Friday, December 21, 2007

Merry Christmas!


We are enjoying these last few days before Christmas. Phillip had yesterday off and I was able to do my Christmas dinner shopping. We will spend a relaxing Christmas morning at our house and then go to Nana and Papa's house for dinner. My mother-in-law is making a turkey, I'm making a glazed honey ham and we are both making various appetizers, side dishes and desserts.

This evening we are driving around our favorite neighborhoods to look at all the Christmas lights and at some point I need to get the gifts that we've been hiding at Phillip's office and wrap them. I will be back to blogging sometime after Christmas. I plan on posting a show and tell next Friday for anyone who is around. Until then...

May you and your family a wonderful and blessed Christmas!

At the break of Christmas Day,
Through the frosty starlight ringing,
Faint and sweet and far away,
Come the sound of children singing,
Chanting, singing,
Cease to mourn
For Christ is born
Peace and joy to all men bringing."
~Margaret Deland


Jen said...

Merry Christmas to you to Kelli. I have really enjoyed getting to know you this year. I look forward to the New Year.

Anonymous said...

Wishing you also a wonderful Christmas with your loved ones. I am glad that I have found your blog again, it is wonderful, and I look forward to visiting you next year.

Jenn4Him said...

Have a very Merry Christmas! God bless and keep you!

Tracy said...

Merry Christmas to you and your family, Kelli!

Gena said...

I hope you have a joyful and wonderful Christmas, Kelli.

Missy said...

Merry Christmas! Enjoy each moment with your family and friends. We'll be in Texas tomorrow. Can't wait to see my family.


Jodi said...

Kelli ~ Merry Christmas to you and your dear family!

dot said...

Merry Christmas to you and your family!

Sandra said...

Merry Christmas to you and your Family :)


Ruth said...

Merry Christmas, Kelli! I hope you all have an awesome holiday!!

Shannon said...

I have to tell you how pleased I am to find your site!! I just did a search for ideas on making some cute tags for my little gifts to hand out at church tomorrow (late to be searching, I know)and you have so many wonderful ideas for..... everything! So hello Kelli, from someone who also lived in Ontario at one time and that is very glad to find you. :)

Quinne said...

Merry Christmas, Kelli! May it be a most blessed time for you and your family. Love, Q

Anonymous said...

Merry Christmas to you and yours. Wishing you a very Merry Christmas full of love and happiness.

smilnsigh said...

A very Happy Christmas to you and yours. Enjoy your break!


Rose of Sharon said...


I hope that you have a blessed, peaceful Christmas!

Hugs, Sharon

Creative Life Studio said...

Have a blessed and wonderful Christmas with you and your family, Kelli!

Cathy said...

Wishing you and your family a blessed and Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year, dear Kelli. Blessings and Hugs~

Carrie said...

Dear Kelli,
You are invited to visit the nativity scenes gallery posted Dec. 23 at Oak Rise Cottage blog. The collection includes over 50 countries from the various continents. Each nativity set expresses the story of Christ’s birth according to the perspective of the artist:
Hope to see you soon,

Open Roads Mama said...

Merry Christmas Kelli and family!

Dani said...

Have a wonderful Christmas Kelli!

Susie said...

Merry Christmas Kelli,
Hope your family enjoys every moment of this blessed time of year.
I'm looking forward to doing Show N Tell in the New Year!

Naturegirl said...

Kelli...carols by candlelight heartily sung ..sending you Christmas blessings to you and yours! hugs NG

Adrienne said...

Kelli - Have a wonderful Christmas as you celebrate the birthday of the King! I have enjoyed getting to know you this year. Thank you for your inspiration. ~Adrienne~

CONNIE W said...

Kelli, Just popping in to wish you a lovely Merry Christmas with your sweet family. May God keep you and continue to bless you in 2008. CW

Carole Burant said...

May the joy that comes with Christmas Day remain with you throughout the year!! Merry Christmas dear friend. xoxo

... said...

wishing you and your family a merry Christmas. hope tomorrow is a wonderful day for all of you.

Sandra said...

Merry Christmas Kelli! Wishing you and your family a wonderful Christmas Day.

Anonymous said...

Hope you have a wonderful Christmas!

Barbara H. @ Stray Thoughts

Anita said...

Dear Kelli!

I wish you the merriest brightest Christmas to you and your whole family!

I am sure you are having a great day with lots of exciting surprises!

We had a little frost tonight but the sun is already shining, what a prominsing day!

Yours, Anita

Felicia said...

Merry Christmas :)

homespun living said...

Kelli, wishing you and your family a Christmas full of blessings.
Have a lovely day,


Linda said...

Have a wonderful day! Merry Christmas~~Linda

Mindy said...

Merry Christmas Kelli! Blessings always..

Heather Anne said...

I hope yours is a very blessed Christmas-tide! Enjoy your family celebrations and time of reflection!

Lori said...

Merry Christmas dear friend!!!
Hope you had a wonderful and blessed Christmas sourrened by the ones you love. Hugs, Lori

Lori said...

Merry Christmas dear friend!!!
Hope you had a wonderful and blessed Christmas sourrened by the ones you love. Hugs, Lori

Julie said...

I hope your Christmas was wonderful Kelli!

Anonymous said...

Thanks and look forward til normal again.

Front Porch Society said...

Merry Christmas to you and your family, as well! :)