Today, I would like to show you a few treasures I brought back from my trip. I found this pair of reading glasses at an antique store. I'm not sure how old they are, but since they are very tiny and fragile, I'm going to pretend they are from long ago. ;0)

I also found these four vintage keys. I plan on adding a red bow to each one, and hanging them on our Christmas tree!

One of the highlights of my trip, was driving through the state of New York. The rolling hills covered with Autumn colors were amazing! Here is the view from a little farm we stopped at, that was selling maple syrup.

I payed $30.00 for this gallon of New York Grade A maple syrup. I hope that's a good deal!

The first thing I made were Heather's Maple Muffins. They are my favorite maple treat!

When I arrived back home, Phillip had something new waiting for me, too. This IKEA kitchen cart is perfect for some extra baking space.

When it's not in use, we keep it tucked in the corner of the kitchen. Phillip also surprised me by hanging up this towel rack.

For now it holds all of my Autumn themed kitchen towels.

Thank you for looking at my new special things!
Very neat! This kitchen cart is so cute.
I love the cart. It will give you extra space and the towels look lovely.
Thanks for sharing your new things. I enjoyed my visit.
What a wonderful husband you have.
I love the little glasses on the books! They definitely look old to me!
What great finds! And a nice surprise to come home to as well!
Love your new IKIA cart. Very nice.
Like those fall towels too.
The old glasses you found are quite unique and very neat. I bet they are a treasure for you to have.
Can't wait for next weeks Thanksgiving posts.
Oh I love the new kitchen cart :o) You will get so much great use out of it. And it looks so cute tucked in the corner!
Hope you have a fantastic Wednesday!
Looks like your husband had some free time while you were gone. That was nice of him to find some special things for your kitchen.
I have thought of a cart like that for a small island in my kitchen, but I think my space is too narrow to accomodate it. Yours looks great.
You went world touring Kelli! I keep hearing of different places you went on your trip and they all sound wonderful. The worst part were SO close to me! I was in NY last week too! Oh man~to have met you in person. I feel so close to you-someday I think we postively MUST meet. :-)
Your hubby was sweet to surprise you like that! I also like the keys you got-you have a knack for finding old keys...still love the secret garden key.
Have a great day Kelli!
PS. I didn't get a chance yesterday but I wanted to tell you how excited I am to read all your thanksgiving goodies. I hope I can free up some time to participate myself...but even if I can't I think it is a phenomenal idea and look forward to gleaning/stealing all sorts of ideas! ;-)
beautiful finds..I love the cart also..would be lovely with baskets filled with yarn...:-) just dreaming....
muffins look delich...
have a beautiful rest of the day..
Kelli, I love the spectacles! Don't you just love wondering who wore them?!! I love the idea about hanging the keys on your tree with some red ribbon! That was such a nice surprise to come home to, Philip "did good!" LOL
Now that is my kind of finds !!! The glasses look old... what a lovely display !!! XO Mica
Oh Kelli, that's really difficult: how should I chose my favourite special thing now? Is is the new IKEA cart (BTW, I LOVE shopping at IKEA), the old reading glasses, the vintage keys? Or should I take one of those delicious muffins?
Hugs, Anita
Thank you for sharing all of these special things. I really like the key idea.
What a treasure your husband is, who loves his wife!
Love the vintage glasses you found...makes you wonder who they belonged to:-) I think you paid a good price for the maple syrup, that's pretty well what you pay for a gallon of it here too. That kitchen cart will come in so handy, you'll really enjoy having it!! xox
I have a kitchen cart it was Scott's grandmothers...and I love it...very sweet of your hubby.
Hi Kelli,
I love your new goodies...very nice! And hats off to Philip for surprising you with the cart and towel rack...a sweet husband for a sweet wife! LOL
Thanks for sharing!
what fun finds. i like the cart, too. i'm sure you will find a lot of uses for it.
Hi Kelli, sorry I haven't been around much. This is a treat, such beautiful pictures you've been showing to us. The cart is lovely. Kelli, I am thinking about a recipe for your event next week... xoxox
