Wednesday, July 02, 2008

4th of July Shortcake

I made this red, white and blue dessert for our company this past Saturday and everyone loved it. It would be perfect for the 4th of July, too!

Fresh strawberries and blueberries, sweetened with a little sugar.

Amy's delicious Sugar Cookie Cake.

Layered with lots of whipped cream!

For those of you celebrating the 4th of July, what are your plans?


Missy said...

oh my goodness that looks yummy.

happy 4th!


Sometimes It's Good said...

This looks so good...wish I had some right now!

Unknown said...

That looks really good Kelli...strawberry shortcake is one of our favorites!

Anonymous said...

I just made strawberry short cake and plan to make it again. I checked out Amys Sugar Cookie Cake and it sounds good.

Simply Heart And Home said...

That does look refreshing and delicious! Thank you for sharing the recipe for the sugar cookie cake!

GranthamLynn said...

oh yum! It looks soooo good. I am with Susan; wish I had some for breakfast! Thanks. Blessings,

Michelle said...

That looks sooooo delicious, Kelli! As for 4th of July plans, we are going to the home of my husband's aunt for a big family get-together. There's a nice big pool for cooling off, a beautiful deck to sit & visit...My husbands comes from a very musically talented family so he brings his guitar along and everyone just starts singing old church songs & stuff - it's always a lot of fun!

Michelle said...

I forgot to add that I have made Amy's Sugar Cookie Cake and boy oh boy, is it ever mouth-watering delicious! (Hmmm, now I think I know what I'll be taking to the 4th of July picnic!!!)

Tori Leslie said...

Hmm, that looks delish, thanks for the idea!

Jennifer Hoots said...

I've just lost 11 pounds and am hoping to continue this trend, BUT, may I say, your TEMPTING treat looks so good! Too good!

Terri said...

Oh my! That looks delicious and now you've given me a wonderful dessert to make for the 4th. We are having a couple from our church over.

Karen said...

I came over here from Jen's looking for your pepper jack chicken recipe. This one looks awesome! And your 4th of July decorations are so nice! I'm glad I stopped by -- I think our paths have crossed at other blogs, so it's nice to "meet you":)

Anonymous said...


Jessica said...

Thanks for the tip for such a yummy looking dessert! I'm looking forward to celebrating this weekend too.

(P.S. thanks for stopping by my blog today!)

nancy said...

Kelli, it IS a beautiful dessert!
I'm going over to look at the cake recipe. It looks so good. I use a sweet, thin biscuit for shortcake, and split them. I like them because they are a little bit crunchy on the edges. But this really looks like one I'd like to try.

Anonymous said...

Our plans are to go to a local park and watch a few concerts from the Local Faith Churches and see Miss America 2007 give a speech( she is from here, the town). It will be a bitter sweet Independence day as the beloved is deployed, But I thank him and all ancestors that came before me in helping to defend and make this 4th a true celebration of FREEDOM...

TJ said...

My mom makes something very similar, but the sugar cake bottom gets the whip on top and then she shapes the berries into a flag (blue berries in the corner and the red berries making the stripes). You don't get as much flavor eating it that way though!

We honestly have no real plans for Independence Day. I am going to make a recipe my hubby saw on BBQ U the other day, so we'll definitely need to invite someone over. We have a birthday party to attend on Sunday. A "muau" (aka Luau) for my niece. It took me ages to figure out what she was trying to say :)

Have a wonderful day!

Julieann said...

Oh yes!! That sugar cookie cake is the best cake I have ever had---and with fresh berries--Yummy!


LBP said...

YUM! Looks delicious!

Happy 4th!



Lori said...

That Shortcake looks delicious. Very festive for July 4th holiday.

Happy 4th of July to your family.

BTW Al and Derek are home now. Us girls are sure happy to have our boys back home and the boys are so glad to be home. They are tired...constant activities at cub scout camp. I will post a slideshow on it soon.

Sandra said...

Now that looks SO good :)


Karen said...

OH MY GOODNESS, Kelli! I think I'm drooling! They look soooo good!
We're having a cookout for Gordon and Christie's birthdays. And of course, you know, the 4th! ;o)

Naturegirl said...

Kelli I am dieting so this is killing me to see such a delicious dessert!
Looking has no calories right!:)NG

Rose of Sharon said...

Oh that looks sooooo good! You are amazing Kelli! Have a happy 4th!

Hugs, Sharon

Julie said...

YUM!! What more can I say? Julie

Mike Golch said...

Kelli,we are going to cook up some hotdogs and have potato salad for the 4 Th.
I hope that you had a great day today! That's my story and I'm sticking to it.Big Time Hugs and God's love and blessing headed your way.

Quinne said...

Hi Kelli :) That looks scrumptious! Yum & double yum!

We are making decorations tomorrow - lots of homemade paper & glue & glitter & paint in red white and blue.

We will decorate first thing on Friday, play A LOT, grill hamburgers, eat watermelon, make teeny tiny fruit pizzas, and end the day with sparklers and a trip to the park to see the fireworks. Love you! Q

Ceekay-THINKIN of HOME said...

Please pass me some through the computer! Thanks for stopping by. I really like all your patriotic decorations.

Susie said...

Looks absolutely yummy Kelli!
Happy 4th

Kathi~Lavender, Lace and Thyme said...

That looks so nummy, healthy yet sinful! Thank you for sharing the wonderful recipe Kelli!

SimpleFolk said...

Happy 4th of July , Kelli! I'm so glad you dressed up this cake and made it look so beautiful! I was planning to make one tomorrow as well. :-)


Open Roads Mama said...

we celebrated Canada Day and went camping, like a whole mass of people from the coast, we all go inland to spend time in nature, isn't it funny :) The coast gets too busy during long weekends :)

LW said...

Oh my, this looks so good....


GartenGrl said...

Wow! That is amazing-