago! Brrrr... lol.
It looks sooo nice. Comfortable and cozy, and you have a lovely view.
You've created a wonderful new space - enjoy!
Your back porch looks so fresh and inviting! I can imagine lovely spring mornings sitting outside enjoying a cup of tea.
Great job!
Your makeover looks great! I came across your site from another one I check into. I've enjoyed looking around. I've been doing a bit of redecorating after my children left home. One got married and one got out of college and got a job that offered him a house too. It's fun to fix old things up. Keep up the good work!
It looks Great Kelli!!! What a nice and comfy place to relax and fellowship with family or friends! :)
oh, it looks wonderful!!
Kelli, your patio looks lovely, very inviting and cozy. Perfect place to relax and enjoy. Linda
What a lovely area! It turned out so nice! I would love to sit there and read my Bible!
:0) Sharon
I wish we had a covered porch. We have a deck though and it is nice...but covered porches are great. Your's looks fantastic.
Now that looks so wonderful and inviting...It feels so good to finish a project, the only problem is I always have another project waiting on me! LOL Enjoy your nice weather. Dianntha
So pretty and cozy! It's always a breath of fresh air to visit your blog, Kelli! Have a geat day. ~ Heather
I just recently discovered your blog and you are my new hero. I am so inspired by your wonderful ideas. Thanks for sharing.
Aah, lovely. I wish it was time for us to do these spring projects. But soon! I wish we had a covered/enclosed porch that we could put carpet on.
Looks lovely, and very cozy! Will be nice to sit down with a good cup of warm tea and enjoy the early spring outside :)
Your porch looks lovely and I really like the new carpet. I have a plate with the identical picture on it of that print on the wall. It is adorable.
Lookin' good, my friend.
It looks great, so cosy and welcoming! I would love to take a seat and have a chat with you over there... ;-))
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