I gathered the butter, eggs, sugar and flour.
But first I drank lots of coffee.
And made sure the kitchen was tidy.
My kitchen aid was not happy with me.
Roll and cut out lots of dough.
Bake. Repeat until you are covered with flour and never want to see another sugar cookie again.
Or until you have 240 cookies. The girls and I are taking them all to church tomorrow and decorating them there.
Time to clean!
Which isn't too bad if you have the new Mrs. Meyers gingerbread cleaners.
Finally, light a candle and relax with a good book!
I hope you all have a wonderful weekend!
Oh my! Now how did I miss Mrs. Meyer's gingerbread scent?! I have got to get out more. LOL
Have fun baking!
Thank you for stopping by to visit. Oh, and congratulations on your nomination for the homeschool blog awards! :o)
You've been busy! My sugar recipe takes five pounds of flour. Nope. That isn't a typo. FIVE POUNDS! I think you could get your 240 cookies from that, don't ya think?
Oh my goodness! I could maybe understand doing 240 cookies, I bake a LOT of bread at one time, BUT...sugar cookies? You've only just started if you are decorating 240 cookies! I hope you get get carpal tunnel from it LOL. Karen
I just can't believe you made that many sugar cookies! I once made 4 dozen, and I could see making 8 dozen, but 20??! That's just nonsense! :) Jod job and I hope they raise lotsa money for the missionaries!
Hi Kelli :) Wow! Cheering for you over here for a job well done on the powering through - and sending a few cheers for the icing project, too! Hope the fund raising is spectacularly successful ;) Love, Q
You certainly deserve a wonderful weekend after all that baking Kelli! It must feel rewarding though, to look at all those cookies, and I know they will be much appreciated.
oh my goodness! that's a lot of cookies. you did a great job......i cheat and buy the pilsbury already made cookie dough........shhh! don't tell anyone :)
enjoy decorating.
Your post made me giggle, Kelli! Thank goodness for our kitchen aid mixers in times like these;o)
Yowzer! That's a lot of cookie dough! Have fun decorating them all tomorrow. :o)
Good for you! I've had good intentions of making up a bunch of dough ahead of time so I can make cookies even just for our Sunday School class or something as gifts! Hasn't happened yet unfortunately. Maybe this week... I am running out of time though!
Wow, what a bunch of cookies!
You sure have been busy. They look great, have fun decorating them.
Wow, Kelli! What an undertaking, but I do that every Monday.....I bake anywhere from 6 to 30 loaves of bread/dozens of muffins/dozens of cookies, etc every Monday for my bread customers, and my kitchen often looks just like yours! :)
I don't know, though, if I could do that many sugar cookies....any other type of cookie, yes! But I just don't do very well with sugar cookies....they always spread too much, and what are supposed to be thick soft cookies always turn out spread out, thin, chewy cookies :(
Wow! What a big job. You have done well. They look wonderful.
Wow.....I'm worn out..when can I come for cookies and tea?
Oh my goodness. I don't think I have ever made that many of one type of cookie. The cookies look absolutely great. You deserve to put your feet up after all that and relax for a bit.
Good Job, Supermom! Remember, I was supposed to do 12 dozen today, for our exchange on Monday? guess whose oven died. I don't think we'll have a new one in until Tuesday.
WOW-that's sure a lot of cookies! But I'll bet your house smells wonderful after all that baking and the Mrs. Meyer's gingerbread cleaners.
You are braver than I.
Mrs. Meyers Gingerbread is wonderful! I used it to clean house the other day...we were very fragrant all day.
All I want for Christmas,
Under the brightly lit tree
Is some of those cookies
And Kelli's energy!
What a lot of work! They look really yummy though. Have fun decorating 240 cookies!
I have never heard of Mrs. Meyers cleaner. What is that and where do you get it?
Your cookies look wonderful!!! Great job! I am sure the missionaries will be very greatful for all your hard work!!!
I have never met anyone who made 20 dozen cookies in one fell swoop..until now, that is! Color me impressed;-)
Good for you!! My mom and I made 480 heart shaped sugar cookies 2 years ago... lots of pink icing and sprinkles. We used them as favors at my son's wedding... I can barely look a sugar cookie in the face these days!! Make sure you show us the final product... and I pray there is lots of $$ raised for your missionary!
Wow that is a lot of cookies.
wow, that's one big project on those cookies! congrats on getting through it all, wonder if i would have so much patience :-)
Giving you a big clap. I leave the sugar cookies to my mom. Have fun decorating.
Wow! Job wll done...and I know much appreciated. Relax and enjoy your book now, it looks like one I would enjoy. Linda
That surely is a lot of cookies! What a fun fund raiser!
I'll bet you are glad to be done...I laso bet you will get over that not-wanting-to-see
-another-sugar-cookie-again very soon!
Melissa E. (not Steve)
How fun!
I've been wanting to try the Gingerbread cleaners, but can't find them in my area. I thought about ordering them on-line, but I'd like to smell them first. What are they like?
Also, what's the title of your book in the last picture? T. Davis Bunn is one of my favorite authors. Have you read The Great Divide? It's really good.
Oh wow! That's a LOT of cookies!
You poor dear.. I know you were tired.It was for a good cause though and I know you no matter the cost you wouldn't have turned them down.
Wow, that is a lot of cookies...I'd have to drink several pots of espresso I think.
Great job!
mama to 6
one homemade and 5 adopted
I made a few dozen and felt proud...and they weren't even sugar cookies yet!
Thanks for stopping by my blog. It is incredibly thoughtful of you!
oooooooohhhhh! Homemade sugar cookies are my absolute FAVORITE!!! And I create a disaster every time I try to make them. I do great right up until I go to pick them up and place them on the cookie sheet. Then they just fall apart. My sister has started taking pity on me and now mails me some every year to Texas from Florida. And boy do I appreciate it! lol
240 cookies???
240 Decorated Sugar Cookies???
240 Decorated Sugar Cookies that have to look good enough for people to want to buy them???
You make it look so easy!
Wow! Look at all those cookies.
I'm going to be busy baking these next days too as I am participating in a cookie exchange.
That is a LOT of cookies! What a wonderful job you did.
I love the Mrs. Meyer's Gingerbread stuff. We've already gone through 2 bottle of the hand soap and lotion. Smells so yummy!
You did a great job Kelli! They look beautiful. I happen to drink a lot of coffee too, heheh, especially when I have difficult tasks. xoxox
240! seriously? they would have been lucky to get one fourth of that from me :]
Kelli, how wonderful!! We recently had a cookie sale at our church and had over 4,000 cookies in our church kitchen. There wasn't one square inch left, and our cookie sale was very successful!!
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