I am so excited about your "Giving Thanks" posts. We have so much to be thankful for!
I love the cart, that will be super handy around the holidays!
Such neat little goodies, and I love the kitchen cart!
G he must have missed you! I think I'll run away lol. I haven't forgot your package. It has been a crazy week.Just wanted you to know im still thinking of you. I'll give you alittle hint...go to my post today....The land was covered in Big Trees from 100's of years ago hehe.
Kelli ~ It looks like you had a wonderful vacation . . . a precious time with family (love that new baby photo) and beautiful scenery! Your home - as usual - looks just beautiful and embracing of the season.
Kelli - you had a lovely trip and wonderful surprises when you got home - I'm almost envious!
You did very well on your Maple Syrup price - I think Mum and Dad pay about $45 a gallon in Ontario - and that's from friends! We freeze ours in the metal can once it is opened and then just pour out a mason jar for the fridge to refill the table jar - if that makes any sense at all! It can get really moldy and there is just no sense in wasting good maple syrup! When you think of what you pay for the wee little grocery store containers, you're laughing!
I'm glad you are still enjoying my Maple Muffins recipe! We haven't had them for a few weeks since I seem to be on a pumpkin kick!
I really like your cart and I know the extra space will be handy when you get to that Christmas baking!
We have some very old specs too - in their original leather case - it's quite odd actually! I keep them at the front entry with some old books! They are relics from my Historian's side of the family - keepers all! We also have a collection of gold teeth, but I am not sure how to tastefully display them! They are huge and rather disgusting!
I am going to taste test a few new sweets recipes next week on an unsuspecting group of gals from our adult Sunday School class! I'll be sure to post the best ones!
I'm so glad you're back - I love to come here for a visit!
What nice treasures from your trip. I especially like the keys...I think they will look sweet on the tree. You have a nice hubby to surprise you with your kitchen cart, I like it. Enjoy ~ Linda
I like all your new special things! The maple muffins sound yummy, I've never had those before!
P.S. - Kelli, are you going to continue the Show and Tell along with the Thanksgiving feature?
Glad you're home safe. Did you go through the Finger Lakes? That's where we lived for several years. It is beautiful farm country...Lots of Menninites around so you can pretend your living 100 years ago!
I grew up in upstate NY near Buffalo, but south.
It is very pretty country. That is why we chose a place like TN to move to; I didn't want to give up the hills and views!
When we tell people here in Knoxville that we are from NY, they all assume we mean NYC! I tell them that I didn't even see a taxi till I was a teenager and that where we were from was more country than it is here!
It is so gorgeous in the fall in the Northeast. We get nice colors here but there the colors knock your socks off!!
Hello Kelli I have missed not seeing you or visiting you as I have ill for some time.
I love the treasures that you found while travelling..See I oviously am behind in your going ons!
Maple syrup from our Canadian maples are such a treat I have some on my cereal each morning!
I am having a ~old bag~....
(((((((GIVEAWAY) come on by and enter! hugs and miss you NG
Kelly thanks for sharing your finds with us all. An Ikea catalogue came with the morning paper and I was just looking at that cart a few minutes ago. Looks useful
What a sweet surprise to come home too!
Wonderful treasures! I'm glad you enjoyed New York.
Wow, you got some very nice things! I especially like the cart. (o:
Oh - I love the old keys and that is a great idea to use them as ornaments.
That cooking cart rocks!
You got an EXCELLENT deal on your maple syrup! Here in Vermont, it's well over $30. for a gallon of Grade A.
Enjoy it!
I just love vintage keys!
All of it beautiful.
Those glasses looks like a pair I have. That one belonged to my mothers grand father. It is old.
I love your kitchen cart! Ikea is a cool store, I just love going in there.
You have such an eye for finding the cutest things. I love how you have the glasses didplayed.
Neat stuff!
I like the idea of red ribbons on keys. IKEA...I love their stuff, but own nothing from there.
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