Thursday, July 17, 2008

Show and Tell Friday

Welcome to “Show and Tell Friday!” Do you have something special to share with us? It could be a trinket from grade school, a piece of jewelry, or a treasured collection. Look around your home for something to share; dig through those boxes in your closet if you have to! Share photos and the story that goes with your special item.

When my family came for a visit last month, my mom and dad spent an afternoon running errands and visiting antique shops. My mom found a couple of Christmas presents and gave them to me early. :0)

A lovely vintage embroidered table runner.

It must have taken a long time to embroider. The same pattern is repeated on the other end.


I love all the french knots!

Crocheted edging
Crocheted trim.

My mom also gave me these beautiful salt and pepper shakers.

They are so tiny!

A carnation.

And a rose.

Thank you for looking at my show and tell!

*Please note: Since I get up at around 6:00am now, 11:00pm is too late for me to stay up. Mr. Linky will be posted at 10:00pm EST on Thursday evenings from now on.

Please read the Show and Tell Guidelines for step-by-step instructions on how to participate.

If you would like to join in, please leave your *permalink* below, along with your first name (this makes the list easier to read). If your link has been removed from Mr. Linky, please re-read over the guidelines before re-posting. Have fun!


Coach Paulette said...

Kelli, the embroidered table runner is absolutely stunning! One of the favorites I've seen in a long time. Very inspiring! Thank you for sharing it with us!

Christy Lee said...

I really liked the table runner. I can't wait til my camera is working so I can show the stuff I've been collecting from the mercantile I work at! This was my first post and I hope I did it right!!

Dawn said...

Beautiful treasures from your mom - early Christmas! That is some beautiful embroidering - and the s&p shakers are adorable.

I'm glad you're posting early, because I like to get it done before 10 around here - thanks!

Ceekay-THINKIN of HOME said...

Your runner is beautiful. My mom used to embroider and it is a lot of work. What a nice early present. My post is up!

Kathi~Lavender, Lace and Thyme said...

Christmas in July :), how wonderful for your Mother to give you such beautiful gifts. I love the table runner, it makes me think of all the time and love that went into such a work of art. The salt and pepper shakers make it complete!

Kelli, thank you for hosting Show & Tell, I'm never sure if I'll post but each week I find it so enjoyable and the people I've met are so sweet and I love to see what they show & tell :).

Kathi :)

Anonymous said...

Kelli, the table runner is great.
The salt and pepper shakers are adorable!

I bet you would have really enjoyed somr of the croceting that my gradmother did.she did a complete table cloth for my Mom.unfortunaly it some how got lose several years ago.

Hugs and blessings! that's my story and I'm sticking to it!

Kelli said...

The embroidery is so intricate and beautiful. I especially like the choice of colours. The little salt & pepper shakers would also add grace to any table setting. Your Mom certainly has good taste in homewares. Thanks for sharing.

Julie said...

I love the embroidery on the runner--french knots are one of my favorite things to make. I like the look. How nice to have Christmas in July!! I posted early--full day tomorrow!! Take care. Julie

Yellow Rose Arbor said...

Beautiful "Christmas gifts!" I bet you get lots more goodies at Christmas too! The needlework is so pretty, I love old linens like that, and the salt shakers are lovely and unique!


Gattina said...

Lovely things ! You should have kept them for Christmas, lol !

Seeb said...

Hi dear Kelli,what a lovely gift you got,they had a mother soul behind that worth so much.and again thank you for your show and tell,it let us to wait for Fridays;)


Fabulous embroidery, the basket
of flowers motif is gorgeous,
love it! The china flowers are
they English bone china or Italian?
They are lovely too. Thanks for
hosting S&T. I did a different
post this week, I hope I can show
my raspberry pie next week!!!

Muum said...

Those salt and pepper shakers are wonderful, and the table runner really is nice. I remember learning to embroider, and using a few of those stitches, myself.

Anita said...

Ooooohhhh, how cool, looks like a bit of Christmas feeling in July! ;-))) Yes, I like those French knots, too! But my favourite items are definitively those salt & pepper shakers! ;-)

Have a wonderful Friday, Kelli!

