Hello everyone! We had a wonderful summer rain shower yesterday and it cooled off enough for us to sit out on the pack patio in the middle of the afternoon.
Emily's sunflower heavy with raindrops.
Daisy wasn't quite sure what to think of the rain.
But she soon decided that she liked it.
She especially liked catching raindrops.
And umbrellas!
These next few pictures are for my friend, Jenn. A couple of days ago she asked if I had any morning glory blooms and I said I hadn't seen any yet. There was a surprise waiting for me this morning though.
I hope you see some of your own blooms soon, Jenn!
Thank you, Kelli! Yours are beautiful. I love their color. I can't wait to be surprised as well. And I love the photos you took of Daisy. She's precious. Practicing patience,
They are beautiful! I hope to have to Morning Glory next year. You know , when I plant some.
Your puppy is precious. Cute pictures.
oooo..I love morning glories. We had them growing outside of our milk house when I was a child..aahh..memories :-)
How refreshing the rain looks. Your morning glories are just lovely. These flowers grow wild in the rain forests surrounding where we live. They brighten the forest as they do your lovely garden! Daisy is adorable. Why do puppies love to catch rain-drops? It's so sweet.
Enjoy the rest of your day,
Your morning glories are picture perfect...and so is Daisy!!!
Gosh I am still thinking about that banana bread in the last post!!!
What gorgeous pictures! Oh, and the bananna bread recipe looks wonderful. I can't wait to try this one!!
Your photography is exceptional. I feel like I am RIGHT THERE!! Thanks for sharing. We need rain here badly--we haven't had any since the first part of June. I love a good summer rain storm. Take care. Julie
Kelli, I love the pictures. Daisy is so cute. :-) Thanks for sharing yoru morning glories with us.
Look how beautiful your pond is:) and that Daisy is growing leaps and bounds, golden retrievers are so amazing aren't they? I'm surprised you're just getting your morning glories to bloom, with your warm temps down there, they are going to be gorgeous once they do bloom.
Your photo's are always perfect, thank you for the walk in the rain :).
I hope you had a "Wonderful Wednesday"
Kathi :D
How beautiful. I have never tried to grow Morning Glories.
Daisy is getting bigger. We love a summer shower. My children used to go out under their unbrellas too.
Have a wonderful weekend.
They are beautiful. I love summer rains. We havent had but 1-2 though. daisy looks like she is having so much fun.
Kelli, your morning glory blooms are beautiful. I love the colour.
God bless.
Love that sunflower pic with the rain-droops.
Great pictures! Morning Glories are my favorite because they remind me of my grandmother.
I was further south shopping and didn't know about the rain till I got home. But it was a Blessing! We really needed it. Your photo's were fun to see.
Don't forget to stop in today I have a gift for you!
Have a great day.
Beautiful pics! I love your lily pads!
Lovely backyard pictures. Daisy is adorable!
Hi Kelli,
This is a beautiful post, very comforting! Made the banana bread, it's awesome! Thanks for sharing the recipe.
Your pictures are amazing. Thank you for sharing them. The flowers look magical from the rain. And Daisy has certainly grown! I've finally written my Tildy news. I'd like to take a nap now! :)
I love your water garden! And Daisy is adorable. Next year I'm hoping for morning glories, too!
Your pictures are beautiful today!
The sunflower photo is gorgeous! Sampson acted a lot like Daisy when we first got snow last winter. So cute!
Have a wonderful day!
I love it when it rains!! Your puppy has gotten sooooo big:)
I love the pond. How lovely and peaceful it must have been to sit out there and watch the rain, the fish, and to watch your children and dog play.
Lovely photos as always ... the one of Daisy catching raindrops is too adorable!
Gorgeous. I love it
Hooray, I'm so foliagely (not a word - but still, LOL) challenged, but now I know that we have morning glories that try growing up the side of our house out back. Thank you for sharing these photos - and that information! - Kelli! I'll have to share some pics in honor of this post! ;o)
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