Wednesday, February 20, 2008

~A New Desk~

Hello everyone! Today we went to visit a friend and she happened to be getting rid of a desk. I'm not one to pass up free furniture, even if I am running out of room in our 1800 square foot house ;0) Grace and Emily wanted to use it for a letter writing desk, so we loaded it into our van and stopped by Goodwill to look for a chair.

Look what we found! It's white and it fits perfectly.

This was the original price tag. We got it for $5.99!

We also found a small crystal bowl for holding stamps.

Bowl and pitcher
And a mini bowl and pitcher for writing pens.

Letter box
I gave the girls this small box for holding letters and stamps.

We already had the pictures which complete the new little writing nook. Not bad for just under $10.00!


rohanknitter said...

That is sweet- bet they are thrilled!!

Unknown said...

It looks perfect. What a beautiful place to inspire some beautiful writing.

Susan said...

Perfect and looks great.

Alyson said...

You are right. That is beautiful,classic and perfect.

I have been looking for a desk quite similar to that to turn into a vanity for my walk in closet.

Anonymous said...

What wonderful finds Kelli. I love the mini bowl and pitcher.

Jen said...

I so love that little adorable for sweet little did really good.

Paula said...

How wonderful! Bookworm is begging for a desk in her room, too. :)

Muum said...

whatta deal! It looks like such a satisfying find.

Reviekat said...

What a great writing nook for the girls! How fun that they now have their very own little area. :)

CONNIE W said...

Love your creativity! Looks so pretty.

Rebecca said...

It all came together SO well! was like instant gratification! So wonderful for your girls! I remember REALLY thinking myself important and 'grown-up' when I had a desk that I could write letters at. Mine was only beautiful to me, though. ;-)

dot said...

That is really nice. I hope the girls won't fight over it!

Melissa E. said...

Very pretty! What a nice treat for two sweet young ladies.

Michelle said...

What a sweet little writing nook AND at a very amazing price - good for you, Kelli! I'm sure your girls will enjoy it very much :)

Charity said...

I do love a good bargain!! What a cute little nook for the girls!

Missy said...

how adorable :) they'll have lots of fun writing at their new desk :)


Alyce said...

Hi there..I think I came across your blog from a comment you left on Marybeths. I love it. Nice little nook you pulled together for your fun!


nancy said...

Kelli! Ahat is adorable. Imgine getting that chair! It looks like it was in new condition, too. And I love it that the girls are learning to write letters. All the accessories are so nice. I see a ladder peeking out there. Are they happy with there bunk beds. If you hadn't put them up you'd never have had the space for the desk.

Mom of Many Hats said...

What a great find! I bet your girls will be writing many letters from that desl in the coming years.


Marianna said...

Looks wonderful. What lucky ducks y'all are!

Angela said...

How wonderful !!! I don't blame ya for not passing it up. Free is ALWAYS good :-). I love the chair too. Fits like it was meant to be.
Have a wonderful day!!

ellen b. said...

Perfect! That's the kind of shopping I love...

Diane Shiffer said...

don't you just love the thrift store?

we made a visit to "sally anne's boutique" yesterday. they had a half-price sale so i got oodles of clothes for my son... who seems to be in a permanent growth spurt at this point;-)

Brenda said...

That is awesome! I especially love the little chair. It's fun thrifting, but also great to be able to show our kiddos how fun it is as well!

Gena said...

What a wonderful writing spot. I also love all of your pretty little details.

Lucky girls! And, lucky mom - what great bargains you found.

TJ said...

I love the chair! Looks like a perfect writing nook for girls.

Anita said...

Wow Kelli, I love your new desk and the chair really matches perfectly with it! And what a very pretty letter holder you got as well! Congratulations and... happy letter writing!

Hugs, Anita

LadySnow said...

Oh wow...I love that desk. Great job on finding such a deal! :D

Adrienne said...

Kelli -
I love finds like yours. A free desk and a low-priced chair together with such sweet accessories! What a great place for your girls to write and keep track of their 'business'. I'm hoping to upgrade and enhance my desk area one of these days. You have inspired me.

Trish said...

How very pretty! What fabulous finds, too!!

Linda said...

This looks so pretty. What a nice place to and sit and write a note. Linda

Mary L. Briggs said...

It's all perfect! Things do just seem to fall into place, don't they? Hope you are staying warm!

Jodi said...

Very nice! Pretty soon they'll be writing articles for your magazine ... or in their journals (do they like Jane Austen?).

Nancy M. said...

What a blessing! I have really enjoyed your little blog ! I found this through Jessica's blog.
I too, love finding little treasures that cost nothing!

GranthamLynn said...

Oh how cute. And I love the way you repurpose things. I am still having that camera issue so I have been trying to take a bunch of photo's before I go and get a c.d. I was going around and taking photo's of all my repurposed things. I especially love the idea of the stamps in the pretty dish. How will you keep the cat out of it though? I'll see you tomorrow!

Amity said...

Wow what a beautiful find!!! how blessed you were to find such nice things!! I went to s goodwill by us once and it was...well...scary!!

Rebecca said...

A girl after my own heart...head to Goodwill for embellishments. I do the same thing!!

Jennifer said...

You are my kind of lady! I never pass up free furniture :o)

I love what you did with the desk. I think any lady would just be delighted to write a letter from that desk!

Grace at Home said...

How lovely! What wonderful words might be penned there by your girls!
Dee (

Kelly said...

Oh my gosh, I absolutely love this, what a fantastic find!!!


Anonymous said...

Wow, did you ever get some great deals. Love the pitcher idea for pens and pencils.

j said...

LOVE a beautiful bargain! Jennifer

Sharon said...

What beautiful finds for your new desk! I'm sure the girls will enjoy it for a long time to come. :)

Stop by soon to enter my giveaway! Deadline is noon on Saturday. I remember you said you loved old Victoria magazines. :)

Peggy said...

Now that's a wonderful, usefull bargain! And oh, so pretty!

Myrna said...

Very pretty!

there you go again--Finding such bargains and treasure finds! Great!

Anonymous said...

Great and what a deal. I know the girls will enjoy.

Kelly @ The Barefoot Mama said...

That looks fantastic, Kelli! I love the letter writing box and the chair - what a precious find! The footing on the desk is wonderful! It's gorgeous.

P.S. I love that your gals write letters. :o) What a lost art and thoughtful treasure.

Sandra said...

Oh Kelli, it's just beautiful...I love it :)


Jillian's Bella Rosa Antiques said...

I love how you shopped specifically for desk accessories for your girls to use! How sweet is that????

Great ideas and how excited they must be to have such a grown up place to write. And the chair, wow!

Julie said...

Perfect little desk, perfect chair, perfect accessories and a perfect spot to plut them all in. A perfect price too!


homespun living said...

Beautiful finds, and what a good price!

Anonymous said...

Wow, what amazing and beautiful finds! It looks wonderful...

Anonymous said...'re good! I'm not good at finding bargains like that. The desk and everything looks great. :o)
Thanks for visiting my blog. Have a good week.

A Romantic Porch said...

That is so cute. xo Rachel