Monday, November 26, 2007


Thanksgiving has been over
at least a week or two,
but we're still all eating turkey,
turkey salad, turkey stew,
turkey puffs and turkey pudding,
turkey patties, turkey pies,
turkey bisque and turkey burgers,
turkey fritters, turkey fries.

For lunch our mother made us
turkey slices on a stick,
there'll be turkey tarts for supper,
all this turkey makes me sick.

For tomorrow she's preparing
turkey dumplings stuffed with peas,
oh I never thought I'd say this--
"Mother! No more turkey...PLEASE!"
-Jack Prelutsky, It's Thanksgiving, 1982


What is your favorite way to eat turkey leftovers? I like it sliced on a big roll with lots of mayo, salt and pepper!


Jen said...

I like Turkey Sandwiches...but I also like Turkey Casseroles too. Very cute post...we ate the rest of our Turkey yesterday.

Tracy said...

What a cute poem! I like turkey sandwiches too. Here's my favorite:

Take one low carb tortilla, and spread it with mayo. Place a few thin slices of baked ham from the deli on the mayo. Add leftover turkey, 3 slices of bacon, and a slice of provolone cheese. Microwave for 45 seconds. Yummy!!!

Anonymous said...


I eat my turkey on Thanksgiving Day on bread. It is the only way I like turkey. And I will eat it like that every day, twice a day, for a month and not complain.

But ... I make turkey soup every year, and I have a wonderful turkey casserole recipe too.

Our turkey was 22 pounds and we have only enough left right now for a pot of soup.

Cute post!

Amanda said...

Turkey Pot Pie! Definitely! :)

Unknown said...

leftovers? they don't exist with my bros in law!

Laurie said...

I like my leftover turkey like you, on a big ole' roll with lots of mayo. I am so glad we finished the last of ours yesterday!

Disney for Boys said...

Haha that is exactly how we are feeling right about now! My favorite is turkey pot pie!

Have a blessed week!!!

CONNIE W said...

Three ways: turkey pot pie; plain on a plate with cranberry salad on the side (dressing too if there's any left); and on a sandwich with a bit of mustard.

LBP said...

Turkey sandwiches! Hands down favorite. Lots of mayo and cranberry sauce, salt and pepper. YUM!

nancy said...

Sliced turkey, topped with leftover dressing and gravy, heated in the microwave. With cold cranberry relish on the side.I like to relive the actual meal, over and over, instead of making it into other things.

Karen said...

A gal after my own heart! Love turkey sandwiches! All time favorite leftover turkey recipe.
Of course, if you must reheat it, I like to make stew with dumplings. ;0)

Lynne said...

A turkey sandwich on buttered bread with a little salt. Then I usually make a big pot of turkey soup. Gobble gobble good!

Carole Burant said...

Lol at that poem! When I have leftover turkey, I love it as a toasted sandwich with lots of mayo or in a turkey pot pie...yummmmm! xox

TJ said...

Hmmmm... Can't beat a turkey sandwich, but I do love turkey rice soup. Mostly it's a lot of turkey and rice in broth (made from the carcass) That's what we just had for dinner tonight.

Yellow Rose Arbor said...

I love a sandwich with thin sliced turkey, a little mayo, lettuce, and cranberry sauce or relish.

We also make turkey soup with rice or noodles.


HsKubes said...

Such a funny poem! Thank you for sharing.

I like to chop it up in the food processer, mix it with mayo and chopped green peppers, then spread on bread. Yummy!
I, also, love to freeze my leftovers for future meals. It is so delicious cooked in an iron skillet with italian dressing mix, until shredded. Yum!
And, of course, the traditional turkey sandwich with lots of fresh tomato. Mmmm!

Enjoy your week ~

Kelly @ The Barefoot Mama said...

Mmm...I second turkey sandwiches with mayo...lots and lots of it! :o)

Tina Leigh said...

I had to work THanksgiving day & only got a small plate...OK 2 decent size plates of food from Danny's mama. THE POINT.....I aint got no left overs!!!! Wish I had some!!! That poem makes me think that mother is the "Bubba Gump" of turkey!! Fried turkey, turkey and potatoes..........HE HE!

Momma Roar said...

I sent leftovers of everything but the turkey home with my family! I'm going to be making turkey croquettes and freezing them. I hope to make them tomorrow, and then I'll post the recipe!

That sandwich is HUGE! hehee

Granny Annie said...

The only reason to cook a turkey is for the left overs. There is an art to a great turkey sandwich. Two slices of very, very fresh Rainbow thin white bread. Mayo on both slices with a tiny dab of brown mustard swirled in. Add fresh lettuce and onion slices to piled high white meat and a smidgen of dark meat. That's a "Life Is Good" sandwich.

Anonymous said...

Yep, sliced turkey with mayo, salt & pepper... except on plain old soft smooshy white bread ( Sunbeam preferably)

Heather Anne said...

Leave off the mayo (or I'll have an allergic reaction and swell up like a baloon, add some nice cranberry sauce - home cooked and NOT from a can (a travisty to be sure!) to your sandwich recipe and I'm right there with you! I like it simple!

I made my 'Wet Chicken' recipe into 'Wet turkey' and that is always popular around here - I posted the recipe on my blog!

I thought of you this morning as I put Maple Muffins in the oven - I'm hoping there is one left to enjoy with a cup of tea this afternoon!

Thank you for your kind encouragement Kelli!


Anonymous said...

My favorite is a turkey casserole.
A layer of Turkey on the bottom, A layer of cream soup, a layer of cheese, and a layer of stuffing on top.
Cheap, easy, and filling.

Anonymous said...

Turkey tetrazzini, yum. I can hardly wait until I have leftovers.

Myrna said...

Turkey sandwiches, for sure. I will eat those all year long. I especially like them wih tomato and lettuce with a little mayo--on wheat bread,

We have no leftover turkey since I didn't prepare a big turkey dinner thisyear. We will likely have leftovers after Christmas. I'm thinking turkey and ham for that day. I WILL be cooking then.

Trina said...

We finished the last of the Turkey Sunday night. I only make a Turkey breast . . . We just eat the white meat. Have a wonderful wee, God Bless!

Gena said...

That is a really cute poem. I also loved your Thanksgiving pictures - they were beautiful and it looks like you had a wonderful day.

My favorite way to eat leftover turkey is also in a sandwich - plain old white bread with lots of mayo, pepper and either tomatoes or leftover cranberry sauce. Delish!

Anita said...

Kelli, you won't believe it but I've NEVER EVER eaten any Turkey in my entire life!

It's of cause because we do not know Thanksgiving here and Turkeys are not for sale over here!

Hugs, Anita

Anonymous said...

LOL, I have also a lot of cooking turkey tips, but I really hate to do that:)