Wednesday, April 01, 2009

Handmade Cards, Paper Crafting and a *GIVEAWAY!*

The winners of last week's paper crafting are Kathy and Rachel. Congratulations! Please email me at for prize information. Thank you to all who joined in the fun last week.

Welcome to this week's handmade card project!

You will need:
-Blank 5 1/2" x 4" notecard -5 1/4" x 3 3/4" rectangle of scrapbook paper
The following measurements will depend on the rubber stamp or stickers you use:
-3 1/2" x 3" rectangle of scrapbook paper or cardstock -3 1/4" x 2 3/4" rectangle of cardstock. Add stamp or sticker.

Glue large paper rectangle to front of card. Glue stamped cardstock to larger piece of scrapbook paper or cardstock.

Glue to front of card. Tie a knot in a length of ribbon. Glue to card (I used hot glue) and trim ends.

Send to a friend!

~More Handmade Cards and Instructions~

Here are a few more things I've made this week...
Mother's Day cards
"Little Mothers" set of cards.

Toile mini cards
Toile mini cards.

Stamped muslin ribbon
I had fun with coffee stained fabric and made these stamped muslin ribbon strips.

Items can be found in my Etsy Shop.

Weekly Giveaway: Leave a comment between now and next Tuesday (8:00pm EST) and I will use to pick a winner, who can choose *any* item from my Etsy Shop! You don't have to have a blog to join in, just leave an email address. International participants are welcome. Good luck and thank you for stopping by for a visit!

Paper Crafting Fun: Post any kind of paper project on your blog within the upcoming week, then add your link to Mr. Linky. Next Wednesday, I will draw *two* names and they will receive a card making kit: blank card, envelope, paper, stickers (or stamped image), and ribbon. Link back here in your post, so that others will know where to join in the fun, too!


BECKY said...

I love, love, love, the toile cards!! But then I pretty much love all that you make!!

I won't be making anything until after this bridal shower I'm hosting!! Too many projects to wind up!!

Thanks for sharing, sweetie!! Always a delight to see what you've been working on!!

Anonymous said...

I always enjoy seeing what you have on your blog. Thanks for the inspiration to make time for crafting!
Heather Overby

Barbara Jean said...

I love the cards you made for today, but absolutely love the toile cards!!Are they fabric or paper??

What kind of glue do you use on your tutorial cards?

I started a project, but not done yet.=0(

I'll get it here someday.

Blessings and thank you for hosting this.

Heather said...

Very pretty cards Kelli!!

Love, Heather

Judy said...

Hello ... I'm new to your blog, but I have to say that I am an instant fan. I have left the tab on your webpage for several days and have gone through a few months of your posts. Your ideas are so wonderful and your home is SO wonderfully decorated. It's all so inspiring!! Thank you for allowing it to be shared with others :)

Me said...

Hi Kelli,

You continue to inspire. :0) Please enter me into your drawing, and thank you.

Clare said...

I just love your work Kelli, your creations are a joy to look at.

Anonymous said...

Hi Kelli
Long time reader, first time commenter. I've actually just recently purchased some gift cards/tags from your Etsy shop and I'm so excited and looking forward to receiving them.
Judy in Adelaide

Secondhand Blessings said...

I love the toile mini cards.

Anonymous said...

Kelli, I have been following your blog for several months. I found it by searching on handcrafted greeting cards.

Love your blog - the wonderful decoration, recipes but especially the paper crafting.

Thank you very much for sharing all of your ideas. You are very kind.

Barb in Michigan.

Katy said...

OH! I would LOVE to win Kelli!!! Thank you for the chance! :)

Mary Anne said...

You make such beautiful things;-) I *LOVE* the "Little Mothers" set. Thanks for taking the time to visit Marigold Manor and comment on my kitty post;-)


Mary Anne

The dB family said...

I love the toile mini cards! So pretty and antique looking! You always have such wonderful ideas!

Brenda Eason said...

I love your work and wish I had the patience to do it.

Tara said...

Love the new card idea. Thank you! The fabric gift wrap is a great idea!

Amber said...

Thanks for sharing these!


Muthering Heights said...

Your cards are always SO beautiful! :)

jengi33 said...

Thanks for the giveaway! I love the brown floral paper you used in these cards! Wish I had some fabric like that!

Linda said...

Kelli, your cards are just so have wonderful ideas. I love your stamped muslin ribbon...what will you think of next...
Please include me in your give-away....hugs, Linda

Barbara H. said...

That top card is absolutely gorgeous. Is the picture from a stamp or cut from some other paper?

I'd love to be entered in the contest!

Penni said...

Your cards are always so beautiful! I love your paper and graphic choices. Thank you for such an inspiring blog.
God bless,

Kimberly said...

Your ribbons are darling--well, isn't everything you make?! I really like the muslin ribbons. Great job!

Bethanie said...

Count me in please.

Life with the Warrens said...

absolutely darling! i am super jealous at your creativity!

Anonymous said...

The cards are beautiful! I love brown and pink together and your first card is so pretty! Hope you are doing well! :)

Hollace said...

I love the bunnies on pink polka dots, and all the brown tinted edges.
And the Parisian stuff. And the vintage children items...

I think you are very generous to do a step-by-step demo on things you are selling. But I'd rather buy yours than try to make mine!

Heather said...

congrats to the winners! very pretty cards as always :)

marcie said...

I love all your cards you make. I am so untalented in that way

Anonymous said...

