Sunday, February 17, 2008

A Bedroom Corner Makeover

Hello everyone! Thank you for your comments about my special birthday gifts. I always enjoy hearing from you and seeing your show and tells! I did a little rearranging in my bedroom awhile back and would like to share some pictures with you...
The fern on top of my writing desk wasn't doing very well.

Lots of dying branches and no new growth. I thought maybe it needed to be closer to the window.

I also freshened up the potting soil.

This window is right beside my desk, I just needed a stand of some kind.

Awhile back I found this old metal chair at the resale store for $3.o0. I have plans to spray paint it and make it a garden chair, but until then, I thought it would work as a temporary stand.

I draped a small lace tablecloth over it.

And set the fern on top. It has been a few weeks and I have noticed some new growth already!

Speaking of ferns, our kitty, Fern liked her new hideaway!


Thank you for looking at my bedroom corner makeover! I hope you have a wonderful start to your week!


Michelle said...

You decorate so like me, it is almost scary. I love the same things you do. It is refreshing to check out all your ideas. Thanks for all the sharing you do.

Quinne said...

Hi Kelli :) I hope that you have a wonderful week, too! Love, Q

PS - I love the Fern & fern pic ;)

mrsjojo said...

Fern, fern, cute. CUTE kitty. I hope that your fern likes the new window area.

Lena said...

That's such a sweet photo of Fern, Kelli. What a sweetie!

I love the teapots your mom gave you in the post down below, but the last one, might be my favorite too!

Myrna said...

Good idea! I'm sure the fern (plant version) will enjoy the light from the window.

LW said...

Pretty little corner, love the lace over the chair..
Fern is a cute cat....


Mrs. U said...

Wow, your fern (the plant, not the cat) looks SO pretty sitting in the chair!! Isn't it neat how such a simple thing looks extra lovely in the right setting?

And Fern (the cat, not the plant) looks happy as can be in her new little hiding place!!

Mrs. U

Anonymous said...

I love that chair, it's so nicely designed, looks very nice with the flower too!

dot said...

I think Fern likes the camera! Your plant stand is very pretty. Hope it will grow better now being closer to the window.

Jen said...

Great idea. I look forward to some yard sales this spring.

Anonymous said...

Hi, this is a great idea, I love it and so does the cat I see ; )
I haven't been doing much at the moment. Had some sad news and don't feel up to anything at the moment.
Will try to do my best tomorrow though !!!

That's my other site

Anonymous said...

Aww cute kitty. Your fern looks very much revived and very pretty on the chair.


Tara said...

Happened upon your blog and think it is so nice! Hope you can hop over to mine!

GranthamLynn said...

What an adorable photo of the cat peaking out from around the fern. I hope it does better. What a cute idea too using the chair. Do you think it will make it to the garden. hehe. Have a great week.Sherry.p.s. I wish I could catch my cats in the act. Everytime I pick up the camera they run!

Anonymous said...

I have bad luck with ferns. Never know where to put them. Love using the chair as a stand.

Stitcher S said...

I love the photos. We're in the process of redoing our bedroom and bathroom so it's inspiring to see the beauty in yours.

I like how you used the chair as a stand. How clever and quaint!

Susan said...

Cute use of the chair. The cat is adorable.

TJ said...

Very nice! While looking at the photos I was wondering, does Fern stay out of the fern? My naughty kitties were chomping on the calla lillies hubby bought me for Valentine's day, so I whisked them away to my office.

Great photo of both of them!

Lulu said...

thats a lovely corner and i am sure the fern will love it..

Tina Leigh said...

As usuall....beautiful decor Kelli!

Anonymous said...

Such a pretty idea, Kelli.
And I just love that your cat is named Fern. What a creative name.
Hope you have a great week.

Needled Mom said...

That is such a pleasant looking corner. I know that the fern will appreciate the new position with the additional light. The kitty, Fern, is way too cute under the chair.

tamlovesran said...

That's a lovely corner of your home. I've never been able to keep a fern alive indoors.


Sharon said...

A very nice idea! Fern looks very contented in her new hiding place. :)
So cute!

nancy said...

Kelli, those are really good photos. I think that chair makes a real nice fern stand. One thing I've found about the Boston ferns is that in the winter, when our heat is going off and on to maintain a constant temperature in the house, they tend to dry out. Do you spray it with water? If not, try that. I would spritz it 2 or 3 times a day and see if there is any change within a few days. Don't give in to the temptation to over-water it, though. That's what most of us do. (I learned the hard way.)My asparagus fern is thriving. We have it in indirect sunlight and it is soooo green. They are a different breed of cat, tho. Also, your Boston fern would probably not like any direct sunlight. Just bright, indirect light. You probably know all this stuff! You home always looks so beautiful! Yeah. Fern, fern. I get it. :D

Charlotte said...

What a unique idea. I love it. Looks like the kitty loves it too.
Thanks for sharing.

Sharon said...

Lace and a plant will brighten up any cornr and yours looks quite lovely......good jobd

Kathi said...

What a great idea to use your chair frame for a stand. Your kitty is so precious. Blessings~Kathi

Heather said...

Very Cute!!!

Love, Heather

Shop girl said...

I think your plant will be very happy on this very pretty chair....and I think your cat is very happy also, a place to get under, it's a cat thing!
Have a great day

Jodi said...

LOL ~ I love that ... a fern over and under the chair!! Cute!

Carole Burant said...

Love your idea of using that chair as a stand for the looks great and the fern seems to really like being near the window:-) Your kitty Fern is so cute too!! xox

Michelle said...

Hi Kelli! What a cute little corner - thanks for sharing your pics :) You have a great week, too!

Anonymous said...

So cute. The kitty is so pretty there. looks like something mine would do. They always bring such love don't they?

Marci said...

My fern was looking pretty sad as well. I gave it a good hair cut. =)

Rose of Sharon said...

Everything is so pretty! You are really good at decorating! I hope your fern will do better now!

Hugs, Sharon

Sandra said...

Love it Kelli, you have the same decorating taste that I do so I get a LOT of great ideas from you :)

Linda said...

I like using the chair for a stand,it looks very sweet with the pretty lace tablecloth. I like both your ferns. Linda

Jamie said...

Wonderful arranging Kelli! I love the Fern on the desk, and the Fern under the chair too! Lol. :D You've got an adorable cat! You're bedroom is simply divine!
