Thursday, December 18, 2008

Gingerbread Cookies

For Family Night this week, we made a big batch of gingerbread cookies.


I gave everyone lots of dough.



Then, let them loose with icing, sprinkles and chocolate chips!



Gingerbread Cookies

1 cup sugar
3 teaspoons ginger
1 teaspoon nutmeg
2 teaspoon cinnamon
1/4 teaspoon cloves
1 ½ teaspoons baking soda
½ teaspoon salt
1 cup melted butter
½ cup evaporated milk
1 cup molasses
¾ teaspoon vanilla extract
4 cups all purpose flour

1. Combine the sugar, ginger, nutmeg, cinnamon, cloves, baking soda and salt.
2. Add the melted butter, evaporated milk, molasses and vanilla. Mix well.
3. Stir in 1 cup of flour at a time. The dough should be stiff enough to handle without sticking to fingers. Add up to ½ cup additional flour if necessary.
4. When the dough is smooth, roll out ¼ inch think on a floured surface and cut it into cookies.
5. Bake on greased cookie sheets in a preheated 375 F oven for 10 to 12 minutes (ours took around 7 minutes).

Let me know if you make some too!


Jen said...

I just love family nights..they are so important.

Heather @ Marine Corps Nomads said...

Yum! Looks like everyone was having a blast!

Mrs. U said...

Oh I LOVE LOVE LOOOOOOOVE Gingergread men!!!! Sweet, spicy, soft- Christmas!!!

Thank you for sharing your recipe!

Mrs. U

Jennifer said...

What a great family night...looks like a lot of fun and your "men" look just too yummy to eat!

Mrs. H. said...

Gingerbread men are on the agenda for next week, and I'm going to use your recipe - thanks! :-) I love the picture of Benjamin decorating - you captured his adorable "serious concentration"
;-) perfectly!

Mrs. H. said...

Did I spy a Daisy gingerbread cookie?! ;-)

Anonymous said...

I think I recognize a gingerbread Doggie in that mix. Daisy? Or do I have you confused with another dog owner??

Unknown said...

Love the concentration on the kids' faces!

The cookies look delicious.

Judy said...

What fun for everyone. I don't think I've ever made Gingerbread Cookies. I'll have to try your recipe thanks for sharing it.

Andrea said...

I didn't like gingerbread cookies until just a couple years ago...but yours are so cute, I really want to make some now!

GlorV1 said...

Oh how neat. I love the way you share everything with your family and also include us bloggies. Thx for sharing and I am printing out that recipe. Thc.

GlorV1 said...

The recipe is on page 5 in case anyone else wants to print it.

Lady Katherine said...

I love the gingerbread cookies and love that you have family night. Children grow up fast. You are doing some special things with yours.

Tami said...

Love the gingerbread men, so cute and looks like such fun!

Christine said...

We are having a family night here tomorrow and I bouth the makings for a ginger bread house...I think we will make your cookies as well. Thanks so much for sharing with us ehre Kelli. I love the picture our your son in dark blue and white very cute!

Controlling My Chaos said...

What a coincidence. I made gingerbread people today for Kindergarteners to decorate tomorrow. I love gingerbread.

Kathy said...

I think I need to copy your recipe. The one I used this morning kept sticking to the counter and I couldn't lift the gingerbread men. I finally rolled the dough into a tube shape and just sliced them. I got one man only the rest are just circles.

Michelle said...

How adorable and how cozy to have a family night of cookie making. There's nothing like doing something fun together like this and then getting to eat the yummy goodness! :)

Rose of Sharon said...

What beautiful cookies! I made some this week and will blog about them soon, but mine are not as pretty as yours and I cheated on the dough! Have a great weekend!

Hugs, Sharon

Tracy said...

Looks like fun and YUMMY! too!

Joolz said...

Hi Kelli

Love the gingerbread men! I am doing my cookie baking this coming weekend - mostly for small gifts. I also use those sugar sprinkle decorations that are in your picture but this year I haven't been able to find them in the shops. Most annoying. Will have to go with 100's and 1000's and coloured icing. The kids did a great job of decorating. :)

Cheers - Joolz

rohanknitter said...

I'll bet your kids had a ball with this!!

A Hint of Home said...

What a fun family night. They look inviting.
I hope you had fun at your Christmas tea. Everything looked so pretty.

Sandra said...

Looks like so much fun, love the photos :)

cherry said...

Yummmmm we still need to get goin on ours! cherry

Farrah said...

Mmmmm! What yummy fun!!

Anonymous said...

Oooh This makes me want a Gingerbread cookie.

Anne Fannie said...

Kelli, how sweet is that?
Thanks for sharing your recipe!
Love, Ann

Simply Heart And Home said...


I hope to make these this weekend or early next week. Do you make your own icing?


Needled Mom said...

The kids always love making and decorating the gingerbread boys. What a fun time for everyone!

Kimberly said...

I'm hoping to do some of these this weekend, if time allows.
Can I just say your kiddos are looking so grown up?! Wow.

Hepburn Hilton said...

Pretty! My fist time playing! :)

Kerri said...

What a fun evening. Can you believe I don't own a gingerbread man cookie cutter? I'm going to town today to find one! (I'm ashamed) When I get my hands on one I'll try out your recipe. Thank you for sharing it. The kids did a great job decorating. How many men and ladies did you end up with? :)
Love Kerri

Unknown said...

I always feel right at home when I visit you here, wishing you an your family a wonderful Christmas !! Hugs, Mica

Sarah said...

Mmmm...Those look yummy! Do you use white or brown sugar?