Monday, July 07, 2008

A Simple Woman's Daybook

I am participating in Peggy's Simple Woman's Daybook today.

~For Today~
Monday, July 7, 08

Outside My Window...
Blue skies, green grass and yellow waterlilies.

I am thinking...

how much I love the early morning quiet.

I am thankful for...
good friends that celebrate the holidays with us.

From the kitchen...

Monday-Taco Salad
Tuesday-Homemade Pizza
Wednesday-Honeyed Chicken Teriyaki
Thursday-Garlic Chicken Spaghetti
Friday-Green chile chicken and tortillas

I am wearing...
black pajama pants and T-shirt.

I am creating...
an embroidered hankie and lavender filled heart sachet.

I am reading...
Circle of Quilters by Jennifer Chiaverini

I am hoping...
the girls and Benjamin do well at their first swim lesson today.

I am hearing...
birds singing and the water garden fountain.

Around the house...
everything is tidy and ready for a new week.

One of my favorite things...
decorating with seashells

A Few Plans For The Rest Of The Week:
We have swim lessons every day this week. I'm going to start practicing piano again and order pictures for our family photo albums.

Here is a picture that I am sharing...

Emily's sunflower in full bloom.

Thank you for reading my Daybook!


Stephanie said...

I thoroughly enjoy the quilter books by Jennifer Chiaverini. They are perfect for summer reading!

nancy said...

This sounds like a start to a wonderful day, Kelli. I'm going to do the daybook later this afternoon. Your 4th looks like a great time. Congratulations to Emily on her sunflower. It's a classic.

Anonymous said...

Oh my Emily's sunflower is beautiful. I enjoyed reading this post. You got me into thinking about homemade pizza. Yum! I just may put that on my menu for the week.

Anonymous said...

I have a pack of sunflower seeds to plant...I wonder if they can be planted any time??? The photo of yours is beautiful!!

Julian said...

early mornings, ah, yes, I am enjoying one of thoes myself! What a gorgeous sunflower Emily! Ill have to share that with Gillian! :) Enjoy your week Kelli!

Mrs. H. said...

What a wonderful week you have planned! I really enjoyed reading your daybook! :-) Thank you for sharing the beautiful sunflower picture.

Kelly said...

What a cute post! and that flower is HUGE!!!!! We have tried to grow one here but no such luck, will keep trying, yours is beautiful!!!


Unknown said...

That sunflower is awesome! Sounds like you have everything all planned out!
I haven't gotten there yet! LOL

Jen said...

Your menu sounds awesome...I loved that. And swimm lessons are so much fun for children in the summer. I cant wait to hear about them.

Linda - Behind My Red Door said...

LOve the thoughts and the photo. That sunflower is simpley perfect. I cannot get past a sprout here - the critters devour them.

Good luck with the swim lessons!!

hugs, Linda

GranthamLynn said...

Oh what a lovely idea. I'll have to check it out.
I love the sunflower. It is beautiful. Can I borrow it? It would look lovely with a special verse!
Have a Blessed week.

... said...

i love the idea of a simple woman's daybook and i've enjoyed reading your thoughts for today.

Marye said...

You menu looks great. I need to get back in that habit!
The sunflower is amazing, you should make notecards form that picture!

Simply Heart And Home said...


Are you still in your pajama pants? :)

Your daughter's sunflower is beautiful! I've tried planting sunflowers but the squirrels always eat the plant before it gets very big.


Needled Mom said...

Sounds like it will be a great week.

Your holiday looked perfect. I love the idea of lemonade served that way.

Cobblestones said...

Wow, what a gorgeous sunflower! We went on our honeymoon to Canada and then flew straight to TX (we moved here for seminary from TN)...what a difference in weather! We loved Canada :)

A happy heart at home said...

Beautiful sunflower! Delicious-sounding menu! I love seashells.

Have a great week!


Lora @ my blessed life said...

I love that gorgeous sunflower!!

Sandra said...

I have the Circle of Quilter series sitting here waiting for me to read them :)

Great List Kelli.


Mike Golch said...

Kelli,monday tuesday and wednesday I'm parking my self with you for dinner. Yum.
Just kidding my Bh does some great cooking as well. That's my story and I'm sticking to it. Hugs and Blessings

Anonymous said...

Dear Kelli,
I wrote my first daybook today and loved doing so!! Please stop by. : )
Hope your little ones have a great week of swimming lessons.
Your picture thought is beautiful!!!

Kelly @ The Barefoot Mama said...

What a fun little meme, Kelli! I may have to play along one day. Your daughter's sunflower is gorgeous!

Heather Anne said...

I loved reading your Daybook Kelli! I did it for the first time today - I was thinking about it last night, but almost forgot this morning until your beautiful post reminded me ... but than I got distracted by the delivery guys ... a little late is better than never! Emily's sunflower is so lovely! Your menu is very tasty sounding! We are having chicken chicken and more chicken this week - great sales!

Linda said...

Hi Kelli, I love reading the simple Woman's Daybook each Monday...I've been thinking of joining in too.

Emily's sunflowers is awesome...hugs, Linda

Anonymous said...

Pretty sunflower picture! Check out my sunflower giants at my blog!

Kathi~Lavender, Lace and Thyme said...

What a wonderful balanced menu for the week, the sunflower is awesome. Your pizza recipe looks so wonderful, I can't wait to try it, I may wait until it cools off some here :). Happy Munday!

Shawnee said...

What a beautiful Sunflower. Emily must be very proud. :) I hope you have a wonderful week.

Kindra-At Home With K said...

The sunflower is so pretty! Great pic. What a great post. It makes you stop and think about all the simple things that make you happy.

flmom said...

I love the quilting series by Jennifer Chiaverini. I am so drawn into them - it's hard to put one down when time for bed!

Anonymous said...

I read every one of the Chiavarini quilting books and loved them all. I hope you enjoy them as much as I did.