Monday, October 06, 2008

Fall Tea Tray

Autumn tea tray
All summer long we drink iced tea, but now that Autumn has arrived, the girls and I have been enjoying hot tea. Constant Comment and Cinnamon Stick are popular right now. Benjamin likes hot chocolate. :0)

A thrifted silver tray along with a lace doily holds the teapot and cups.


Beaded garland wrapped around a jar for the tea spoons.

Autumn tray

Tea tray
What is your favorite tea this time of year?


Anonymous said...

Hi Kelli!

Funny you should ask about what kind of tea is one of my favorites. I just went to Myrtles Tea House with a good friend and they had the most fabulous tea! orange cranberry! Next to that cinnamon tea, of course. What a beautiful tray!

Katrina said...

I read your blog as I am sitting here sipping Trader Joes Peppermint tea. Very yummy. I also love constant comment. And Ceylon teas Silken pyramid teas are really good too. =)

Tori Leslie said...

Not much of a tea gal but I love that tray! You are always so crafty with your decor, very nice!

Anonymous said...

o.. how i love that stuffs!

Anonymous said...

Hi Kelly

My favourite tea is just plain black tea. For some reason I'm not into flavoured teas. I always drink my tea strong with milk. Funny thing is I love lemon iced tea in the summer.
I always read your blog and enjoy show and tell and weekend chit chat.
Cheers from Australia,

Anonymous said...

What a beautiful let up for tea :)
My favorite tea all year long is Twinings English Breakfast. My girls like Pomagranite Pizzaz and Lemon.

Lill said...

Hi: Kelli:)
You do not know me, but I just want to say: YOU HAVE AN AMAZING blog:) And you live in Texas, USA. My daughter lives in Dallas, Tx, she is a runner and a student at SMU, but usually she lives here in Norway:) Have a wonderful day, and by the way.... I drink mostly coffee:) Cheers Lill

Suzann said...

I couldn't really say about a favorite tea, I tend to like blackberry or raspberry, but over the weekend at Barnes and Noble there was an orange tea that I should have picked up that looked delightful. I think I'm going to go back today and purchase some.

Unknown said...

Hi Kelli,
I've always been a coffee drinker...but maybe I need to try the tea!

Love your tray and pictures.

Kerri said...

Though I went back to drinking coffee. I will occasionally have tea in the afternoon. I fell in love with Earl Gray. I love the strong flavor.
Love Kerri

Arlene G said...

I like the spiced tea that we drink here in the South in the fall. It is made with instant, tea, Tang and spices.

Gone said... tea...just in time for my Birthday Tea Party on-line Wednesday. If you have the time, why not join us?


Anonymous said...

Hi Kelli!

My mom recently discovered your blog and showed it to me that day. I now check it every day to see all your pretty cards and things! I'm kinda like you in the fact that I like to make cards and scrapbbok and stuff.

My favorite tea is Apple Cinammon...but we just got a Sugar Cookie one and I'm eager to try it! Of course hot cocoa is a favorite! :)

Sarah-Anne L.

Michelle said...

What a lovely tea tray filled with beautiful things! It's neat how you make the 'everyday' things so special for your family :)

I mostly drink coffee these days :)

Wishing you a wonderful week!


Anonymous said...

I have an old spooner that I use on my table, and sometimes they get broken from the grandkids. I like your idea for spoons. Another idea to tuck away.

Georgia Girl said...

Never have tried tea before but just looking at the pictures really want me to go out and buy some.

Georgia Girl said...

Oops meant to say hot tea...I do drink ice tea all the time.

Heather said...

Your tray is gorgeous. I love how you put it all together. Hmm, my favorite teas are.. Honey ginger, Christmas morning, Cinnamon stick, and orange spice.- just to name a few. I love tea. I have so many to choose from it's hard to pick the top favs!

Kathy said...

I'm not a hot tea drinker but I love the way you have the tray arranged, it's lovely.

I hope you have a great Monday.

letterstoelijah said...

I recently purchased herbal apple cider tea.. yum!

Julian said...

i like chai tea. What a beautiful tea tray! May I come for tea?

Dani said...

I drink a lot of random herbal loose leaf teas, but my favorite boxed tea is Twinnings Lady Grey... and good ole Lipton. And absolutely NO sugar or milk in them. Occasionally I'll put a dash of honey in the herbals.

Tammy said...

Your silver tray display is lovely.
I have to admit that I am not much of a hot tea drinker....just give me some good old "sweet tea"! Maybe it is an Alabama thing..who knows! :)
Hope that you have a great day!

Lora @ my blessed life said...

Love your tea tray, Kelli! Those teacups are beautiful.

I'm pretty much a sweet iced tea person year round, but I do like hot tea in the evenings sometimes. My favorites are Earl Gray, Constant Companion cinnamon stick, and whatever tea that my sister has given me from her days at Starbucks:)

Ribbonwood Cottage said...

