Monday, May 19, 2008

A Birthday Cookout

Hello! I hope you all had a great weekend. We had a fun cookout for Phillip's birthday yesterday. We were so busy visiting with everyone that we didn't take pictures once company arrived, but here are some pictures of getting things ready.

Making chocolate cookies. We had homemade ice cream sandwiches instead of cake.

I set out most of the serving dishes ahead of time.

I also got out our corn on the cob holders.

Swizzle sticks
And the swizzle sticks for stirring iced tea.

We had soda, cranberry/raspberry tea, iced tea and lemonade.

Phillip grilled chicken and sausages and we also had potato salad, tomato and mozzarella salad, corn on the cob, stuffed mushrooms and devilled eggs.

Thank you for taking a look and have a great start to your week!


Julian said...

wow, looks like you had a great time! Thanks for sharing!
Christina Gomez

Leah said...

Everything looks just delicious! Great photos, too!

on the ROCKS said...

This looks so good. I hope Phillip had a great birthday. It is the extra touches that you put on everything that it so nice.
Have a lovely day.

Rue said...

Hi Kelli :)

I'm officially starving now!!


dot said...

Oh boy! That's my kind of food!

Susan P. said...

I love all of your special touches that you put on everything, Kelli. For Memorial Day I'm going to use your swizzle sticks idea:o)

Anonymous said...

What a beautiful birthday cookout you gave Phillip.

Nancy M. said...

What a happy sweet time you all had. I enjoyed seeing all the photos. * I used your luncheon basket idea the other day. It was so nice. thanks.

Anonymous said...

Yummmy! Thank you for sharing your lovely menu. I am so ready for cookout season! :-)

Sometimes It's Good said...

That corn looks so delicious! You throw a great party!
Hugs, Susan

TJ said...

Looks great! Glad you had a great time!

Jen said...

Your tea sounds awesome and all your food sounds great. I enjoy cook outs.

Cris said...

Happy Birthday Phillip! And congratulations Kelli for
such a nice event, it looks like you had lots of fun! Have a great week!

Sharon said...

It sounds like you made some wonderful memories (and food too!!) The menu sounds yummy and I love your pretty pitchers for the drinks. Thanks for sharing your party w/ us!

The Liberty Belle said...

It looks like the birthday cookout had all the ingredients for being a big, fun, and food!

Jenny said...

sounds like a great weekend!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for visiting my blog last week. :) Your cookout looked like it was a lot of fun (and delicious!)

Mike Golch said...

Hi Kelli,you have officially got my mouth watering.

Jennifer Hoots said...

You inspired me awhile back to get back into entertaining. We had a family from church over last evening. It was a lot of fun and we will try it again. Thanks! By the way, your celebration looks grand too!

Kerri said...

It sounds like you had some delicious food and great company. Everything looks so good. I love summertime food. Thanks for sharing this special day with us.

Linda - Behind My Red Door said...

Happy Birthday Phillip - looks like a yummy feast! hugs, Linda

Michelle said...

I'm hungry!

GranthamLynn said...

What a wonderful time you must have had. I love all the photo's thanks for sharing. I love the way you set out the dishes and your ice tea too. It all looked yummy! Hope you have a great week. Can't wait to see what your up to.

Marci said...

Everything looks so summery and good. Michael's birthday was yesterday as well. Happy Birthday Phillip!!

Kelly said...

I need to remember to put my serving dishes out before hand, awesome idea!!!


Karla Cook @ Roads to Everywhere said...

Swizzle sticks for iced tea! I never thought of that! What a fun idea! I think I'll have to get some.

Susie said...

Hi Kelli,
Your menu sounds just wonderful. I hope Phillip had a great birthday celebration!

Julie said...

YAY! It worked--I added you to my favorites. Your meal looks so tasty. I think I will try to do the daybook next Monday. That seems fun. Have a great day. Julie

Anonymous said...

Everything about your blog is beautiful and the party looks just as special. You make your family feel the warmth of your home and heart. It shows in everything you do.

Anonymous said...

Congratulations. I hope Phillip had a wonderful day !!
The food and drinks look so very delicious. They had so much choise to eat and drink. The visitors must have had a lovely time !!
Have a great day !!

nancy said...

Everything looks so good. I better go get some lunch now. Yum.

Anonymous said...

yum, sounds too good! Good food is just the bestest present! :)

Anonymous said...

Looks like it was a great party!! And everything looks so delicious! :) I hope he had a great birthday!

Jody said...

I have so enjoyed your blog..everything looks wonderful. I will be back to visit soon. Thanks for sharing

Farrah said...

Aren't birthdays fun?! Kylen's birthdays are our biggest event of the year! I began blogging just after his last birthday, so I've never blogged about any of them, but I think it will be a fun post when I do! I would love to be a party planner! LOL! :-)