My Joseph's coat climbing rose is just starting to bloom.
Each rose surprises us with different shades of pink, red, orange and yellow.
Fern fonds or as Emily says, "Baby ferns being born."
We recently got four new goldfish for our water garden.
Tiny yellow flowers.
A small pitcher that was lonely at the resale store...
isn't so lonely in my kitchen window.
I also started an embroidery project last week, completely inspired by Tracy's beautiful work. Thank you, Tracy!
A bundle of bleeding hearts to celebrate the first blooms in my garden.
I was going to use pearls, but decided on white french knots at the last minute.
My first homemade hankie.
I hope you enjoyed seeing some colors of spring!
Oh Kelli. What a beautiful post, from start to finish. Gorgeous photography. Your embroidery is so pretty and delicate. (I'm getting better). I love using a teapot or something unusual like that for flowers. That looks so sweet.
Everything is very pretty Kelli.
Your hankie is so cute, did you do the crocheting too? I have been crocheting hankies lately too.
You have roses already, I'm so jealous, we would have them until June or July, but when they get here they'll be glorious!
Makes me excited for things to start blooming here!
The embroidery is so beautiful! And Tracy's work is too - I'm inspired by both of you...but I'm not sure where to start! LOL! I've got too many projects.
But, I will ask (and I'll ask Tracy too) what book or site would you most recommend for learning beginning embroidery stitches? I've got a project with just the outline - I need to decide what stitches to can email me if you like! Thanks Kelli!
Hi Kelli,
Love the Joseph's coat climbing roses. I would love to see them in full bloom.I am waiting for everything here to start blooming. Maybe soon. What a sweet hankie. Good work
Gorgeous rose!
I just moved my little pond. I threw out the old plants because I was unsure whether they would come back or not and I ordered new. I think that once I get the new plants in the pond I will be able to put my fish back in (I couldn't stand it and brought them in for the winter!)
You did a nice job on the hankie too!
I love this post Kelli. Your flowers are so beautiful. You did a wonderful job on your hankie.
Roses........sigh. We are just getting our first hint of colors with daffodils. Even though it's kinda cold right now, warmer weather is just around the corner.
Your hankie is quite lovely!
Our tulips are jumping up like crazy I love the color. You're flowers are great...and hooray for you on the hankie....
Everything is beautiful Kelli! I'll bet those fish are fun for the children to watch!
Love the flowers in the vase, too. Is that coreopsis?
Those roses are absolutely beautiful! Great job. What material did you use for your hanky?? I have been wanting to try and make some handkerchiefs and embroider them with my new embroidery machine (not hand stitched, I know, but better than nothing, I guess) and I don't know what kind of material would be good for the body of the hanky.
Beautiful spring colors! I like Grace's description of the fern.
I love Joseph's Coat for all the color variations.
Your "lonely" pitcher doesn't look so lonely in a place of honor with flowers tucked within it. Very pretty.
You did an awesome job on your embroidery. It looks so perfect on the hankie.
Beautiful spring colors! And I love your embroidery ~ lovely!
Lovely! Lovely! Lovely!
I miss my roses, but as it stills snows through May here, it will be a bit before I see them. However, the leaves are just peeking out giving hope.
I love your hankie. I am just starting to embroider myself and have enjoyed the little creations I been able to do. It is so pleasant.
Beautiful embroidery! And lovely flowers. Looks like a relaxing weekend.
Kelli - what a beautiful post. Your water garden is so lovely - I really whined on my blog today about my pond. Sigh.
Your embroidery is lovely too! Bleeding Hearts are my favorite -what a sweet idea to embroider them on hankies.
Thank you for sharing so much loveliness!
Your hankie is lovely. You did very well.
The air is still crisp here and the flowers are reluctant to come out. I have seen my miniature daffodils but that is all. Perhaps soon.
My Joseph's Coat rose is covered in buds, but no blooms yet. I can't wait!!!
Your embroidery is beautiful!
Beautiful! Love that first picture so! I think Bleeding Hearts are one of my favorite flowers. Had them in our yard growing up and they always reminded me of a little girl with braids(kinda like Pippi Longstocking). Had them in our yard at our old house and I miss them.
flowers of springtime, so exciting!!! lovely photos!
Those flowers are beautiful!
Kelli, the colors of your climbing rose are just gorgeous!
