Sunday, July 06, 2008

4th of July Fun

We had a really fun 4th of July cook-out with our family and friends.

Phillip grilled the best burgers and brauts.

We squeezed 20+ people into our house. Sorry about the blurry pictures, I had my camera settings wrong.

Grace made some pink lemonade and we served it in mason jars.

I found this large tub on clearance at Walmart. We filled it up with the jars and lots of ice.

Delicious cold lemonade!

I made Mrs. H's Pasta Salad which was perfect. Thank you for the recipe, Mrs. H!

Even Daisy had a fun day.

Thank you for coming by and taking a look at our weekend celebration!


Vintage Whimsy said...

It looks like you guys had a great time. I love the Mason jars with lemonade in them. That is a fabulous idea- I might have to steal that & use it sometime!

Adrienne said...

It sounds like you had a great time. We had a houseful of kids and grandkids, a friend and her children. Such a great day to get together. I love the way Grace put the lemonade in the cute little jars and then into the ice. I saw those tubs at WalMart but didn't get one. Later I wished I had. If they are still there this week I'll pick one up. Thanks for the pictures.

Kindra-At Home With K said...

I love the mason jars with my favorite beverage, Lemonade! Great idea! You are the queen of entertaining and I love to visit for fun ideas for my guests!! I made the sugar cake you made last week for strawberry shortcake. It was yummo!

Unknown said...

Great pics of your celebration! I love the idea of the pink lemonade in the jars!
Also the pasta salad looks great. I am going to try that one!
Have a great day!

Simply Heart And Home said...


What a great idea to serve the lemonade in Mason jars. Those are adorable! I'm glad to see that Daisy is feeling better!


The Proverbs Wife said...

The mason jars were a very unique idea. Very nice.

Phillip Winn said...

I don't know if Mrs. H reads Kelli's blog, but just in case: I'm adding my praise of the pasta salad. It was even better yesterday, and I just couldn't get enough!

Barbara H. said...

What a great day! I like the lemonade in Mason jars. Daisy looks cute.

Amy said...

Daisy is getting so big! I love the mason jar idea too!

Peggy said...

What a fun holiday you had!

Lori said...

Looks like you had a great 4th.

Love the idea of putting lemonade in mason jars. Neat idea.

I also love that pasta salad. MNN!

We had a fun time Fri and Sat at both lakes. It was great to see lots of family.
Come check out my slideshow when you can.

copperswife said...

I thought the pink lemonade in the lidded jars was a lovely idea. They looked so pretty on ice, too.

Boy, howdy, I finally know what your dear husband looks like! What fun to finally have a face to go with the name.

Mrs. H. said...

Hi Kelli,
I'm so glad you liked the pasta salad! Your picture of it is so pretty. I loved the lemonade in mason jars on ice - what a sweet idea. I'm sure your guests were tickled "pink"! - haha! It looked liked all of your family had a wonderful 4th of July holiday, including your Daisy. Our Daisy wore a bandana, too! :-)

Mrs. H. said...

Hi "Mr. Kelli" ;-),
Yes, I read Kelli's blog every day - it is one of my most favorites! So glad you liked the pasta salad. And now we know what you look like! The burgers and brats looked delish. Thank you for sharing your talented wife and sweet family with all of us.

Pattie said...

Everything looks so yummy, especially that pasta salad (great photo!) And the look on Daisy's face is priceless! She looks so excited to be included in on the fun.

We did bbq ribs for the 4th, using a new recipe where they baked for five hours. Gosh, they were good! Then we had brauts last night. It's that time of year, isn't it? Gotta love July!

Kathi~Lavender, Lace and Thyme said...

What a wonderful time you had Kelli :). I love drinking out of jars and I've even started using them for leftovers instead of plastic these days. Great idea to put lids on and place them in a bucket of ice :D. Your family is beautiful, thank you for sharing!

Jen said...

Sounds like loads of fun...great idea on the mason jar lemonade...enjoy the rest of the summer friend.

Anonymous said...

I just found your blog off of my mama's it is super cute...The food looks amazing, i wish i could've had a taste! =D have a good week

Anonymous said...

What a neat idea with the mason jars filled with lemonade. Your cookout looks wonderful.

Melissa E. said...

Love the Mason jar idea! What a great way to save money and skip disposables! Plus, they can be pre-poured and stay cold. Very clever.

Looks like you had a great fourth!

Sue said...


I think you blurred the pictures on purpose to protect the innocent! :))))

I liked the look of the pink lemonade in the Mason jars.


the said...

What a great idea for the lemonade. I might have to try that!!

Have a great week,

Terrie's Lil' Piece of Serenity said...

Looks like you had a wonderful 4th. I love the idea of the pink lemonade in the mason jars. I may have to steal that idea!!
Hugs, Terrie

Mimi said...

What a wonderful celebration y'all had. Mason Jars make neat drink containers. I used to have a set of glasses made to look like mason jars, but with handles.

Shopgirl said...

You look like this was just to much fun! I love the pink lemonade, wonderfu idea...Good Job!
Your, mary

Little House By The Sea said...

It looks like you had a wonderful weekend. How do you make the pink lemonade? Do you have a recipe you would be willing to share?

Sarah x

Terri said...

I'm glad you had a good time, Kelli. I love the mason jar idea. I never would of thought of that.

Sheri said...

The mason jars are so creative Kelli! Looks like your family had a very special 4th of July!

cryssi said...

Hey, thanks for stopping by my blog. It looks like yall had a lot of fun and good food...the mason jars are so cute. I'll have to try that some time..


Kelly @ The Barefoot Mama said...

YUM, Kel! Everything looks wonderful and I bet tasted delicious! Grace's pink lemonade idea is darling...we're hosting a garden party tea for my daughter (also a Grace!) in two weeks in honor of her bday and this idea may just make it to the menu. :o)

Hope that you all have a wonderful rest of July!

Lura said...

Love the lemonade idea. That is so cool!!!

Kelly said...

Daisy has the CUTEST face!! I just love her, wish my little puppy could come play in the little pool with her! And the mason jar idea is the best idea, how cute is that!!! You had a lot of people over, how fun!


TJ said...

Looks like a wonderful time! Love that you had hubby doing some cooking, and the Mason jars was a great idea! I've never thought of using the lids to keep them sealed for cooling.

That salad looks great. I make one very similar, but it never looks so picture perfect. Pasta salad is the perfect hot weather meal.

Glad you had a great time, Daisy was adorable in her bandana!

LadySnow said...

Looks like a wonderful day !

GranthamLynn said...

You always have such fun ideas. I love the lemonade.
And the dog is just adorable too.
Looks like you had a great time.
Have a great week.

Missy said...

looks like lots of fun :)

3 for school said...

That's a neat idea with the lemonade!

Anonymous said...

I just love the pink lemonade in ball jars! That is a classy idea dressed in a country ambience. Love it!