HI Kelli, what a lovely post today. Love hot drinks, hot tea, we try all kinds, but during the holidays I love Gingerbread tea. I don't know who it is by, but it comes out for the holidays and I love it. I enjoy your blog SOOOOOO much. You are a great neighbor to come and visit!
Have a blessed day!

Grammy said...

I love your gold spoons. My favorite time is spring. I get spring fever and want to get new things growing. I am trying to learn new ways to take away winter blues. We get very little fall weather.
And I do not drink tea so I do not know the joy of a flavor or hot and cold versions.

Mommy said...

What a beautiful tea setting. :)

Here where I live, it is still too warm for me to want hot tea. I like it iced still.

But I do enjoy coffee in the afternoon. :)

Anonymous said...

This is so beautiful and inviting!

Dianna said...

Your tray is so beautiful! I don't do tea, but I love hot chocolate and spiced apple cider. Hot honey lemonade is my favorite when I have a cold, though.

Tina Leigh said...

I go thru spells where I will drink a lot of hot tea...not much on ice tea but I will drink it. Danny loves ice tea. BUT...if I had 3 sweet friends like yall near by...I would say.."Pass the tea please!". I love the cups and tea pot. It's all really pretty.

Anonymous said...

I have always loved sleepytime tea. Well, I love how it makes me feel afterwards. It's not always great going down.

Kelly @ The Barefoot Mama said...

How beautiful, Kel! I love peppermint tea and my all-time favorite English Breakfast. Right now I'm on black tea only because we're expecting a baby, but I can't wait to be back on everything herbal one day! YUM!

Lena said...


This is such a beautiful vignette, and must make your children feel cherished. What wonderful memories they will have, always.

I tend to drink more herbal teas this time of year, and one of my favorites is Celestial Seasoning's Vanilla Pear.

P.S. Your Little Women Collages are lovely!

Lindsay-ann said...

Hi Kelli
We all drink hot tea (twinnings english breakfast tea or similar)at our house. We drink it with milk and half a teaspoon of sugar. I drink 6 cups a day. I can't live without my tea. I love your beautiful Fall Tea Tray.

Little Towhee said...

I drink sweet iced tea all year, but as far as hot tea goes, I love Stash's Hazelnut Chocolate. Your son may like it too with a splash of milk and a couple of lumps of sugar!


Julie said...

I love the herbal tea --English good. Julie

Step said...

Kelli, I think this might be my first time commenting, but I just love your blog! I am a tea gal through-and-through. Love it!!! Iced, hot, herbal, green, chai, just plain black tea, you name it. My all around favorite tea is a good Earl or Lady Grey.

My favorite teas for the cooler autumn months are vanilla caramel and gingerbread spice. :)

GlorV1 said...

Hi Kelli. I'm not really a tea drinker, but when I do I like rasberry tea, hot and cold. When the climate changes as it is now, we drink chocolate and/or coffee. I love your tea set and your golden spoons. You do everything so nicely. Have a great Monday.

Pink Slippers said...

I sure wish you were my neighbor or better yet sister. Your pictures and ideas and just plain creativity is so warm and cozy. Thanks for sharing. I love vanilla tea..but I only had it once at a baby shower and have never seen it again. Wendy

Carla said...

Perfect! Those gold spoons are wonderful! Love the trim around the jar!

The Berry's Patch said...

What a lovely tea cup display Kelli. I love green tea all year long. Peppermint during the winter and pumpkin spice during the fall. :-)

Jennifer said...

Hi Kelli...

I absolutely love tea...iced and hot! I love to enjoy a cup of hot tea at the end of the day. My absolute favorite is Sleepy Time Tea but, for obvious reasons, I can't drink that all the I also love "Calm" by Tazo (I think that is the brand) and I also enjoy Red Rooibos tea.

I saw you were going to join Mrs. H and others in walking....did you walk today? I did right after I made a batch of Banana Chocolate Chip cookies (priorities, right!) The cookies were delish....

Have a great Monday, Jennifer

Anonymous said...

I like almost any tea.

Anonymous said...

Hi Kelli, I love your fall tray! You really have a knack for making the everyday extraordinary! I'm mostly a coffee drinker but I enjoy Constant Comment, my daughter only likes peppermint and my husband likes a mix from Teavana called Rooibos Caramel. Yes, I have to make three different teas when we all have tea together!


Carole Burant said...

Apple Cinnamon...yummmm! That's always been my favourite tea to drink during the colder months. I love your Fall Tea Tray, Kelli, you always put just the right touches to make it so welcoming:-) xoxo

Linda said...

Hi Kelli....pretty, pretty tea tray. We like to make tea a treat too. Right now enjoying Earl Grey...hugs, Linda

Happy@Home said...

Constant Comment - hands down!! Love that orange spice flavor at this time of year.
Beautiful photos you have here today. How nice that you can share tea with your girls.

Missy said...

very pretty :) makes me want a hot cup of tea....too bad it's still hot here...

enjoy your week!

Anonymous said...

love your tea setting! i love all things to do with 'taking tea'- all the beautiful and dainty items. i have decided that since i do enjoy the pretties surrounding tea- that i must start actually drinking it- instead of coffee in my teapot and cups- i started with a tea called Lady Grey- it was delicious.

