Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Mother's Day Gift Flowerpots

Happy Tuesday! Mother's Day is coming up in a few weeks and I thought these mini flower pots filled with gardening tuck-ins would make sweet gifts for your mom, special friends or even teachers!

Come on over to Seasonal Delights for the how-to instructions. If you make some, I'd love to hear what special things you filled them with!


Becki said...

I am inspired. I have some smallish tin pails leftover from another use that I have been trying to figure out what to do with. This is a perfect.

Thank you for sharing such a fun, pretty and useful gift idea.

Just Mom said...

I LOVE THEM! Are they for me????


Julieann said...

They are just lovely kelli!


Kelley said...

Oh my goodness Kelli, I made something very similar for my mom!
We do think alike!!
Wishing you a blessed rest of the day! Ü

Needled Mom said...

What a darling idea. Everyone who receives one will be delighted.

Jessi Nagy said...

these are just darling!!

Mike Golch said...

nice idea.thanks for the suggestion.

Missy said...


Those flower pots are adorable and easy :) My kind of craft. Thanks for sharing.


Anonymous said...

Those are so cute. I will be in Washinton DC with my Rian. I can't wait. I am going to blog about my trip soon.

.. said...

That is such a cute idea. I am thinking of making one for my sister in law for a spring gift. Im off to the link you gave us for the instructions. Thanks for the great idea :)

Simply Heart And Home said...


Those are delightful! I will buzz on over asap!

You asked about the food shortage I mentioned. I posted some news article links about it on my blog.


Anonymous said...

My Mother-in-law would love those.

Rachel said...

adorable! I love the idea. :)

Julieann said...

Kelli---I posted something over at my blog---please come and look--I think it will make you smile:)---(Or Hungry)


Lora @ my blessed life said...

Very cute project!

Kindra-At Home With K said...

Great idea! I think I will have to make something like that for my secret prayer sister at church!

Michelle said...

What sweet flowerpots.. you could make these for Easter, May Day, so many holidays.


Anonymous said...

Very beautiful! I am very inspired! What a lovely idea!!

Susie said...

These are so cute :) I know my Mom would have loved receiving one..
As other's have said they'd make great little gifts for other occasions as well.
Thanks for sharing!

on the ROCKS said...

What a sweet gift. My mother in law loves gardening and I think she would really enjoy something like this for Mother's Day. I love the little Mary Englebreit book. Great idea.

TJ said...

These are beautiful!

Now I understand why there is no camping for you during the summer. I just can't fathom the warm weather so many are having. Our apple growers are suffering here due to the below average temps and they are projecting a 20% crop loss. Hopefully you can have a wonderful Fall trip or two.

Charlotte said...

Neat idea. Reminds me of my daughter. She always comes up with unique ideas for gifts.

Vicky said...

They are lovely, and would do for a great variety of occasions, not just mother's day.

Sorry for the long commenting silence - have just been too busy to do more than the minimum!

I think I am back now....

smileymamaT said...

Those are nice. LOVE the camping photos... we will go in late June, we have to wait for the snow to melt (remember snowbanks? I still have a 4-foot one across my back lawn, leftover from the plow!)

the said...

I love those, whata great idea!Thanks :)

Jodi said...

Sweet! [And I love your header! Has it been like that long? lol Sometimes I miss the obvious!]

Tori Leslie said...

aww, those are cute. Great idea!

Lori said...

Love your little Mothers Day Gift flower pots. I never think to do things like that. Great idea.

Rose of Sharon said...

Very cute!

:0) Sharon

Jenn said...

What a cute idea! I really like these, thanks!! ;-)


Anonymous said...

These are so sweet Kelli, and a wonderful idea. Thank you for sharing them with us!

Debra said...

Wow those flowerpots look great!

I enjoyed reading about your camping adventures. My family and I love camping and can't wait to go this summer.

BTW...nice blog

Farrah said...

Awww! Those are sooo cute!