XoX, Anita

Wanita said...

Kelli, the table runner is beautiful, and the salt and pepper shakers are very pretty, too. How nice to get some early Christmas presents!

Thank you for hosting Show & Tell each week. I always enjoy it.

Barbara H. said...

The embroidered table runner is gorgeous! I love the detail of embroidery. And those salt and pepper shakers are just too cute.

Dianne said...

I think I have the same salt and pepper shakers! I'll have to check. I'm going to try and play later. I need to get my item photographed. : )
The embroidery is so nicely done.

GranthamLynn said...

Oh Kelli how sweet and golly it's only July! I especially love the edging on the table runner. The s&p shakers are so sweet.
I am about to leave a post myself. I guess we are all up late or early. LOL

Anonymous said...

Hi Kelli,

Those salt & pepper shakers are beautiful! My grandma has given me a few salt and pepper shakers that I'll treasure forever.

Brandee :-)

Lisa Cobler said...

What beautiful collection of treasures. Thanks for sharing them with us.

Tammy said...

The embroidery pieces are beautiful! I can't imagine doing this kind of detail work...
And I absolutely love the salt and pepper shakers! They are so delicate and beautiful!
What a nice mom you have! :)


Thru Pink Curtains said...

you do have such nice and wonderful ideas, love your salt shakers!!!!!

Hootin Anni said...

Those closeups of all the embroidery work are astoundingly clear. Beautiful work.

My show n tell this week is all about my favorite author. Oh---and I have a commentor award for everyone who stops by, there is a link on my Show N Tell to the award!!

Here is the 'tiny url' to my Show N Tell this week Click Here

Unknown said...

Beautiful runner! You don't see these too often anymore do you? And the salt and pepper shakers are so cute.

I enjoyed your posts...and will try to visit the others today and tomorrow!

Momma Roar said...

What adorable things!!

Heather Anne said...

What a sweet table runner - so detailed and lovely! My dad and mum used to be 'bikers' and they collected salt and pepper shakers on their trip because not much else would fit in their saddle bags - yours are so sweet and delicate and remind me of some of the ones they collected over the years. They started my sister's thimble collection, and my teaspoon collection because of the space limitations during their motorcycling trips as well. I'll have to show and tell some day!

A Hint of Home said...

That is beautiful embroidering. I think the salt and pepper shaker set is adorable.
Have a restful weekend.

Tina said...

How totally sweet are those mini shakers. Adorable.

Susan said...

Kind of like Christmas in July!!! Both items are lovely. Actually the embroidered piece was what were used as dresser scarves but I think the idea of displaying it in the more public area as a table runner is so smart of you. That way many more people get to enjoy the beauty.

I have several I made YEARS ago and I've never thought to use them that way. Thanks for a great new idea!!

Linda said...

Hi Kelli,

Too funny, we both have Christmas posts today. I love your table runner, what lovely detail. The salt & pepper shakers are darling.

Have a wonderful day.

LouAnneL said...

How lovely. The runner and the S&P shakers are definitely treasures. What a thoughtful gift.

Love Bears All Things said...

I love the table runner. I have never made stitches like that, all so much alike, and how well it has been preserved.
Mama Bear

Charlotte said...

Christmas in July. That's so nice. Lovely items.

Pattie said...

The work in that table runner is exquisite - so much detail!

Thanks for sharing your Christmas presents. Your Mom must be a sweetie!

PS - I should have saved my post from yesterday and made it part of your Show & Tell. I'm off to read your guidelines right now...

Adrienne said...

What wonderful gifts. And to enjoy them before Christmas is great! I love the embroidery and crochet on the table runner. It's so pretty. I have the same salt and pepper shakers but mine have a yellow rose and a yellow carnation. They are so sweet. ~Adrienne~

Julieann said...

Oh Kelli--your salt and pepper shakers are just lovely--so beautiful:)

P.S. Have you ever nocticed I start a lot of my posts to you with *Oh, Kelli* LOL.