Anonymous said...

Hi Kelli
Fall greetings from Canada!
Your tray and everything on it is so inviting..I can almost smell some peppermint tea brewing...thats one of my favourites. Michelle commented on orange cranberry and that sounds very good too..

Brenda@CoffeeTeaBooks said...

I like the Good Earth original blend this time of year (they have it in a black tea and in an herbal tea).

It has a lot of cinnamon and spice, just perfect for cold weather.

LOVE your decorations, as usual. :)

Jennifer Hoots said...

I have to disappoint you, as I am more of a coffee drinker. I did drink some tea from Africa last week and I don't remember the name, but it was pretty good for tea. This is the time for simple pleasures like tea parties.

Unknown said...

I love the way you made the tea party so festive! What a lovely way to enjoy tea and visit with loved ones, so pretty!

Raspberry tea is my favorite.

GranthamLynn said...

Just lovely. I kept the baby all day. Oh my son called last night we have a new grand daughter coming in Jan. They are high risk so please pray! I am behind and just cooking. Gotta run. Thanks for stopping in.
I did just love your post.

The Tiquehunters Wife said...

Between working on an Autumn wreath today and stringing some garlands--I wanted to pop over and say Hello!
Your last three post were a joy to read! I enjoyed your lovely copy of "Little Woman" and the delightful hangings you made! Loved reading about your family walk, your sweet pup, and one of my favorites--Goldenrod! Beautiful tea settings, and my favorite tea is Constant Comment! (A whole lot better than this "Calming tea" I bought from Big Lots which I realized was keeping me awake at night! Buyers beware!)
Blessings to You!
Claudia O.

Anonymous said...

Just gorgeous! You are amazingly talented at bringing beauty to your family's fingertips.

I love Vanilla Caramel by Bigelow as a cheap staple. I love Pear Caramel, which my friend served and ordered from Mighty Leaf Tea. I'm going to have to order some.

Anonymous said...

You always have such beautiful photos Kelli! I love your fall tea tray! It's gorgeous!!

Lady Katherine said...

I love vanilla tea earl grey, and homemade hot mint tea. Love your fall tea set.

Scooterblu's Whimsy~Rhonda said...

How pretty! I just love your tea cups! :) ~Rhonda

Christine said...

I love all sorts of teas but right now I am drinking green mint tea. I love your little tea set up charming and very sweet!

Terri said...

What a gorgeous tea set, Kelli. My favorite all the time is Earl Grey.

Laurie said...

Love your tea tray...I drink English or Irish Breakfast all year, I also love Early Grey.

The post you did on "Little Women" is wonderful ~ you made such lovely treasures!

Heather said...

hey kelli! it's me again, lol.
i left you something on my blog today!
have a good one!

Cathy said...

Kelli, you really do make everyday special for your family. I have been having decaf Earl Grey with honey and lemon. I think it is as good as the regular Earl Grey. I am going to try the Constant Comment.

TJ said...

I love Vanilla Almond tea, it has such great flavor. Also I love Irish Breakfast with some milk in it. And last Market Spice tea is so yummy and spicy too!

Ok, now I want some tea. Good thing I'm home sick and can have as much as I want!

Beautiful tray Kelli!

Sandra said...

Oh that is a beautiful tray Kelli :)


Kelli said...

Kelli, what an inviting tea setting!

Michelle said...

Oh my favorite kind of tea right now is Chai and Pumpkin Spice tea.. Heaven...You have such a wonderful way of decorating.Have a wonderful day Kelli.

Lulu said...

what a lovely tea tray.

Anonymous said...

What a beautiful tray of loveliness! I drink decaf tea and my daughter has introduced me to Honeybush & Lavender's wonderfully aromatic! :)

Sherry said...

I drink green tea every morning. I'm in North Texas & the days aren't cool enough for hot tea. But when the weather finally gets chilly, I like to try different types of teas. A very nice & healthy one that I tried last winter was pear flavored white tea. Delicate & almost crisp at the same time.

rachel said...

Right now, I'm drinking Stash's peppermint with two whole cloves popped favorites though are Stash's licorice and Yogi's ginger.

Susie said...

I love Earl Gray or English Breakfast tea with milk and sugar in the mornings. I prefer peppermint tea or fresh ginger tea in the evenings (with fresh sliced ginger and cinnamon in it). It really is a wonderful tummy soother.

Beautiful layout!

Mrs. U said...

Kelli, I would love to hear more about how you and your children take tea. Daily? At a certain time? Indoors or outdoors?

My favorite tea (currently... and subject to change at any given moment) is Bolero blend by Adagio Tea. YUMMMM!!!!! A little drizzle of honey and a splash of milk sets me up just fine with my tea!!

And I just LOVE the way your tea tray looks- so inviting!! I especially love the tea cups all nestled inside each other! So quaint!

Mrs. U

Anonymous said...

Beautiful tea tray pictures...