Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Signs of Spring?

It's only February 20th, but spring arrives early in Texas. Look at these cheery faces!

I heard a noise on the back patio this morning and saw that our Mourning Dove friends are back. They seemed to think that my grapevine candle chandelier was a good nesting spot.

They eventually changed their minds, and made themselves at home in their usual kleenex box on top of the electric meter.

Here are some more signs of spring: Emily spotted some vegetable seedlings at the store this past weekend. We got some spinach, romaine and butter crunch lettuce, broccoli, brussel sprouts, and cabbage.

I also picked up some bright green Irish moss. I get two pots each spring and enjoy them until the hot summer begins.

With all of these signs of spring, I figured it was time to pack away the winter decorations. No more pinecones, cinnamon sticks and holly berries.

It's time for bunnies, nests and eggs!

Do you see any signs of spring at your house? If not quite yet, what are you most looking forward to?


Kelly @ The Barefoot Mama said...

Oh Kelli, these photos are such a breath of fresh air...especially today when we're expecting snow here in PA, LOL! My hubs is visiting Texas for work in April. I hope that he brings back some of your great weather!

rohanknitter said...

Umm...signs of spring...not really. It's snowing right now. : )
It'll come eventually. Actually, I'm not in a huge rush - we have a lot of projects I'd like dh to help with before he gets super busy with spring planting!

Anonymous said...

No sign of spring yet, we still have lots of snow on the ground.
I look forward to that first bulb to pop up.

Anonymous said...

Spring, oh goodness no signs here as it is -20 with the windchill. I am so looking forward to spring it seems like it will never come here in my part of the world but it does around the end of April. Enjoy your early spring.

nannykim said...

Wow--love all of it!! It is so funny about the morning birds and what a neat candle chandelier---so hey, I am wondering what a fabric store is doing selling figurines? I have a few fabric stores about 20 minutes---but I am uncertain of their name! I am keeping my eyes peeled--do you know if Hallmark (I don't have any really close) still sells the marjolei (hmm, for get her name) bird stuff any more in their stores? The Blue jays on Ebay will go for a reasonable price, but I am bidding on something else. The cardinals, however, are crazy!!!

Susan said...

Our bulbs are starting to pop their heads up. We are in for cold and sleet today and tomorrow. Hope they don't get knicks in the bud.

The Stepford Stepmom said...

It must be nice to have signs of spring so early in the year. Looking out my window, I see two feet of snow, a blustery winter wind, and songbirds who look like puffballs.

I guess I'll settle for being jealous of your spring. :)

Michelle said...

Nope, no signs of spring here yet either - just lots & lots of snow and very cold temps :)

Thanks for sharing what's happening around your house - loved the pics!

Have a wonderful Wednesday!

Anonymous said...

Love it Kel. Same here..spring comes early. Just hope we don't get a freeze and mess up our plants.

Charity said...

Spring is arriving here in East Tx too!! The daffodils are up and the tulip trees are blooming! I'm ready for spring... packing up my snowmen and winter stuff is on the to do list for today! :)

Tori Leslie said...

Oh your making me so homesick. We're from Arlington so your experiencing our weather. I love spring in Texas, hey right now I like spring anywhere.
Enjoy it!!

Sandra said...

I love these Kelli, nothing like spring to make us all feel better :)

Shop girl said...

This got me thinking about all the bulbs that are waiting to come up in my backyard...I will go take a peek and see if anything is showing.
We have long winters in Idaho, but the sun has been shinning...we will see.
Your post was really up lifting this morning...there is ice on our ground still.
Thank you for a look into spring!
Hugs, Mary

LBP said...

Kelli, your post made my day! It is so cold and dreary here today and I got so excited seeing your spring decorations and especially your vegetable plants!



Anonymous said...

I haven't read that book, but I'll see if I can borrow it from the library. Thanks for the suggestion. :)

Btw, I'm going to put that pepperjack chicken on our list to cook next month. :)

Anonymous said...

Oh, Kelli,
I have not been looking forward to this day. The day when those of you in warm states start getting spring green. We will be snow covered until mid-April. That's okay though, you all give me some thing to look forward to and I get more time to plan my garden.

TJ said...

Oh you are so right that it doesn't seem right to have the winter trappings out anymore. Here spring is still a ways off. My mom's tulips are starting to poke through, but I haven't seen my crocus yet. We've been having highs in the upper 40's low 50's so I know spring is coming here.

The doves will only visit our front yard or rooftop thanks to BigDumbDog. We do have a magpie that thoroughly enjoys the game of Cat & Mouse (or Dog & Bird more accurately). So far the magpie is winning, but he'd better be careful.

Anonymous said...

