Welcome to “Show and Tell Friday!” Do you have something special to share with us? It could be a trinket from grade school, a piece of jewelry, or a treasured collection. Look around your home for something to share; dig through those boxes in your closet if you have to! Share photos and the story that goes with your special item.
I have a sweet friend named Gwen and we have exchanged handwritten letters for several years now. Last month we were in a tea towel/gift swap together and I would like to share the things that she send me.
Gwen made this darling gingerbread boy tea towel for me. He made himself right at home on my kitchen towel rack!
Isn't he cute with his rick-rack and button eyes?
She also sent me some beautiful greenery with a gingerbread boy sitting right in the middle. I set it up on my kitchen windowsill.
A little dish with two homemade knitted dishcloths.
Gwen recently learned how to make paper, so she gave me this very pretty card. She also attached a gingerbread cookie recipe, which I can't wait to try.
The gingerbread candle makes my kitchen smell just like Christmas!
As you can see Gwen is very creative and talented, and spoiled me with wonderful gifts. Thank you, Gwen!
Show and Tell Guidelines
What is Show and Tell Friday?
Show and Tell involves showing something to an audience, and then telling them about it. Your show and tell must be something that you own, and is in your home or garden.
What items work well for Show and Tell Friday?
Here are a few ideas to get you started:
-Family heirlooms
-A collection you may have
-A piece of jewelry
-A special gift
-Gardening pictures
What doesn't work well for Show and Tell Friday?
-Posts with no photos have no "Show." Please don't use them.
-Photos of events (trips, vacations, celebrations, etc.)
-Photos of things you are selling or planning to sell.
-Photos found on the internet, graphics or screenshots. Please use photos you take yourself.
-Old photos of just people instead of things.
There is no place like home is the original home of Show and Tell Friday. Please do not host your own.
How can I participate?
Once you've got your photo(s) and your story, it's easy as 1-2-3!
1 - Publish your "Show and Tell" on your blog, including a link back to There is No place like Home.
2 - Copy the link (or "permalink") from your post.
3 - Add it to Mr. Linky, along with your first name only. I usually put Mr. Linky up on Friday at 12:00am Eastern time.
You really racked up! Love it all. What a speial friend.
How absolutely adorable! It is all so cute. :o)
It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas (and smell like Christmas too) fun stuff.
I'm anonymous I guess....
ellen b
Wow,what nice gifts. All are very special indeed! Homemade paper, that is something to treasure! The tea towel is very Sweet. I can almost smell all the gingerbread. Your friend is very talented. :)
How do I get to be her friend too. Your gingerbread things are so cute.
What a darling towel! Great job, Gwen! (She really knows how to shower her friends! I know, as I was also a lucky to receive a "box" from her once!
I can almost smell the gingerbread!
I'm anonymous too......
Love the gingerbread towel and washcloths!
Thanks for hosting this Kelli, I really appreciate this very much!
How darling! I love gingerbread men. I have a small colletcion myself. The candle sounds like it smells weonderful too! How blessed are you to have such a dear friend!
Hugs, Sharon
Dear Kelli!
Those are gifts are really cute! And the little gingerbread boys look adorable!
Oh, I am really late, our house does not at all look like Christmas yet!
Have a great Friday, Kelli!
Hugs, Anita
all so cute. i wish i had some of my christmas stuff out so i could share it, but sadly, i don't yet.
next week should be different :]
what a fun gift.. I love that it is all themed. what a cleaver gal... and your a lucky one !!! Very sweet indeed !!!
What a lovely gesture from your friend!
Mine's posted. A new tea set I found last month...come by for a visit. I'd love having everyone stop by....
Happy Friday everyone.
Here's the permalink
oops....I'd love to have a hands on 'feel' of the real paper....wondering what the texture is. Interesting.
How special, Kelli! Gwen isn't just creative and talented, she's extremely thoughtful, as well. :o) I adore the gingerbread man tea towel...hmmm, new additions for Christmas gift extras swirling around in my head...haha!
What a lovely share today. It's so much fun browsing everyone's Show & Tells while sitting here with my coffee this morning. Cozy, cozy!
I love all the gifts that you received. You have a very talented friend. A very nice show and tell.
mmmm, I love gingerbread anything--they are so cute.
What a wonderful swap. I can smell the gingerbread from here :o)
Wow, what special gifts! Those Christmas dishcloths are fun! :)
Now those are just the cutest things! Very Christmas-y. ;0)
I love all your gingerbread things.