I'm new to your blog and I love everything you make. Thanks for the step by step instructions, I do need them. And, I've been to your esty, great stuff....I'm going back in.

Anonymous said...

Your cards are beautiful and I really love Wednesdays! It keeps me crafty each week so I have something new to post!

Lady Farmer said...

All of your cards are so lovely, Kelli, but I especially love the toile ones.

Anonymous said...

I love anything with toile! Everything looks beautiful!

Keri said...

Such creative and beautiful ideas, as always! Thanks for the inspiration and the place of refreshment that your blog is.

teachermomof2 said...

I love the toile cards! They are my favorite white and black. Beautiful! Thank you for the directions for the new card. I hope to try them out this weekend!


Janet K. said...

I just found your blog and I love it!! You share so many good ideas. Thanks, HTH Janet

A Hint of Home said...

You have been very busy making a lot of beautiful things. Love all the cards you do but the toile is especially pretty.

annemarie said...

I love your cards and blog - such inspiration.

Mrs. U said...

These are SO pretty!! Especially the ones that remind me of toile!! Kelli, you are very talented and I am so thankful that you share it with us!! You really do inspire me to make something!!

Mrs. U

mommyofmany said...

Kelli... I so enjoy your blog. It's something of a mini-retreat in the midst of an otherwise very hectic and crazy day. Thank you for all that you share.

Heidi Boos said...

This is my first week to share some papercrafting. Too much fun!! Love your beautiful work! So creative!

GrammaGrits said...

Your cards are amazing, especially the new toile ones. It's always fun to see what you're working on!

mike said...

i would love to be entered into your giveaway!! i am awful at crafting but love to visit your site and admire all that you do :-)

Jennifer said...

I love the muslin ribbon! I also really enjoy your wednesday posts.

Rosalyn said...

Hi, thanks for the inspiration. I used to make cards and stopped once I had kids but now I've started again!

Sharon said...

Love you paper crafting cards! I need to make some more. I especially like the toile ones you've made!

Mindy said...

Your blog always inspires me, Kelli! Not just in paper crafting but also in cooking, decorating and home making in general! Thanks for sharing so much with us!

jcscraphappy said...

I truly enjoy seeing your creations.
thanks so much for sharing,

Anonymous said...

The toile cards have got to be the cutest thing ever! Love toile! all of your cards are fabulous! I borrow your ideas all the time! Thanks so much for sharing!

Anonymous said...

wow you have beautiful things! i'd love to pick one :)

Susan B said...

All your cards are lovely!

Anonymous said...

Hi Kelli! Thanks again for sharing your beautiful creativity. Love, Debbi

August Rose said...

Please enter me in the drawing Kelly. Because you know I am such a fan.

Anonymous said...

A lovly card! I wish I could participate, but all my supplies are gone.
Thanks for sharing!

Linda J. said...

A new beginner when it comes to papercrafting but LOVE the inspiration from your Blog. I've been following for a while now and have tried a few of my own projects with mixed results... I need to keep reading ;-D

Anonymous said...

You have such a sweet site!

Unknown said...

What beautiful work that you do! I love paper crafting although as a mother to four, homeschooling two, an infant with acid reflux, and being a helpmeet to my pastoring husband I haven't done any in a LONG time.

Anonymous said...

Beautiful items - which to choose...!
maressmnc at msn dot com

Sarah said...

I just found your blog and LOVE the paper crafting carnival! I can't wait to participate....just got to get going and make something!

My open roads said...

I'm in for weekly givaway ;)

Nancy M. said...

You are so kind to have so many give a ways...I love your cards especially the toile.
Thank you for sharing your home and its beauty.

Angie said...

I just love your stuff as always and admire your look! One of these days I will join your paper crafting Wednesdays too! Angie

Raye Ann said...

I love those cards. Paper crafts is one of those things I have been wanting to try.

Anonymous said...

Pretty paper crafts! Please enter me in the drawing. :)

Gayle@Mountain Moma said...

I love the vintage look cards. They are a bit hard to find, but anytime I find a vintage stamp I always want to get it.

Farrah said...

Even though I'm not participating, I think it is so neat what you are doing with this! The giveaway is a great idea, and I love the buttons! He did a great job on them! So professional looking!

Jan's Blog said...

I truly love you papercrafting. I've bought from your etsy shop and have been very pleased by the quality. Just thought I take a chance at winning. Thanks so much!

Stephanie :) said...

I really love your cards....I only wish I had the talent you have. :)

Kara Powers said...

Please enter me in your drawing!
Thank you!

Yellow Rose Arbor said...

Your cards are always gorgeous!

Kelli, on Show and Tell there's a lady named Gracie who always makes a comment on my S&T, but I can never get my comments to her to work! Is there someway you can contact her to tell her this? I see she only had about 5 comments. I think she is from Italy. I would like her to know there's something blocking people replying to her.


Anonymous said...

Thanks for all of the lovely pictures you always post! I enjoy coming home each day and checking your blog to see your "Show and Tell" or "Papercraft" of the week. Thanks for giving me something to look forward to!


Divamom said...

The cards are gorgeous! I bought a little kit to try them around Christmas time, but got too busy to do them! I hope to do it this year! You do a great job!

Be Blessed!

SF said...

Oh, I LOVE your handmade cards! ALl of them!! If I could choose, I would pick something for Easter to gift to my family- like the bunny gift tags. Anyway, thanks for sharing!!