Spring is on the way here in Wales Kelli. We have had the tassles of catkins on birch trees since early January, and the silver paws of Pussy Willow since mid-January in sheltered spots. Lots of Snowdrops (now past their best), the first primroses and celendines are starting to star the hedgerows and banks, and I have some crocuses flowering now too. I've even seen some Blackthorn flowering, and that's a month early. The past week or more we have had sunshine - quite warm by midday (55 or so) but then the temperature drops like a stone at teatime and we've had hard frosts overnight. Spring's in the offing now, I'm glad to say.

JunieRose2005 said...


I liked seeing all your signs of spring!

I think everyone is ready for it!


GranthamLynn said...

I love the photo of your back porch and the lites you have hanging. I especially liked your last photo of the tea cup and nest. Really sweet. It is beautiful today but we are due for more rain and yuckiness like the weekend. Stay warm and dry and have fun redoing the decor!

Brenda said...

Thanks Kelli for helping me remember spring is just around the corner...really...especially when we still have snow on the ground and snow forecast for tonight! I lived in Wichita Falls for several years and remember it being green sooner. Thanks again for making my day!

Michelle said...

Love the spring photos..I have violets and trees are budding :) We have doves too~I just love it when they coo all day!


Just Mom said...

It is -3 here. Nope. No signs of spring here yet.

Love your photos. I'll have to come back just to warm up.

Janice said...

Happy Early Spring! I'm glad your doves are back! Everything looks so cheerful and pretty, especially those little pansy faces! xo

Rose of Sharon said...

It is so exciting that spring is coming. I love all the seasons, each one gets us excited for the next! God is so good!

Hugs, Sharon

Needled Mom said...

A Kleenex box?? Very interesting. I think that perhaps I should give it a try as they find all sorts of intersting places to nest around here.

Spring is such a welcome sight to everyone this year. It certainly sounds like a lot of folks could use a bit of it to get them out of the winter blues.

Unknown said...

Yes !!! These are great.. lovely post !! I am so ready for Spring.. Winter has been pretty cold here !! have a great week !!! Mica

Anonymous said...

No signs of spring here yet. I am looking forward to the first shoots of green from the crocus bulbs, and the wind flowers to show up in my flower beds.

Julieann said...

YAY!!! Spring is coming, spring is coming. I love how your little birds keep coming back, that is just too wonderful--please keep us posted on them :)


P.S. Yes, I agree 100%--Vanilla is not the same..LOL

Kelly said...

No signs of Spring here in Chicago!
Although I did just remember today that back in the Fall I had planted a ton of bulbs in crazy spots all out back and that it will be such a surprise to everyone when they come up!!!!!
Gee I sure hope they do come up! It would be such a delight to see them!


CONNIE W said...

Lovely photos. I'm looking forward to being able to feel the sun on my skin without needing a jacket, sitting on my porch again.

Hannah said...

awwww soooooo cute.

Anonymous said...

Lovely signs of spring. Just lovely!!

I have spent two solid days in my yard. Today I planted morning glories, pruned all the crepe myrtles and planted several dianthus' and begonias to brighten things up.

But the best thing is that I cleaned my back porch so it is ready for tea and quiet times. In a few weeks it will be too hot to be outside, just like in Texas.

Eleanor Joyce said...

Cold, ice and snow here in PA. Your post is a delightful hint at what's to come for us...eventually! Beautiful photos.

the said...

I need Spring to be here real bad. Im so sick of winter .Its been a little better weather here, atleast the sun has been showing up more!!

Have a good day,

Anonymous said...

Spring and Easter already? I can't keep up! I'm excited for the sunshine though, I have missed it so much over the long dark winter days... No signs of Easter coming around our house yet, but soon!
Have a wonderful weekend!

Jen said...

It's freezing rain here this signs yet. But I look forward to warm mornings and beautiful flowers. And white Easter shoes.

Anita said...

Oh, we will have a great spring week-end with springl-like temperatures! Yeah!!! I can't wait to be back to gardening!

I love your white pansies! They always look so pretty!

Best wishes and I am already looking forward to seeing more of your spring decorations!

Hugs, Anita

Quinne said...

Hi Kelli :) Spring! Just the word makes me joyful and brings to mind so many pretty, playful memories.

DH and my sweeties played "Spring detectives" last week. They discovered that the daffodils are blooming, some of the trees budding, and oh! the robins in the yard :)

What fun! Love, Q

Anonymous said...

Pictures are beautiful! Can't wait for spring to get here. As of now we have ice and snow...and it's 25 degrees here. Brrr...

Julie said...

Thank you so much for the glimpse of spring. It will be several months before we see anything like that here in ND.


Anonymous said...

I have been seeing daffodils here in Georgia. It is so exciting too, because not long after Christmas, I start getting Spring fever.
Love your nest and egg in the teacup!