Sunday, July 13, 2008

Weekend Chit~Chat

Good morning! I hope you are having a relaxing weekend. Thank you for your wonderful comments about my new gifts. I haven't had a chance to visit your show and tells yet, but I will soon.
My Saturday morning began at 6:30am thanks to a little friend of mine. She doesn't believe in sleeping in!

Some of you may remember the beginnings of my sunflower house.

Morning glories
Now it is my morning glory house and a wild and crazy one at that!

The few remaining sunflowers are growing well.

But are no match for this fast growing vine!

Later in the morning, Phillip took the girls and Benjamin out to run a few errands and Daisy had her morning nap. I lighted a candle and spent some time "puttering" around the house.

I dusted my kitchen window shelves and filled a few old bottles with flowers (actually they were weeds from the backyard!) and ferns.


I made a new baby card for a friend from church.

And made Mrs. H's delicious Summer Sub Sandwiches for an early dinner. Thank you for stopping by and reading about our weekend!


Susie said...

Hi Kelli,
Isn't it nice to have some quiet time to yourself to get a few things done!
I always enjoyed that as a young Mom and even now look forward to some "me" time.
That sandwich looks yummy and I'm off to check out the link.
Enjoy the rest of your weekend..

Pattie said...

Ah, those moments alone are so nice!

I've gotten into the habit of lighting a candle when I get up first thing in the morning. My hubby says he likes the feeling it creates. I'm a Yankee Candle fan, too. Have you smelled Citrus and Sage? It's one of my favs!

That sandwich looks good enough to eat! :-) Great photos, as always.

Unknown said...

It is nice to have a few minutes of quiet time!
That sunflower house is really interesting!

Quinne said...

Hi Kelli :) Don't you just love having a little time to "putter"? I enjoy these chit~chat posts so much!

Please give Daisy a squeeze for Miss M and Mr S - they have fallen in love with her ;) Love, Q

Simply Heart And Home said...

Daisy is so cute! What a glorious morning alone! I love my family dearly but it is nice to have the house all to myself occasionally.

Tildy needs to take a lesson from Daisy. She is up at 5 am every morning. I'm used to it now but some days I wish she'd sleep. (My husband is up M-F at 5 to get ready for work so naturally Tildy wants to get up too!) I am getting more done being an early bird!

Have a lovely Sunday, Kelli.

Unknown said...

Love the simple flowers and fern - simply perfect!

Some pics of my day yesterday on my blog - a public holiday here in N Ireland - a bit of local "flavour" too!

Sandra said...

Great day you've been having Kelli :)

That sandwich looks to die for, I'll have to try it :)


Diane at Crafty Passions said...

Very sweet pictures I love the simplicity of the fern in the bottle that's adorable!
The sandwish looks yummo !

Anonymous said...

Quiet moments alone, a blessing from God. You have a wonderful Sunday Kelli.

God bless.

Lori said...

I absolutely love those glass bottles with the flowers in them.

I must try those sub sandwiches they look delicous.

Anonymous said...

Afternoon Kelli, thanks for stopping by this morning. I loved your post today. That little puppy peeping out is adorabe.Your flowers and those pictures of them are just beautiful. Love all the little puttered things you did inside and now I'm hungry looking at that great sandwich!
Have a beautiful Sunday and be a sweetie,
Shelia ;)

GranthamLynn said...

Oh what pretty photos your dog is named Daisy? My dog is Daisy too. Did I know that and forgot? Probably so. I love the sunflower/morning glory house! So cute. And I love the bottles in the window. I wish I could have taken photo's but I did the same thing on Wed. but with blue bottles and roses. They were so pretty but they are already withering. I am going to take them all out and hang in the bathroom. I can't wait to get a camera and start taking photos. Thanks for sharing your weekend. See you on Monday.

Kelli said...

A morning of puttering around the home and garden - what bliss! All your photos are lovely.

Charlotte said...

You always have so much pretty stuff to share. I like the vintage crocheted lace. My mother did a lot of crocheting and she made a lot of lace. I made some too many years ago.

Anonymous said...

The sandwich looks yum. It is time to eat here.

A Hint of Home said...

It looks like you had a pleasant day and wonderful lunch.
Stop by my blog, I have something for you.

Mrs. H. said...

Hi Kelli,
What a lovely Saturday you had! I'm so glad you liked the sandwich. :-) Just a note of encouragement about the early rising puppy - my sweet Daisy woke very early a few months back, too. Their little tummies and bladders just can't go for long hours much like babies. My Daisy will be a year old next month and now days I have to get her up when I do! She just looks at me like I'm silly to be rising so early and then she promptly goes back to sleep in "her chair" in the living area or under my feet when I'm at the computer! And on days I do sleep in, she's content to wait for me. It's nice, but I still can't help missing the tiny puppy days. :-)

TJ said...

Oh! Seeing that sandwich made me hungry!

Looks like a wonderful weekend. Glad you had some time to putter around.

Jennifer Hoots said...

I was just wondering if your morning glories were blooming yet. Mine are getting really leafy and climbing new heights, but not a bloom in sight. I have not grown them before, so I am not sure when they will bloom.
Lovely pictures.

Kelly said...

Wow those are some attractive weeds!!! haha! I have got to try that sandwich, sounds like a nice quick cool summer lunch! Oh and sweet Daisy under the slide, will she ever want to sleep in??????

Cathy said...

I enjoyed your pretty pictures, Kelli. The sunflower, morning glory house is really growing. And the weeds are pretty. Yes, Mom always has to take care of the dog. :o)