Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Winter Quick Breads

Hello everyone! Thank you for sharing your lovely garden dreams with me yesterday. It sounds like many of us have similar plans for this coming spring!

Now, I know that winter isn't quite over, so I'm sharing some quick bread recipes that will hopefully cheer the long and dark days.

Banana Bread
The first one is a classic Banana Bread that is one of my favorite snacks.

Banana Bread
If there are any leftovers, try a slice toasted for breakfast.

Orange Spice Loaf
The second one is an Orange Spice Loaf with Marmalade Butter. Everyone at my house gave it two thumbs up!

Orange Spice Loag

Come on over to Seasonal Delights for the recipes and let me know if you try them!


Suzy said...

You're making my mouth water!
Good thing I have some ripe bananas!

Anonymous said...

yumm, love the bead loafs! I make banana bread very often and loooove snacking on it too! :) will check out your recipes and try them out!
thanks for sharing them!

Rowan said...

That orange spice bread sounds delicious and your snippets from the latest Victoria in the last post has made me anxious to see my copy arrive in the post. The anticipation of spring is a lovely feeling isn't it? At this stage the garden is always going to be wonderful and you are always 'going to keep up with things this year' :) These are really inspiring posts - thank you!

Farrah said...

I’m sending Linky Love your way, because...are you quite ready for this? Maybe you should sit down...oh, you already are sitting? (Hmm...I usually do all my blogging standing on the highest branch of a tree in the middle of the Amazon somewhere over the rainbow. Not really, but that would be cool, wouldn’t it?) Well then, I have added your blog to my sidebar list of blogs, thereby increasing my list from five to something greater than five, and all because I think you’re really neat! Have a blessed day!

PS Banana bread is the closest thing to regular baking I do. I LOVE it!

Kerri said...

Oh Kelli, These look delicious!!! My daughter and I will be trying these this weekend. We made the banana bread last week, and we will try the orange bread this afternoon. We are expecting a big storm and lots of snow, so we will cuddle up with a slice of this, in front of the fire, with a cup of tea!

Anonymous said...

The Orange Spice Loaf sounds like a good one. I'll have to go get the recipe.

Jodi said...

I'm off to check out the orange spice recipe. I *love* orange marmalade. :o)

Tracy said...

Mmmm... especially the orange spice@

Janice said...

Yum, yum, yum! Banana bread is one of our favorties and I especially love it with a spread of cream cheese. I'll have to try the orange spice bread recipe, as we do love our sweet breads here. :o)

Susan said...

I'm a banana bread lover. I don't bake much any more but do still bake banana bread and always have some in my freezer to serve guests.

Jen said...

They sound wonderful. I will so try them. Hope you are having a great day. It's windy and cold here...kind of dreary.

Laurie said...

Banana bread is a big hit at our home too... the orange spice bread sounds delicious too!! I love a treat like this with a cup of tea because its not too sweet...

Anonymous said...

looks so yummy. No breakfasy here yet,but know I must try and find something.=0 sure it want be this good.

Jennifer Hoots said...

There is never any left for breakfast over here! I am ashamed to say, I have not made any banana bread this winter. I need to change that. In my defense, have not had many bananas left! Have a wonderful day.

Sandra said...


I'm TRYING to loose weight LOL Boy do these look good :)

Needled Mom said...

My family always enjoys the banana nut bread but that orange spice one is tempting my tastebuds.

Bella Rae said...

Those breads look so yummy! I've never thought to toast banana bread, I bet it would be delicious.

Linda said...

Oh both these sound and look so yummy.....I think toasting the Banna Nut Bread would be so good. I'm making myself hungry. Hugs, Linda

TJ said...

Yum! Now I'm hungry, should have had more for breakfast.

smileymamaT said...

Oooh banana bread! I was just thinking of making some, just this morning.... heading over to get your recipie! Thanks!

Nancy M. said...

I hope to try the "orange bread".
I enjoy the Victoria magazine you talked of yesterday. I find "older" ones for .50 in local antique shops. Your blog has so many nice things. Thanks.

*Linnie* said...

The recipes sound delicious! I think I'm gonna have to try the orange bread this afternoon...yummy!!!

dot said...

Kelli, you make everything look delicious! I haven't had banana bread in ages.

Anonymous said...

Hi there! The bread loafs look so delicious!

