We met Phillip for lunch at her favorite restaurant, The Macaroni Grill. We saw the same waiter that we had last year and he sang Happy Birthday to her in Italian.
Phillip gave her a mathematical game for her birthday. She spent some time solving the code: 2 BEDS + 2 HOURS = 1 BUNKBED.
She has been begging to have her bed combined with Emily's to make bunkbeds, so Phillip took the afternoon off to do just that. This may have been her favorite present!
It was a big job!
But they have so much more floor space now.
We ended the evening with chocolate cupcakes and ice cream.
Today I have been busy getting ready for her birthday party tomorrow. She is having 5 friends over for lunch, games, a craft, and of course cake and ice cream. The theme is American Girl-Patriotic-Campout! I'll share more pictures of her birthday and party later this week! I hope you all are having a wonderful weekend!
What fun! I haven't been to a Macaroni Grill in forever! Wishing a Happy Birthday to the Birthday Girl!
Sounds like loads of fun..Happy Birthday dear Grace. 10 is such an important number...double digits....my Madison turns 11 March 1st....she wants to go ice skating...we will see.
I can't wait to hear all about the birthday party since I need to get busy planning one for my soon-to-be 10 year old. ;)
Nice bunk beds. I guess that was a big job! Sounds like you all had a wonderful time. Happy Birthday to Grace!
What a fun day, her bunk bed looks so great, I always wanted a bunk bed as a child but as I was an only child that was never going to happen, lol!
I wish her a happy birthday!!
Happy Birthday Grace, she's such a sweetie :)
Can't wait to hear about the party and see the photos :)
I love the Macaroni Grill, too! Bunkbeds are so much fun!
Yeah! Bunk beds are fun! My older sister and I had lots of awesome hours of fun with ours. Games like, "the Hideaway" and "the Cave" (this was with the blanket hanging over the outside of them. I also remember my sister trying to scare me by hanging down over the side and her hair was like a giant frizzy wig! I was five...and I was scared!
Hope you're party is fun.
Happy Birthday to your daughter. I can see she had a wonderful time and her new bed looks great !!
Those cupcakes really look yummy. I hope she has a wonderful time with her friends.
Have a great Sunday !!
Love the bunkbeds, love the cute birthday girl! Great cupcakes, too - did you do that fancy swirly frosting?
What a wonderful hubby. What a wonderful birthday.
Happy Birthday, Grace.
Well let me say a Hound Dog Howdy,I came here from a different site.
Now that has been said,I want to wish a Great Big Happy Birthday to Grace.Mike golch said that.
How very Sweet! The bunks are great...
Have fun..........
It was nice to visit your journal.
Is Grace's birthday actually the 31st? Case that's my birthday!!
And also, she looks very grown up and distinguished in that picture! She looks much more mature than her years. A lot of poise there.
Happy birthday, Grace!
Sounds like a wonderful weekend, her birthday just keeps going and going! Grace, Macaroni Grill is my favorite too!
What a great bunk bed, smart daddy to do that!
What a great day for her! The answer to your question that you left on my show & tell post is
Google's Picasa.
Hi Kelli,
A belated happy birthday to Grace :)
She's such a lovely young lady. Sounds like she had a wonderful day and her party will be another special way to celebrate!
Looks like you all have had a busy time. What great birthday fun.
Happy birthday Grace!!
Love, The Pickle family
What a neat way to surprise her with her birthday gift! The cupcakes look delicious!
What a special day...Happy Birthday! Bunk beds are a great invention for that very reason...creates more floor space! I like Macaroni Grill as well...especially their fresh, warm bread.
Happy Birthday Grace!
I've tagged you for a meme on my blog, Kelli!
Happy 10th Birthday Grace.
Looks like a wonderful birthday.
Can't wait to see pictures and hear more about her birthday.
Love her new bunk beds.
What fun! I'm glad she enjoyed her day, hope the party goes well!
I haven't been on the computer for several days so sorry this is so belated, but HAPPY BIRTHDAY to the sweet birthday girl! Wow, 10 years old! They do grow up fast don't they? My son will be thirteen on Valentine's day!!! That birthday embarrasses him now, but I keep telling him that one day he'll be glad because the girls will think it's so romantic!=)
Arlington, TX
Looks and sounds like it was a fun 10th birthday! What a neat present from Dad! Thanks for sharing the pictures.
I'll look forward to the birthday party pics! I'm putting on a first ever party (a tea) for my 7yo in a couple weeks and it's all new. We've always just done family parties before.
Your Grace is adorable!
What a special way to celebrate a 10th birthday! The bunk beds look great and I hope she enjoys them!
what a perfect birthday, I cannot wait for pics of her party!
I saw this and thought of Grace right away. An American Girl lapbook...more specifically, ALL the American Girl lapbooks! ;-)
I have an "Excellent" award and a "You Cheer Me Up" award for you today at my blog. :-)
I love your valantine goody bags. I am 11, and take ballet. They are perfect for my ballet friend's. They look so much fun to open! I am a big goody bag fan too. I can't what to do them.
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