P.P.S. Have I told you about Vanilla Caramal Creamer? I think I did, but I bought it again and just love it!

Happy Friday.


Anonymous said...

Oh, I absolutely love the beautifully embroidered table runner. Someone spent a lot of time and love making that. And such a lovely, thoughtful gift from your mom.
The salt and pepper shakers are so cute too.


Dawn said...

How generous of your mother to share such lovely things with you!

Makes me want to do some embroidery...

Carrie said...

Those are very nice gifts. i love the embroidery and the lovely forms of the salt and pepper shakers. Your photographs show the features very clearly.

Carrie said...

Those are very nice gifts. i love the embroidery and the lovely forms of the salt and pepper shakers. Your photographs show the features very clearly.

Sandra said...

I love them Kelli, they're all gorgeous :)

Kathy said...

LOVE the salt and pepper shakers! A sweet memory of your mom's visit.
Kathy (

Kelly @ The Barefoot Mama said...

Your salt and pepper shakers are so dainty and the runner so delicately feminine. Love them both! Your mom is such a sweetie. :o)

Have a very blessed weekend with your family, Kelli!

Bramblemoon Farm said...

VERY pretty! I love doilies, linens, and everything related. What lovely gifts from your mom:) This is my first Friday Show and Tell. Thanks so much for thinking of it and hosting!

Katie said...

Hi, Kelli! I love your "Christmas in July" gifts! I loovvee French knots. All of those old embroidery pieces are so fun...I always wish I could meet the women who made some of my pieces so I could tell them how much I love each and every stitch! And those shakers are so delicate.

The Tiquehunters Wife said...

Such lovely items from your Mom and Dad!
Vintage embroidery is such a delightful treasure! And the salt and pepper shakers are so pretty and delicate!
Enjoyed viewing your lovely gifts!
Blessings to you!
Claudia O.

Farrah said...

It's hard to believe those are shakers! My mom used to make things out of clay, cook them in the oven to harden, paint and sell them. The shakers remind me a lot of her work.

I love the colors in the runner. :-)

Anne Fannie said...

I love the table runner. I also like your idea of Show and Tell. I am going to add your link to my blog and see ya next Friday!

Mrs Swan said...

BEAUTIFUL! That is a treasure for sure!!!

Christy Lee said...

Thanks everyone for being so nice on my first Show and Tell Friday...I work at a really neat antiques/vintage type store that is also a lunch and dessert eatery and I am always finding really neat things that I plan to share as soon as camera is working properly!!! I am so happy to be a part of this! Thanks again.

Anonymous said...

The table runner is so pretty. I have several of those that my Granny embroidered. She was always doing needle work of some kind. I get them out and look at them and use what I can around the house. She would have wanted me to use them. She never liked just putting things away. She wanted them to be seen.
Thanks for sharing and bringing back wonderful memories of my grandmother for me. :-)

Kelly said...

Those are the sweetest and tiniest shakers, adorable!!!


Missy Wertz said...

Lovely 'Christmas in July' gifts.

Abounding Treasures said...


These early Christmas gifts are absolutely beautiful.

Such intricate embroidery on the table runner and the china pieces are so delicate looking :o)

Have a wonderful weekend!

Lulu said...

what beautiful christmas gifts you got..

nancy said...

I didn't find time, or a really interesting item to post, for Show and Tell this week. I've enjoyed looking at them, though. Christmas in July! all these things are so "you". I especially love the shakers.

Nanna said...

Hello Kelli
I added my name to the show-n-tell earlier, & noticed it wasn't there now so I re entered it, thanks for coming by my blog, I thought maybe you may have taken it off thinking my name was Ruth, that is what my pastors wife calls me because where one is the other is lol therefor I call her Nanomi & she calls me Ruth but my given name is HELEN LOL I got your button working on my blog now , thanks!
Helen C/O Nanna's Place http;?

Country Victorian said...


How beautiful your blog is! How do I email? I could not find the link.


TuijaH. said...

I leave my blogs addres here... welcome to visit! It´s roses and weeds in english.
You have so beautiful pictures! And those *fairy things* are lovely!