Friday, July 20, 2007

"Show and Tell Friday"

Welcome to Show and Tell Friday!" Do you have a something special to share with us? It could be a trinket from grade school, a piece of jewelry, an antique find. Your show and tell can be old or new. Use your imagination and dig through those old boxes in your closet if you have to! Feel free to share pictures and if there's a story behind your special something, that's even better!

My show and tell this week is my new "Candle Chandelier" out on my back patio. I got the idea from the most recent issue of Martha Stewart magazine.

I attached two grapevine wreaths to the ceiling with big hooks, then with smaller hooks and thin chains I hung up jars holding votive candles.

It was a three hour long project but I think if I had a proper chain cutter it would be been much quicker. Instead, I used pliers and a hammer. Did I mention it took three hours? ;0)

I used quilted jam jars and added some crystal beads to the bottom wire.

All lit up at night!

The jars are attached to the chains with "s" hooks so they are easy to take off and light.

Here is a look at the entire patio, along with our electric lanterns lit up too. We are having such a mild summer we are still able to sit out and enjoy the evenings.

Thank you for looking at my show and tell!
Instructions can be found at
Instructions for Patio umbrella variation

If you would like to join in for Show and Tell, here are the guidelines:

***Post your "Show and Tell" on your blog, copy the post link, come over here and add it to Mr. Linky. Please do not use Mr. Linky unless you have a Show and Tell or the link will be deleted.

***Link back here so that others can share and read through all the links. If you don't know how to do this, email me and I will send you the link code.

***Please do not host your own "Show and Tell Friday" at your blog. I'd appreciate it if you keep There's No Place Like Home as the only home of Show and Tell Friday.


Anonymous said...

What a clever idea! It looks so cozy and inviting! I admire you -- I wouldn't know how to to that without help.

Disney for Boys said...

I saw this in MSL what a great idea! Very creative and beautful too! Have a wonderful weekend!

Unknown said...

I LOVE it! And I think your little bit of brick wall helps add to the delightful charm!

My niece Jackie had votives hanging all over the garden at the hacienda where she got married in Venezuela. It looked so enchanting in all the photos.

You are always doing such neat stuff.You inspire me girl!

Anita said...

Oh Kelli, this looks soooo lovey and when you light up the candles, I really can feel that there's a lot of romance in the air! What a great idea! Oh, I need to look at it again, it's wonderful!

And I really have to smile on your Show and Tell! When you look at my today's S&T post, you'll immediately know why! My one is quite similiar to yours, with empty jam jars and ... S-hooks! I love your idea to add some crystal beads on the jar.... Won't you mind if I copy that?

Good night Kelli and have a wonderful Friday! As you know, our night is already over and we are just about to have breakfast.

XoX, Anita

Cheryl said...

Very cute Kelli! I made something very similar years ago. I had mine hung willy-nilly in the branches of trees. If you have a small candle in each jar, you can get a transparency made (at any copy center) of something or someone.... and using clear tape, tape it around the glass jar for some "oh my gosh, thats soooooooo cute!"
I also filled some terra cotta pots to the top with sand, put a hurrican glass over a candle, added a few sea shells around the edge, instant cute~ I had those at each side of some steps to help light up the walkway. I use old jars on the ground with candles as well. Most of my jars now have been washed out and house buttons :-P

Lori said...

I love your candle idea.
You are always so creative.

Have a wonderful weekend!

Hugs, Lori

Mockingbird Hill said...

This is such a good idea! I have used the jar candles before, but hanging in trees, not in one group. Enjoy them this weekend!


... said...

how beautiful. i love the look when the candles are lit at night. how nice to spend so much time outside.

Anonymous said...

I saw this in the magazine. Yours turned out beautifully! Nice job!

Anonymous said...

It looks fantastic all lit up! Just beautiful!

jennifer said...

I love this idea so much, that I am planning my own. This was so simple and elegant, I so love Martha Stewart!
Thanks for the Show and Tell!

Anonymous said...

That is just too fun!! I see a lot of things on television and I never have the energy to actually do it. Congratulations on your masterpiece.

Take care,
My show and tell is up.

Susan said...

You are just so clever, and hands on, Kelli. These are precious all lite up.

Paula said...

Your creativity never ceases to amaze me! What a wonderful bit of art you have gracing your patio. It's a lovely look.
Mrs. C

Anonymous said...

That is the cutest thing! Your patio is so inviting and cozy. I'm officially inviting myself over for tea.

Kim said...

That is so pretty all lit up. Thank you for sharing your candlelier. I'll bet it sparkles like nobody's business.

Amanda said...

You'll be relieved to know there are no insects (pretty or otherwise) in this weeks show and tell!

Are those the same grapevines that were over your front door?

I think that's an awesome way to decorate. I'm going to have to copy you some day. ;-)

Mrs. H said...

Very neat!

Mrs. H

SimpleFolk said...

Beautiful! I just love it! It was well worth the three hard hours to have something so lovely. ;o)
I posted mine!


Anonymous said...

That is a cute idea! It looks so nice out there! Like another room.

Kelly @ Growing.Learning.Playing. said...

So very, very pretty!! I love to see your handiwork, Kelli. Thank you for sharing, and again, thank you for hosting Show and Tell Friday. I love it!

