Tuesday, July 18, 2006

A Hot Day

Originally uploaded by pwinn.

Good Morning! It looks like another hot day and not just here in Texas. From what I've been hearing, most of the country will be experiencing a very hot day. Guess what our high is for today? 106F!! We have been here for 10 years and I don't remember it ever being that hot. (I think I say that every year!)

I was cleaning up some of my computer files and came across Celestial Seasoning's website. I love drinking their teas and they come in the cutest boxes!! There are lots of fun things to do at their site. Word searches, matching games, sending postcards, recipes, but my favorite thing are their coloring pages.

Originally uploaded by pwinn.

Originally uploaded by pwinn.

Aren't those the cutest pictures ever?!!? Click here to see more

I'm off to color (it's not just for little ones!), and to think of something for dinner that doesn't require turning on the stove.

Stay cool everyone!


Marci said...

Thanks for sharing this resource.

I think it is hot all over right now. We are having an unseasonably warm spell right now too.

Mindy said...

Hope this finds you and yours well! This heat and humidity is amazing isn't it! Enjoy your day..Blessings...

Patty said...

have you melted yet Kelli ? I stayed in all day long. Just too hot to venture out. Got some sewing done though.
I love the coloring pages. So cute