Thursday, April 03, 2008

How to make a spring banner and a *giveaway!*

**Please scroll down for new posts!**

Some of you will remember this spring banner that I made a few weeks ago.

Two pink birds announce the arrival of spring. Well, I had enough supplies to make *two* banners, so I'm giving one away!

I'm also sharing how you can make your own spring banner using various decorations and phrases.

Come on over to Seasonal Delights for the easy step-by-step instructions!

This is the banner that I'm giving away today:


To enter the giveaway all you have to do is leave a comment before Thursday, April 3, 08 at 10:00 pm EST. You don't have to have a blog to join in, just leave an email address, so I have a way of reaching you. Good luck and thank you for joining in!


nancy said...

Hi Kelli,
I'm going over to look at the banner article. It looks like fun. Nancy

Kelly said...

You are tooooo kind, I loved that banner the first time I saw it! What a great project!


Mel said...

Those are so very lovely. Thank you for the idea!

Anonymous said...

Ooh, I love this! Please enter me!

Unknown said...

I want in! Thanks Kelly for sharing with us!

Mrs. Hurzeler said...

They are so cute! Thanks for the chance.

rohanknitter said...

Very pretty! Thanks for sharing with us!

Rose of Sharon said...

What darling little banners! I love them both! You are so talented! You mentioned on my blog you would love that dirty, junky Goodwill, some how I just can't imagine you there, you seem to eloquent! But, I also know how you like bargains too, so you would indeed probably love it!

Hugs, Sharon

Anonymous said...

Your blog is so inspiring. I hope to some day get to be as crafty as you are. I don't know how you find the time.


Anonymous said...

I'd love to be entered!

Anonymous said...

YeeHaw, you betcha! I definitely would like to included in your drawing for the lovely spring banner!!

Tracy said...

Your crafts are just soooo lovely! You have such a gifting in this area. I would love to have a chance at a "giveaway" if you don't mind posting to Australia.

Kerri said...

Kelli, I can't wait to make one of these! I'm on my way over to Seasonal Delights to make a craft list! Thanks for sharing :)

Anonymous said...

Love the banner, how pretty it is.
Please enter me I would love it if I won that.

Anonymous said...

Beautiful job. Would love it! Thanks for sharing.

In the Sparrow's Nest

Anonymous said...

Lovely banner! Thanks for all of your great ideas! Please enter me!
linda k.

Anonymous said...

the banner is so cute!!! Enter my name into the mix, please!!

Jen said...

Yes yes add me. I love it. Hope you are having a great week.

Anonymous said...

Very nice, count me in.

Anonymous said...

Please enter me, Kelli. I love your banner.

Anonymous said...

Love the banner! Thanks for the idea.

By the grace of God ... said...

Hi Kelli -- love your blog -- the banner is lovely!!

Betty said...

I love the banner, Kelli, and would love to win it. I wish me luck, lol.

Anonymous said...

You are such a crafty woman. I love reading about what you do :)

Jessi Nagy said...

super cute banners!!

Anonymous said...

How fun!! They are so cute!! Please enter me into your giveaway.
Thank you,
athomeelise at yahoo dot com

GinnyBerry said...

Your Spring Banner is so sweet! I'm definitely going to go over to look a the directions soon!

A Hint of Home said...

You're such a sweetie! Lucky the recipient of your talent and giving spirit. I enjoy browsing your blog. Come visit mine sometime.

Michaele Sommerville said...

How sweet and amazing you are- sharing your creativity via the blog and sharing it via this giveaway! I "flagged" your original post in my readfeeder as one of my favorites- how good to see it pop up again today! Thanks!

GranthamLynn said...

Oh how cute and how sweet. Maybe my turn to win? You think?
BTW I am tagging you. Go read my post. The tagging was the easy part for me. Come and play. Please. Love,Sherry

Jen said...

They are beautiful!!! Please enter me in the giveaway!!!!

Anonymous said...

It's so pretty. I love this idea. I'm already thinking of variations and where they could go in my house.


Anonymous said...

It's lovely! I love all your crafts!

Tracey in CT said...

Oh these banners are wonderful! I think that I see some banner making in my future!
Thanks for sharing this!
Please enter me in the drawing!!!

Lisa said...

Those are very nice and so creative. Thanks for sharing.

Anonymous said...

I would love to win this. My house is dreadfully empty!

jenniferannnovak AT yahoo dot com

Elizabeth@Pray, Love, Learn said...