(I got your email and am replying in just a bit!)

jodi said...

I love this idea. With the candles and the lights it looks very magical - and with a toad in your garden also.

Lori said...

My other link didn't I entered again. Kelli you can delete line 7 if you wish. It was brought to my attention that link doesn't work.

LBP said...

You should really should be in a magazine with all the cool projects you have! Love this idea and will probably "borrow" it for an upcoming pool party!

Thanks for hosting show and tell. It's my favorite day of the week!


Paula said...

Great idea! Loved the night scene, too. That must be a very cozy patio!!

Anonymous said...

I love your creativity Kelli! those jar lights are great. Enjoy your patio.

Amber said...

How wonderful. I wish Martha Stewart could see all the wonderful things you do out of her magazines, she would be proud.

I bet you really enjoy the back patio a lot more now!

Mary L. Briggs said...

That is a great project, Kelli! I hope to have a place to use something like that sometime. Martha always has great ideas and it's fun to adapt them in a way that we can use them. Great job!

charish said...

Kelli, You always have great Ideas. thank you for sharing

Jada said...

You're so creative and crafy! It looks amazing!


LadySnow said...

That idea is awesome! It looks really neat....and your show and tell friday is sure growing! :)

Trudi said...

OH Kelli it looks just wonderful. We've talked about building a pergola over our decks...must keep that in my memorie bank. It's just great to create outdoor spaces. Your's looks very inviting. Happy Weekend.

Stephanie D said...

Cool! I saw something the other day with candles in jars with colored tissue paper applied to the outside of the jar. Am thinking of doing something like that for Halloween!
Posted mine--first timer!

Laurie said...

I love this idea ~ it looks so pretty, all the lights look like fairyland!!
Happy Friday!

Jennifer said...

Oh how beautiful! You are so clever (even it it was Martha's ideas ~ I love her ideas too!)
It looks just perfect on your patio! Great job!

Heather Anne said...

Kelli! Your porch chandelier is lovely - so rustic and charming! We have wild grapevines everywhere this summer - when we get home from up north I'll have to harvest some and get our side porch fancied up now that it has a fresh coat of paint!

Momma Roar said...

I LOVE this idea - now, only if we had mild summers to sit out and enjoy the evening ;)

Dani said...

Kelli, your patio looks wonderful! How relaxing that must be to sit out there in the evenings

Anonymous said...

Very neat idea! And it certainly does look inviting!

Lallee said...

Kelli, that is just wonderful! I love seeing projects like that. Martha would be pleased ;-) Your porch looks enchanting with all the lights, and I love the bead embellishment you added to the jars. Great job!

Patty said...

they are so cute Kelli. Looks so pretty

Anonymous said...

I love it!! Very pretty.

Heather said...

This is SO pretty!! I love the idea and what nice gifts these would make for birthdays and even at Christmas time~

Anonymous said...

It all looks so pretty and inviting lit up at night. I'm sure you will enjoy many pleasant evenings there!

Myrna said...

YOu always have the best ideas! Your pato looks lovely--even at night!

dot said...

Cute idea! You did a great job!

Tracy said...

How beautiful this must be in the evening. You find and make the best projects!

Jenn4Him said...

So lovely! What a fantastic project.

Gena said...

Kelli, those lights are just beautiful! I wish I had a porch, or a roof over my deck to do something like that. I just love hanging candles. I have used the big mason jars with sand in the bottom to hold candles. I decorated my front steps with them, and then used them again when our power was out for AGES during one of our summer storms. I was the only one in the neighborhood whose house looked like it had people in it. It really looked cozy and pretty.

Thank you for sharing your beautiful, creative ideas.

Linda aka yellowroseli said...

Nice idea Kelli. Looks like you did a good job. I've been wanting to do this also.

SweetAnnee said...

can you delete my link ..# 50-
I'm SweetAnnee..and I posted the wrong page
for the link
so sorry
I'll relink after you delete the wrong one!

Lyndy said...

I love it. You did a great job.

Thanks for sharing and have a blessed weekend.


Sue Seibert said...

That is just too cool!! Can't wait to show it to my friend Louise!

Suzy said...

Love the cozy patio idea...have to try this on my deck. Thanks for having "show and tell!!

Rowan said...

I love your chandelier, it looks so pretty when it's lit up. I'll get back to doing Show and Tell soon. The toad story was delightful by the way, they are such useful friends to have in the garden.

Anonymous said...

What a cute idea! It really looks just lovely at night. It's so romantic! Good job!


Anonymous said...

I am excited to join in on the fun!! Thanks~

Gina E. said...'s different!

Kim said...

I absolutely love your porch! Every time I come visit your blog I get this sense of wanting to move in with you!!! LOL! I wish we had a porch--houses here in the Northwest don't typically have them like yours.

Lynne said...

Love it-so pretty. I missed show and tell this week-camera needs batteries :0(. I guess I took too many flower photos this week.

Ruth said...

LOVE IT!! You are so creative. However, it is NOT mild here in the evenings, so I wouldn't be able to enjoy these until fall!!

SweetAnnee said...

Thanks Kelli, I'm all "linked up"
love the idea!! Deena

~~Deby said...

oh I love this and you did such a great job....