Saturday, April 26, 2008

A Weekend in the Garden

I'm so glad the weekend is here! Thank you for your lovely comments about my new gifts from Anita yesterday. I always enjoy seeing your special treasures, too.

I'm going to be working out in the garden this weekend. I had this spot dug up last year and we planted morning glories and moon flowers, but as you can see most of the grass grew back, in addition to plenty of weeds. My goal is to clean it out and get flower seeds planted by the end of the month.

I've been reading my favorite gardening book for inspiration. It is filled with lots of fun and creative ideas.

We've been having warm spring days, which makes the flowers happy.




Irish Moss
~Irish Moss~

~Lunchtime at the fish pond.~

"I love spring anywhere, but if I could choose I would always greet it in a garden."
-Ruth Stout

I hope you all have a wonderful weekend!


dot said...

YOur flowers are so pretty!

Anonymous said...

Hope you have a great time. It is rainy here,but im finally off. YES
Im moving slow and sipping coffee.

Tracy said...

Will you be making a sunflower house?
Your gardens are beautiful!

Anonymous said...

Beautiful flowers Kelli !! I love the vinca's the colour is fabulous and the book sounds great. I will have to look into that. I have a lot of gardening books, but this one really looks nice.
Have a great weekend in the garden.

Sandra said...

Beautiful Kelli :)

Anonymous said...

Lovely! It is a beautiful day to be outside here too. We are working in our newly tilled vegetable garden. Yipee! I hope we have way too many veggies this summer. Wouldn't that be fun???

nancy said...

Everything is really looking good over there, Kelli. I've never had my yarrow bloom so nicely. I've seen it growing wild and it always looks so good. Mine has been quite a failure. I'll try again.

Rosie's Whimsy said...

Love the quote.....I totally agree! :-) Rosie

Sue Seibert said...

I LOVE Ruth Stout's books. You know she is Rex Stout's sister. Her gardening books are wonderful. Love your garden. And a work about Scouting...our oldest grandson is an Eagle, and that has already done him a world of good with jobs and scholarships. He's about to graduate college, after a two month study tour in China, and his Eagle has really served him well in leadership. One other thing that did him a lot of good was going to Boy's State in Austin after his junior year in high school. I know you home school, but this is through the American Legion, so the boys don't have to be in public school, you just need to talk to the AL at the time...I know it's a while, but just a thought.

Gena said...

Beautiful! I can't wait to see your planted corner. I love moonflowers - I plant seeds each year to come up and over my deck and deck railings. The scent is heavenly in the evenings!

Anonymous said...

I was happy to see that you quoted Ruth Stout too. I love he rbooks. As a result of reading her books, my garden plot is pretty much ready to grow this spring, with no digging or weeding!

Michelle said...

What lovely flowers, Kelli! Hope you enjoy your weekend and have fun working in the garden :)

Quinne said...

Hi Kelli :) Oh, I hope that you have a lovely, productive time outside in your garden this weekend! The flowers are so pretty. Love, Q

Jennifer Hoots said...

Hi Kelli. I just made your wonderful chicken cacciatore for dinner. Oh my! It is good! Can't wait to see how your garden progresses. I have to pace myself this time of year. We are to have a freeze Sunday night, so I'll have to cover the tomatoes. I broke the rule about not planting until Mother's Day.

Anonymous said...

I love seeing your garden! We, too, are having fun in the garden! Isn't it fun? The book you mentioned sounds great, and I am going to have to look into it. :) Have a lovely weekend!

.. said...

Hi Kelli, Thanks for leaving a comment on my blog. I love looking at your pictures, your flowers are lovely. Have a great weekend.

Simply Heart And Home said...


I believe Morning Glories are my favorite flowers. I love the way they climb as they grow. Please do take pictures of your garden as your flowers grow.

Have a lovely weekend.


Susie said...

How lovely visiting with you in springtime in your garden!
Beautiful pictures, but I especially love the fish having lunch!!

Terrie's Lil' Piece of Serenity said...

Just dropping in from another blog. I'm glad I found yours. It's very nice. That corner will be a perfect place for a flower garden. I love to garden. I hope you post pictures when you get it done. Terrie

Theresa said...

Beautiful, Kelli...

carolr said...

Years ago I actually plnted a sunflower house for my then-little boys. The directions were basically to tie together the tops of the sunflowers to make a roof. It kind of worked, but probably would have been better for two little GIRLS rather than boys. You see, they turned it into a fort, which didn't live long, since it was obliterated!

Anonymous said...

Kelli, you are such a lucky person, having your own garden! Hope, next year I have it too.
Thank you for leaving a comment on my blog.


Simply Heart And Home said...


I posted the 6 Week Muffin/Hearty Bran Muffin recipe. Enjoy!

Needled Mom said...

The garden is definitely the place to be in the spring. Everything is looking so pretty.

Anonymous said...

it's starting to look a lot like... summer is already in your garden! lovely flowers!

Linda said...

Pretty, pretty flowers. Hope you are having a great weekend. Linda

Linda said...

Pretty, pretty flowers. Hope you are having a great weekend. Linda

Farrah said...

Beautiful quote!

I know what you mean about those weeds taking over...and the grass! Greg spent a good chunk of time clearing out some of those yesterday!

Enjoyed seeing some of your plants! :-)

Rose of Sharon said...

I am so jelous! YOu have such a green thumb! Your flowers and plants are so pretty! How fun to make a sunflower house! We have sunflowers that volunteer every year and they are so neat!

Hugs, Sharon

Cathy said...

Your flowers are very pretty, Kelli, and I love the quote.

tamlovesran said...

Your flowers are beautiful. I've never read the book you have shown, but we've planted sunflower houses for the last few years. It's so exciting watching them grow. Sadly though, the squirels always end up destroying ours before we get to see the flowers in their glory.


Kathy said...

Wonderful flowers, Kelli!
Kathy@ Mimi's Garden

Kelly said...

That book looks cool...I will have to look for that one.......

Kerri said...

Oh Kelli,
That sunflower house book looks so good. I am going to try to get that from my library! I cant wait to see how yours comes out :) I am sure you and the kids will have fun making it.
Love Kerri

Julie said...

I hate to admit it, but I am so jealous that you have flowers and we don't. And if we don't get rain soon, we won't have any, or green lawns either!

Anonymous said...

I've heard of that book, but not seen it. I did see a book by the same author called "Roots, Shoots, Buckets and Boots". Very cute!
