Tuesday, December 11, 2007

~O Christmas Tree!~

Last night we went on the search for the perfect Christmas tree.

We are quick shoppers. We found this one right away and everyone liked it.

It was raining lightly and I love how it looks like snow in the picture.

Phillip did the lights, I did the gold ribbon and the girls and Benjamin did everything else!

We also put our train around the tree.

Lots of fun (and noise!).

Hot Chocolate
We drank hot chocolate with marshmallows.

And munched on crackers, cheese, gingerbread cookies, and candy canes.

We also enjoyed these little ginger cakes that Amy from Simple Folk shared recently. The recipe comes from her great-great-great grandmother, Charlotte.

They are wonderfully light and the spiced sugar sprinkled on top is the perfect touch. Be sure to visit Amy for the recipe!

~Charlotte's Christmas Ginger Cakes~

O Christmas Tree! O Christmas Tree!
Thy candles shine so brightly!
O Christmas Tree! O Christmas Tree!
Thy candles shine so brightly!


Momma Roar said...


Our Christmas tree story went like this: dad took the oldest two to pick it out. Came home and they went to bed. 3 days later mom brought the ornaments down to decorate. The kids did the tree and we all love it!

I love your pictures - everything looks so fun and pretty! :D

Lisa said...

What a wonderful family experience! We put up an artificial tree for the first time ever this year, and I am a little sad that we didn't get to go cut one down.

Jen said...

How beautiful. Our tree went up 2 weeks ago and I love sitting in front of it in the mornings before the kids get up. The lights twinkle just right.

Anonymous said...

Beautiful! Don't you love the way the tree transforms your home? It makes me so happy to come home and see it standing there so regal and bright.

And if Benjamin would like, he can come play trains with the Butler. Or the Butler can come play trains with him. Or both. Then we can sample one another's treats :)

Kelly said...

I really like having the train around the tree! We did that years ago when my Uncle was still alive...he would get his train set out etc....brings back lots of memories! love this post! Thanks for sharing~


Quinne said...

Hi Kelli :) I love the way your share your adventures! It's just a joy to visit with you. Love, Q

Missy said...

your tree turned out beautiful! your family did a great job :) my son would love a train around the tree.



blessedmomof3 said...

You have a very lovely Christmas tree. Looks like your family had fun decorating it. It's been many years since we've had a real one. I miss the fresh pine tree smell. I don't think I have seen any real trees for sale here where I live in Australia. Makes me wonder if people just go for the artificial ones these days.


Tina said...

What a cool picture story, great job! I'd really like to jump in and have a cup of hot chocolate, it looks SO yummy... not to forget to mention the cookies...!

Have a great Christmas-Time

Anonymous said...

Oh Kelli your tree is just gorgeous. What a wonderful tradition you have passed on to your children.

Those ginger cakes look very tasty. I am going to wonder on over to Amy's and find the recipe.

Amanda said...

How fun! It's a beautiful tree. :)

This will be the first year that we are not travelling or going to someone else's house for Christmas. We will have our first Christmas tree! We haven't picked it out yet. We'll probably do after my mother arrives on the 14...hey, that's Friday! WHOO!

Marci said...

Very pretty tree Kelli!!!

Anonymous said...

You sure make some wonderful Christmas memories for your children. Thanks for sharing them.

Mommy said...

What a pretty tree! All the goodies are so tempting. The muffins look so delicious!

dot said...

Such tempting treats. A good thing I'm not at your house!

randi said...

Lovely pictures! I like the train circling the tree. What a wonderfully nostalgic way to decorate!

Anonymous said...

WHat a beautiful tree!!! And you even have a train! Too cool!!!

Dianna said...

I love the train! That was a tradition in my family growing up. Our new little family likes to set up a train, too, but we've had to forgo this year with our little one.

smilnsigh said...

It's a lovely tree! And I'm with you, I like to shop quickly. :-)


Just Mom said...

I'm going Christmas tree shopping with you next time -- and lingering for some goodies.

Beautiful, Kelli.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for allowing me to take the trip with your family. Great fun and beauty. i just couldn't taste the goodies=( looked yum

Robin said...

So beautiful! And I LOVE a train around the tree! Perfect!

Creative Life Studio said...

The tree looks great and the treats look wonderful. Love the train; my brother has one like it for his boys. :) It looks like you had a fun evening.

Jenn4Him said...

We are usually very quick tree shoppers when it is so cold out that we can't afford to be too choosy! One year we picked a tree out at a farm in October when we could walk the entire place without coats. We marked the tree, paid for it and came back for it in December.

SimpleFolk said...

What a beautuful family memory in the making. The tree looks so lovely! I'm glad you enjoyed the cakes. :o)


Laurie said...

I love live trees, nothing beats the smell or the way they look!
You create such wonderful memories for your family ~ I love the after decorating treats!!