And, I love your embroidery. You did a beautiful job. It is so delicate.
Oh how beautiful it all is. The hankey is lovely. And the teapot is so sweet and looks so happy now! When you have a chance will you write me about the fish pond. How hard is it and how much maintance?
Have a beautiful spring week.
What a cute pitcher! Again, another beautiful post that inspires!
Hello Kelli!
What a beautiful tribute to spring and all it's beauty!
Your embroidery looks so pretty on the hankie!
Hugs, Pat
Hi Kelli, I tagged you.So if you want to play stop by my blog.
I love the idea of the rose with different colors! I've never heard of that before, where have I been? I really need to get out in the yard. After your patio post I got started working on updating our swing, but have a ways to go. We had yellow and white daffodils, dark and light purple irises and now red amarylis. I also have some very neglected pink geraniums that are making a comeback! =0) Lots of color. I also have a climbing rose. It only blooms once a year in the spring. It's a tiny bud, soft pink in color. But I have trouble with powdery mildew every year. Ok, I got carried away! Sorry, I'll stop chatting your ear off now. =0) Love your post. Very nice.
Theresa in TX
Your flowers look so beautiful and that hankie, that is such wonderful work !!!
Have a great day !!!
nice post with some great flowers.
Beautiful flowers, fish and handiwork......
Thanks for visiting...Betty
Wow Kelli-
I wish I could come visit you, what lovely things you have all around you!!! Beautiful rose by the way, I have one that blooms with similar shades and it was breathtaking last summer! =)
Ps I am going to get a letter off to you soon ;-)
Thanks for sharing your springtime with those of us who's spring is long overdue!
Brenda :)
Hi Kelli :) Lovely colors! I am proud with you about that pretty handkerchief. Love, Q
It was such fun to see spring in side your lovely home and in the garden to. Still a little cool in Ohio but I did see a flower in bloom this morning. I will keep thinking spring and enjoying your flowers untill my next bloom here.
WOW! Spring has Sprung at your
house! Great photos! We are
finally seeing some green here,
no flowers yet! Have a good day,
I so enjoyed these lovely pictures, Kelli! Your embroidery project is so delicately elegant.Your rose is gorgeous! I hope your spring is blessed in every way!
we have a koi pond too.. yours is so pretty and clear. Beautiful pictures!
Of course your first hankie should be bleeding hearts!
How pretty it is--and now an heirloom-to-be just like all the lovely ones in your collection!
Everything is so breathtakingly beautiful that I don't even know which pic to comment on because I love them all!!
Oh Kelli, I am so envious. You have roses already. Mine are just uncovered from our bitterly cold weather.
Love your hankie.
Everything is so beautiful, Kelli. I love your blog, it's so comforting.
Kelli I am so pleased that you had the time to come by and see the foal on my blog! Life is wonderful here a new adventure every day! My ankle is healing and we are enjoying retirement! I love the signs of Spring in your garden and the message of peace love and blessings the doves represent in your last post!!hugs NG
Love your hankie. Great job... im sure one day your great granbabies will be proud of your hard work. thanks for my birthday wishes=)
Lovely photos!
Oh, I love the milk pitchers. I want to start a collection someday. I just don't have the room right now. I found your blog through Needled Mom..It's neat.. I'll be back. Have a great week...
How lovely!! As a fellow hankie lover, this will become an heirloom someday. I prefer hankies over kleenex, unless I have a cold!!
The photos are just beautiful Kelli! We are finally enjoying Spring here! I love the warm weather and being able to be out in the garden! Yea! Your hankie is really great too! Good job!! Hopoe you are having a blessed day today!!
Kelly, you do such beautiful work! I love the bleeding hearts, too.
Oh ... I love those colors of spring ... snow finally melted in our yard ... maybe spring is finally on the way :-)
I am completely inspired to make myself a hankie! It is just darling!
Love how your embroidery project turned out!
Your lovely post inspires me to start a needlework project of my own. Thanks for sharing.
soothing post...and the hankie and embroidery*beautiful*
The plant pics are lovely but your embroidery is simply gorgeous!
Kathy@ Mimi's Garden
Wow this is beautiful! My bleeding heart is just about to bloom, I'll have to post some photos.
Love the new fish! It gets so cold here that it's hard to care for them during the winter, but I hope some day we can put in a pond too. They are just so calming, don't you think?
You're garden is so beautiful!
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