The handtowel is so cute.
What a delightful parcel to receive...the gingerbread theme is wonderful and that tea towel is adorable!! I know you will enjoy every item:-) xox
Wow! What a very nice exchange. And I love all the Gingerbread men. They are so fun at Christmas time.
Enjoy your sweet decorations!
How cool!!! What a great friend!
Thanks for shaing, Kelly.
What a wonderful, wonderful gift you received from Gwen. She is not only talented but thoughtful.
Golden hands! Lovely.
What a darling little gingerbread man towel! Gwen spoiled you good!
I also have a question--when I posted my link for the Show & Tell friday how come my name came up so big and with a smiley face next to it? I didn't do anything special--just typed my name and didn't even put a :) next to it. Oh well it's sorta cute. Thank you too for the great hostessing job you do for all of us!
Cathy :)
Your kitchen windowsill looks beautiful!
So ok I just have to rant a little...what's up with this new blogger feature with nickname instead of a place to put a url from other blog hosts? It's so frustrating if you don't use blogger...just saying.
Love it! Gwen is definitely talented and a special friend. I love this time of year.
All of your things are so cute! I love the gingerbread towel!
yeah Christmas stuff.I love it.This is my favorite time of year. Blog reading will be extra special to read this coming month. Stop by at my blog and check it out ,it will will be very festive till after New Years.
Here is my blog
I Posted about my Christmas village I made! Love the gingerbread boy things- to cute!
What Time and effort she was willing to spend on you! That in itself is priceless.
Such a friendly man, the candle sound interesting too.
(Does every one have a smiley face?)
Yikes! Can it already by Friday?? Must be 'cause it's show-n-tell! ;o)
Love the Gingerbread items, and the dishcloths are wonderful!!
A tea towel exchange is a fun idea. Most of my friends don't do all the crafty stuff I do. You are blessed to have Gwen, an d many others who send you such lovely gifts all the time.
This is my first time attempting anything like this (newbie blogger, I'm afraid!) I hope I am doing this right!
Thanks so much for being "hostess":-)
hmm...are your gingerbreads eatables? cause i likes gingerbread cookies!
My show and tell is kind of different this week. I hope it's okay.
Oh, Kelli, I am so honored that you would post the items I sent you to your blog!! It was so much fun working on that package for you. By the way, I got a darling gingerbread man tea towel in exchange from Kelli. Since I don't have a blog, maybe Kelli would post a photo here for you all to see. She does beautiful work!! Thanks Kelli - you are a sweetie!! Love, Gwen
I love your gingerbread gifts. How sweet. Gwen certainly put together a great gift!
My show and Tell is up. this is the first one in a while for me. Glad to be back!
Gah. Guess I should read more than just your show and tell. I reread your post and saw the requirements. I guess I don't meet them. Um. I was going to delete my entry into Mr. Linky, but I can't figure out how to do it.
Sorry for being such a pest.
All the gingerbread gifts are so pretty!
For some reason, Blogger is signing me in as "Anonymous". It's really me, Becky, from Mrs. B's Cottage.
Have a wonderful day!
Such cute things! I love gingerbread men (and women!) in the kitchen for Christmas.
Thanks for sharing, Kelli. I love the gingerbread men. What nice gifts to receive.
Have a wonderful festive season..
I have participated in show & tell 3 x's now. Can I tell you how wonderful the participants are? I have had some extremely nice comments on my blog site. Thanks for hosting it. It's so much fun to see everyone's treasures and also to share mine.
I wasn't able to do a S&T this week -- I didn't get done with a project for our ladies' group til dinner time, so I figured I'd just wait til next week. But I wanted to come by and see others' entires. I love the gingerbread man motif!
Wow, your friend is so talented! She has really blessed you with some adorable and wonderful gifts!!
What thoughtful, precious gifts! You will remember her thoughtfulness for years to come! You displayed everything so nicely - quite complimentry to your home and style! Enjoy!
Cute little guy! What a sweet friend.
Gingerbread love! What a cute combination of goodies! I know you must have been thrilled with them!
I love your gifts. The gingerbread man towel was my favorite. I bet the candle smells soooo good!
Have a great weekend.
I added myself to the list a while back but don't see my name so I am adding again. Maybe double check to be sure I am not on twice somewhere.
I love gingerbread men. They are just about the cutest for Christmas ornaments!
I know I'm to late to join the contest... but it's fun to read all the other Thanksgiving stories. God is so good!
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