Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Chocolatey Butterscotch Marshmallow Bars

Hello everyone! If your sweet tooth has been acting up lately, I have the perfect remedy for you.

All you need is a little chocolate, butterscotch and marshmallow! Come on over to Seasonal Delights for the recipe!


Tori Leslie said...

Ymm, looks sinful but yummy!

Missy said...

those look so good! i'm in exercise boot camp, so those yummy bars are off limits! enjoy one for me :)


Bonnie said...

Oh my goodness. I think Baby Bean wants Mama to make those right away. Boy its nice to blame sugar cravings on pregnancies!

dot said...

NO! You must quit doing this to me!! I want one now!!

Anonymous said...

Yum...those look good.

Kelly @ Growing.Learning.Playing. said...

Oh Kelli, YUM! And I am trying to cut down on sweets, too . . . LOL Thanks for sharing!

Just Mom said...

Heavenly, Kelli. Looks heavenly.

Rue said...

Hi Kelli :)

This post doesn't make me want to stick to my diet ;) Yum!!


Jen said...

Are you wanting me to gain some weight? Your recipes are always so good. I may keep this one for summer though....Madison can help with it.

Jessi Nagy said...

yum yum yummy!!!!

Laurie said...

Yum, I love anything with butterscotch!

Needled Mom said...

My mouth is watering. I need to pop over and collect that recipe.

Anonymous said...

Oh yum! They look so delicious!! :)

nancy said...

It's amazing how many of your comments are from people like me who are saying "No" to these "sinful extravagances". :)
I hope you "skinny minnies" can enjoy them, anyway. My husband could eat the whole plateful and never gain an ounce. Sometimes I just want to slap him. :)
(just kidding, captain.)

Lora @ my blessed life said...

Mmmmm...looks delicious!

Simply Heart And Home said...


How could I not go over and gaze at those delicious brownies? Mmm

Jenn said...

I actually bought the stuff today to make this....LOL Looks like trouble! I figured it would be good to bag up and take with our take along dinner on Thursday night to the childrens museum. We're going quite a distance to get there. It's huge!

Jenn ;-)

Mike Golch said...

Yummy yummy love to have this stuff in my tummy.

GranthamLynn said...

Oh how yummy. I can almost smell them! I'll have to try them for my kids!

Jodi said...


Sue Seibert said...

Oh, man, that looks sooooo good!

Anonymous said...

Oh my! This is tooooo awsome! Yummmmmm! Gotta go shopping first, then I'm making these for sure! :)

Marci said...

Man you can get fat just visiting your blog!!!! =) They look yummy!!!

Rebecca said...

Oh my gosh, these look INCREDIBLE!!

Debbie said...


Susie said...


I'll be trying these shortly---no doubt about it!

Sheri said...

Oh those look delicious Kelli!!!

Sweet Woodruff said...

Those sound and look delicious.

Michelle said...

MMMMMMM - now don't those look delicious?! Thanks for sharing!

Have a wonderful Wednesday!

Jennifer Hoots said...

Are they carb free? *giggle*

Sandra said...

Shame on you Kelli LOL

Now I have to make these , my poor hips.

LadySnow said...

Those looks delicious!

LBP said...

I just gained 5 pounds looking at that photo!
Yet another "Kelli" recipe that has joined my "want to try" files.



Julie said...

OM Gosh - those look "awfully" good..if you know what I mean!

Please stop by my blog and read about a creative contest I am holding with a great prize. If you are not interested - please forward it onto as many people as you can. Thank you!

Tammy said...

Oh, this is cruel...I was so good before going on vacation but since I've been home, not so much...;)

BTW, I'm up to Part 3 on our vacation story- and although we had a great time, Part 3 describes "The Calamity"! Come over if you have time!

I really, really hope to participate in Show and Tell again very soon...I miss it!


Kathy said...

Those look WAY too good...great recipe! Kathy@ Mimi's Garden

Mrs. U said...

Oh my!!! These look soooooo delicous!! I will definitely be heading over to get the recipe!! Yummmmm....

Mrs. U