I just started reading your blog and have been inspired!
I would love to enter the drawing.
Thank you,

Needled Mom said...

Lovely banner, Kelli. Your choice of colors is perfect for spring. Thanks for posting the instructions.

Anonymous said...

Hi Kelli! Please enter my name as well! You sure are one "crafty" lady!

~ Kim

Huskerbabe said...

Very sweet. It's hard to feel like it's spring when we got snow yesterday. I'll count on seeing spring in another month. But a banner like this would cheer one up! :>)

Anonymous said...

The banner is so sweet!

Martha said...

I like your banners. Please include me in the drawing. Thanks.

Karen said...

Oh these are just precious! I love them!!

Anonymous said...

Please enter me! So nice of you!

Nancy M. said...

Thank you for your kind comment.
I think your Spring signs are adorable! Thnak you.

Dianna said...

Oh, they're beautiful. Thanks for sharing how to make these as well as giving one away!

Rosie's Whimsy said...

They are so pretty! I really need to get into the paper crafting thang!

Anonymous said...

Oooo, I'd love one of your lovely creations, Kelli. Throw my name in that hat please!

And have a great week.

Charlotte said...

Love the Spring banner. So nice of you to give one away.

Anonymous said...

I surely think you give martha Stewart a run for the money. Enter me in baby!! ;)

... said...

what a beautiful banner. i have the perfect place for it, so send it over my way :]

TJ said...

This is beautiful! How did I miss it the first time?

You are so talented!

Anonymous said...

Oh how fun! I'd like to enter your giveaway drawing.

Theresa in TX

Anonymous said...

It's a lovely banner.

Thanks for entering me.

Bella @ Lil Daisies said...

Darling! I have loved reading Seasonal Delights since the very first issue! Lovely project!

Spring Blessings,

Robin said...

How pretty - I would love to be in your drawing!

Helen said...

Lovely banner! Hope I win :)


Julieann said...

Hi Kelli!!! Happy spring my friend. Both the banners are just lovely:)


Anonymous said...

Yea! I would LOVE it! Enter me in!! It's just lovely!! You are so creative! :) Have a beautiful day!

Anonymous said...

Love, love, love the Spring Banner. Such a cute idea.


Anonymous said...

Please enter me! That banner is so pretty!

Mrs.T said...

How thoughtful of you, Kelli! I'm heading over to look at that banner project, too. I still have my Valentine banner up, since the colors are great in my dining room, but I've been thinking of making one for spring.

Kentucky Bound said...

Your banners are beautiful. Thanks for sharing the instructions. I'm going to hang on to them in hopes of being a winner, though!


Linda said...

Love your banners. Please enter me in this fun give-away. Heading over to check on the how to's. Thank you and a happy day to you. Linda

Anonymous said...

Love the banner, I'm heading over to learn how to make it.

Hope said...

The teacup with the candles in it is amazing...The flames look like they're floating!

apple blossom said...

That is a beautiful banner.

Debbie said...

Aren't you so sweet?!! I know I probably won't have a chance to win with all the entrants, but I am going to enter anyway! :)

Lora @ my blessed life said...

Oh! I loved this little banner when I first saw it a couple of weeks ago!

Ginny said...

Hi Kelli, I will attempt to make a banner that may or may not resemble yours. However, winning one that you made may be the best thing in the long run!!

Unknown said...

I love all your banners! They are so creative! bjoh967376 at aol . com

Cathy said...

Lovely banners, Kelli, You are so talented ~ A wonderful giveaway!

Marianna said...

I would be beyond thrilled to win this pretty!!


Carole Burant said...

Hello dear Kelli:-)

I'm finally back to regular blogging...isn't it funny how having company for a week and then being away for a few days can mess up your regular routine?? hehe I've really missed you all.

Thank you so much for your best wishes on my finding out that I will be a grandma...I can't tell you enough how absolutely thrilled I am:-)

What beautiful banners you've made, I will definitely check out that article!! You are always so full of fun ideas and I so admire you:-)xox

Anonymous said...

Please enter me in the drawing for the spring banner. I will be checking out the instructions to make my own.

Sandra said...

LOVE it Kelli :)

You know I never win anything but what the heck, maybe I'll get lucky this time LOL


Jen Glover said...

Kelli, I love your blog and your projects! Thanks for working so hard on this lovely blog!

Theresa said...

Hi Kelli,

Please enter me in the giveaway. I will be the most popular girl in the neighborhood if I win! Thanks for the giveaways and the great recipes.


Momma Roar said...

