Thank you to Amy from Simple Folk for letting me know that I was nominated for a Best Homemaking and Recipes Blog award. My site meter is showing lots of visitors from the site, so if you have stopped by for a visit, welcome!
Thank you to those of you who nominated me and to those who have voted for me. I am very thankful for my wonderful blogging friends who let me share a little bit of what I love best...home and family!
You can see all of the nominees here!
Congratulations! I love your site!
Congratulations, your blog is great.
I'm proud for you Kelli! You really work hard on this blogging business.
Hi Kelli,
I found your blog today, so i thought I would leave you a note letting you know I stopped by. I love your Christmas tags. They are very beautiful! Please feel free to stop by my site anytime :)
Have a wonderful day!
Congrats Kelli! You have a wonderful blog, which is why so many of us keep coming back.
Congratulations. Your recipes are awesome and very easy to prepare. I love to come here to visit and see what new things you have cooked up.
Congratulations Kelli!
Sending you hugs))
Well, Kelli, I would have to agree with the nomination....coming here is always like "coming home" again.
You deserve their choice of chosing you. Hope you win. When do you find out?
I just went over and often can we vote?
Congratulations Kelli! You certainly have my vote.
You are welcome! You were the first person I thought of when I saw that category.
Kelli, Congratulations on your nomination. If I were nominating for sweetness and kindness, I'd have you at the top of the list. Your site is wonderful, but your sweet spirit and kind heart are what draws us back again and again.
Kelli, Your blog is wonderful and always inspires me. You deserve this nomination! Connie W
You are a definite winner!
Lovely blog, lovely ideas, lovely heart...
Thank you for sharing...
All's grace,
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