I came across you page from your homeschooling blog! I would love to keep in touch on here as well. My page is: http://emsbingy.blogspot.com/

Have a beautiful day!

The Farmgirl said...

Hello Kelli, Thank you for the delicious banana bread recipe...wow! I think it's wishful thinking that there will be even a smidge left for breakfast :( My advice is to double up the recipe and hide the other loaf ;)

Christine said...

The banana bread looks delicious! Yummy!

GranthamLynn said...

The orange bread looks yummy. I haven't stopped over in a couple days boy did I miss a lot. I loved your post about gardens and I loved your seed cabinet. And, your Sunday post. You've inspired me once again! Have a Blessed week. Oh... one more thing I was clicking on your post and caught a glimpse of the pirate. Before it completely loaded I thought he was a ninja called in to start working the garden and riding it of
winter growth!

CONNIE W said...

They look so YUMMY!

Val said...

This bread looks just wonderful. Thanks for sharing the recipe.

Julie said...

Banana bread with butter! Yes! Good for breakfast, lunch, dinner, and any time in between!


the said...

I think I gained 10 more pounds! Everytime I look at your blog, I see the yummiest food :)
Thanks for the great ideas !!

Pat @ Mille Fiori Favoriti said...

Your breads look delicious! I will definitely copy down the recipes as I love to bake. Thanks so much!

Trish said...

Those breads are lovely, I am especially eager to try the Orange Spice Loaf. Yum! It will be perfect as its cold with lots of snow and rain - can't quite make up its mind, but the city looks like a huge slush ball. Have a great day, Kelli!

Anonymous said...

The orange spice loaf is one I'd like to try - they all look yummy and presentation is so pretty!


Michelle said...

We absolutely LOVE banana bread around our house and it doesn't last for too long ~ um, there really are no leftovers, to speak of (imagine a teenage boy taking about half the loaf as "his" piece LOL)!!!

There are new pictures on my blog if you get some time to come by for a visit :)

Have an awesome day, Kelli!

Soltana said...

"found" you this morning..I'm gonna try those breads too:)

I made the cherry pie today:)

Can't wait until after dinner :)

Just Between Us Girls said...

I love the name of your blog and your photographs look like they walked right out of the latest magazine. Really wonderful and I want some of the bread with a bit of butter and a nice cup of tea please.

Anonymous said...

They look so yummy!

ohiofarmgirl said...

Your bread sounds wonderful ...
I can't even think about spring with so much snow on the ground. I know this is the perfect time to plan and all the garden seeds have arrived but my flower beds...not thinking of them yet...jut too far away for me....I am so ready for spring!!! Dianntha

Anonymous said...

WOW!!! That bread looks sooo luscious~ I bet it tastes good. I have a confession to make...I ran with your idea about letterwriting on the Lounge and made a blog just for Letter Writers. I thought Tiany started it and she said, "No" it was Kelli, so I had two confessions to make today. I haven't decorated or done anything with it yet, but I have some good ideas of what I want to do. It's here if you're interested. homeschoolblogger.com/LettersInLonghand. I also wanted to say that I love Victoria magazine. I won a year subscription on Tiany's blog back during the Christmas Open House...It's a wonderful magazine.


Sharon said...

I will be over for water and bread......looks so good...the orange bread sounds so good.


I have to stop blogging and make some banana bread, major carb
cravings after seeing this!

Anonymous said...

Oh my. Definitely no eating before I come and visit you from now on. Those loaves look so good. I have never toasted banana bread before, but now you have me thinking.....

Lulu said...

my goodness that looks so delich!

The Liberty Belle said...

The thought of your orange spice bread is really causing my mouth to water. What a pretty loaf.

Kelly said...

Bought the marmalade today and going to make this in the morning!!!!!

Thanks for sharing! Keep them coming!


priscilla joy said...

Hi Kelli! Now I am really hugary for breakfast...those look G-R-E-A-T!

Rachel said...

looks amazing!

Sandra said...

Hi Kelli, I made the Orange Spice Bread today. Bill and I had it with our "afternoon tea" and it's delicious! :o)

I didn't have any marmalade but will buy some the next time I get groceries. BTW, it was really good with just butter!

Thanks for sharing this recipe.

Mommy said...

Oh, I would love to try the orange marmalade one. Looks very yummy! I love anything with orange in it.

Anonymous said...

Oh Kelli,
This looks fabulous and makes me very hungry. I hope all is well with you and yours.