You are so crafty and creative!! And I love how you don't keep it to yourself - but you share it with us!!!

Blessings friend!!

Your favorite sister said...

Oh count me in. It is so cute!

Missy said...

hi kelly :) what a cute banner. your sooooooooo crafty! thanks for the giveaway.


Simply Heart And Home said...


I'm late in commenting, I'm afraid. When I finally arrived, I noticed 82 comments already! Wow!

Your banner is beautiful. Thank you for including the link on how to make them. I'm going to try it though I'm afraid mine will look rather like a kindergartener's work! :)


Anonymous said...

email is

Jada said...

You're so creative! I always look forward to reading your blog!

jbaker65 at comcast dot net

nancy said...

I love your little spring poem by Robert Browning. It is a favorite from when I was a little girl.

Anonymous said...

You always have such wonderful ideas! Count me in! I pray you are having a blessed week and enjoying the beautiful spring weather!

Kelley said...

I would like to be entered in please!

Anonymous said...

Hi Kelli, The signs of spring are perfect! Thanks for sharing.

Sharon said...

Those are lovely banners! They make me long for spring and warmer weather. Please enter me in the giveaway.

Anonymous said...

They are adorable! How sweet of you to make an extra to give away!

~Fay (

Leigh said...

Please count me in, those are GORGEOUS!!


Cris said...

Kelli, what a wonderul banner! That's very sweet of you to give it away!c

Beth said...

Please enter me! What a pretty banner! I have a spring giveaway at my blog as well!Come over and see!


Barbara said...

What a gorgeous banner. I'm just popping over to see how to make one myself but I'd certainly like to be in with a chance to win this one!

Carrie said...

What a timely giveaway. Sure would be nice to win it.

the said...

That banner is VERY cute :)
You are so crafty !!

Anonymous said...

They ae so cute


teacupsandpoodles said...

Hi Kelli,
Thanks for sharing how to make these pretty banners. I'd love to be entered in the give away. As always, I love looking at your blog. Mary Ann

Sonya said...

It's lovely! Count me in!

Sharon said...

Kelli, I tried to copy your banner when I first saw it. I had a bit of trouble with free handing the banner, so I'm so glad you posted the template for it! Yours look so prety, mine didn't turn out quite as nice!

Mary said...


I love the spring banner and how generous of you to have a giveaway. Now I'm off to find the instructions for making these.


Tami said...

What a beautiful banner!

Anonymous said...

Please enter me. I love your blog & all your pretty things!

Mike Golch said...

I guess the best way to get people to comment on a posting is to have a give away.

Wendy said...

What a lovely blog and darling banner! Ü

Barbara said...

ohh..I think,I am too late..but...never mind...the banner is cool..
HUGS Barbara

Sandra said...

Add me to your list...that banner is so cute! You're so creative and I love all your ideas.


Jerri junque said...

I love the banner, what a great project.

Heart 4 My Home said...

Oh I hope i made it in before the deadline. I just love the signs, they are adorable.

Dani said...

Ooo, thanks for the reminder!

Please add me for your Spring give away, both of the signs are beautiful.

Pretty Life Online said...

That is so creative!!!! Please count me in Kelly! I love it!

Anita said...

Oh Kelli, your banners are lovely, I've already admired them in the latest issue of Seasonal Delight!

I hope I am not to late for the drawing! May I ask you to enter my name on your list? Thanks!

Making a banner is still on my to-do-list but I have just not enought time to get started (life is still so busy over here... ;-(((

Best wishes,

cherished*vintage said...

Hi Kelli! Cute banner! I'd love a chance to win. I'm having a giveaway too, please stop by and check it out.

Gena said...


I just love everything you do. I would love to be entered in the drawing and I'm heading over right now for the instructions.

Have a great weekend!

Anonymous said...

how delightful, how whimsical how very Me (G)!!! Thanks for the chance to win this darling banner and thanks too for the chance to make our own if we don't win!!!! Your kindness is appreciated both ways. Hugs XXXAnnie from San Diego


Love it!
You are so talented Kelli!
Always great to check out
your site! hugs! Jewelgirl

Brenda said...

Hi Kelli, that is so adorable. I would love to be entered in the drawing. Thanks.
Brenda :)

Anonymous said...

Those are adorable. I wish I was that crafty.

Karen said...

lovely, fun banners. As always you do a fabulous job! :)

Dawn said...

Nothing ventured, nothing gained! Count me in!

Katy said...

I love them!!!! I would love to win one!!! Thank you so much for the chance! :)